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The 8 foods to blame for your puffy face and bloated belly – and the simple swaps to lose inches

EVER woken up feeling bloated in the tummy, puffy under the eyes and just generally, well, like a watery balloon?

It can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to lose weight and you’re in a calorie deficit, yet puffiness is hiding your results. 

Many of us suffer from a puffy face and bloated stomach – and it could be down to what we eat[/caption]

Andy Daly, nutritionist at Dr David Jack, says there are various factors which can cause this swollen, inflated look. 

“A puffy face or facial bloating is often caused by water retention, inflammation, or dietary factors,” she says. 

As for a puffy, bloated belly, Andy notes that dietary choices, food intolerances, and digestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can be to blame.

Feeling puffy in your arms and legs? If you’ve had a night on the booze, then this could be to blame. 

“Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production and leads to dehydration,” says Andy. 

“In response to dehydration, the body tries to retain as much water as possible, leading to puffiness, especially in areas like the face and extremities.

“This fluid retention can cause a swollen appearance, especially the morning after consuming alcohol.”

Want to cut down on the puffiness? Take note of these foods and opt for their alternatives instead…

1. Crisps 

Salty foods like crisps can cause puffiness, so why not try unsalted nuts?

Salty foods such as crisps, chips, processed meats and canned soups can be a puffy problem. 

“High sodium intake leads to water retention, as the body holds onto water to dilute the excess salt,” says Andy.

“This can cause swelling in many parts of the body, including the face.”

Make the swap

“Opt for low-sodium or no-salt-added versions of these foods,” suggests Andy.

“Fresh vegetables, fruits, and unsalted nuts are good alternatives.

“Using herbs and spices to flavour food instead of salt can reduce sodium intake.”

As well as this, aim to include potassium-rich foods into your diet.

Try bananas, spinach, and sweet potatoes, which can help balance sodium levels and reduce water retention.

2. Sweets and cakes 

Puffiness can also come from eating sugar-filled snacks, so choose fruit instead

If you’ve been indulging in sweets, fizzy drinks, processed fruit juices and baked goods (to name just a few) then you might be facing the wrath of a puffy face. 

Andy explains that a high sugar intake can cause insulin spikes, leading to water retention. 

“Sugar also promotes inflammation, which can cause puffiness,” she adds.

Make the swap

Replace sugary snacks with low GI fruits, such as berries, which provide natural sweetness along with fibre and nutrients. 

Low GI foods cause less of a blood sugar spike. 

“Drinking water or herbal teas instead of sugary drinks can also help reduce facial puffiness,” says Andy. 

3. White pasta 

Another great swap is white pasta for brown rice

Although they’re delicious, refined carbs such as white bread, white rice, pastries, cakes and pasta might not be doing your face any favours. 

“Refined carbs can cause blood sugar spikes, leading to water retention and inflammation,” says Andy.

Make the swap

Choose whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole grain pasta.

“These options have more fibre and nutrients, which help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of water retention,” says Andy.

Reduce the puff, fast

Woken up feeling watery? Andy suggests applying a cold compress or an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the puffy areas for 10 to 15 minutes.

You could even place cucumber slices or cooled tea bags over your eyes for 10 minutes. 

“Cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties, and tea bags contain tannins that can reduce swelling,” says Andy.

She also suggests a face massage. 

“Use your fingers to gently massage the puffy areas, moving in circular motions or using a jade roller,” Andy says.

“This can help improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, reducing fluid buildup and puffiness.”

Stay hydrated too and drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out excess sodium. 

If you know you’ve had an evening of puff-inducing foods, then aim to sleep on your back with your head raised using an extra pillow. 

“This helps prevent fluid from accumulating in the face overnight and can reduce morning puffiness,” adds Andy. 

4. Alcohol

Clear spirits like gin and vodka can be better than red wine, beer and dark spirits

Beer, red wine, cocktails and dark spirits, such as whiskey, brandy and rum, are the worst culprits here. 

“Beer is high in carbohydrates and often contains gluten, leading to bloating and puffiness, whilst cocktails and mixed drinks contain added sugars, which contribute to insulin spikes and water retention, leading to increased puffiness,” says Andy.

“Dark spirits contain high levels of impurities, formed during fermentation and ageing, which can increase the severity of hangovers and related puffiness, and red wine has high histamine levels that can lead to inflammation and swelling.”

Alcohol dehydrates the body, prompting it to retain water, leading to a puffy face, arms and legs.

“Alcohol can also trigger inflammation in the body, as it can be toxic to tissues and organs, especially the liver,” warns Andy.

“This inflammatory response can lead to swelling and puffiness.

“Chronic inflammation from regular alcohol consumption can lead to more persistent swelling and other health issues.”

Make the swap

Limit alcohol intake and drink water alongside alcoholic drinks to stay hydrated.

Opting for non-alcoholic drinks or ‘mocktails‘ can also help prevent puffiness, Andy says.

If you are drinking alcohol, clear spirits such as vodka, gin and white rum may be better options to help avoid puffiness.

Andy recommends using sparkling water or fresh citrus juice instead of sugary mixers and syrups too,

5. Milk and cheese

Milk, cheese and yoghurt can cause puffiness, but hard cheeses can be slightly better

Milk, cheese, yoghurt and ice cream may be causing you some issues in the puffiness department. 

“Some people have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar in milk, which can lead to bloating and inflammation,” says Andy.

“Dairy can also increase mucus production, contributing to a puffy appearance.”

Make the swap

Give lactose-free dairy products a try or plant-based alternatives like almond milk, soy milk, or coconut yoghurt.

These may be easier to digest and could cause less bloating, according to Andy.

If you think dairy might be behind your belly bloat, opt for hard cheeses and yoghurt with live cultures which you may be able to tolerate better as they contain less lactose. 

6. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli can be problematic, so give bell peppers a go instead

Ever found yourself struggling with belly bloat after tucking into broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, or Brussels sprouts?

According to Andy, these contain raffinose, a complex sugar that is hard to digest and can cause gas and bloating.

“This is especially true for people with IBS or SIBO,” she adds.

“When certain bacteria ferment these foods, they release gases such as methane, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide.”

Make the swap

Swerve the bloating veg and opt for less gas-producing vegetables.

Why not try spinach, courgette or bell peppers, Andy asks.

Best abs exercises to get in shape for summer hols

AGONISING sit ups aren’t the only way to blast belly fat.

London-based personal trainer Will Duru shared five exercises to get a trimmer tummy this summer.

1. Knee tucks

Lie on your back and place your hands in a V shape at the bottom of your spine for support.

Lift your legs off the ground and bend them in towards your chest, before extending them out in front of you.

Do four sets of these, with 20 reps in each.

2. Plank side-to-side twist

Get into a plank position, resting on your forearms with your body in a straight line.

Twist from one side to the other, dipping your hips.

Do four sets of 20 reps.

3. Mountain climbers

Start in a plank position, weight resting on your palms and making sure your bum isn’t sticking up.

Alternate bringing one knee into your chest and back out again.

You can do these slowly with control, or speed up to a ‘running’ pace.

Do four sets, 40 seconds each.

4. Toe touches

Lie on your back and extend your legs at a 45 degree angle in front of you.

Extend your arms towards your toes and curl your torso off the floor, engaging your core to do this.

Repeat the movement 20 times. Do four sets in total.

5. Butterfly sit ups

Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet together so your legs are ‘butterflying’ out.

Stretch your arms above your head, resting them on the floor, or out in front of your chest.

Sit all the way up, bracing your core, and bring your hands as close to your feet as possible, before curling back into the floor.

Do four sets of 10.

Watch Will demonstrate how to do the exercises here

7. Hummus and beans

Lentils can cause less gas and bloating than beans and chickpeas

Beans, chickpeas, and other legumes contain high amounts of fibre and oligosaccharides.

These are fermented by gut bacteria which can lead to gas and bloating in the belly, Andy warns.

Make the swap

“Soaking legumes overnight and thoroughly cooking them can reduce their bloating potential,” advises Andy.

“For a less bloating-prone alternative, try lentils and mung beans, which are generally easier to digest.”

8. Fermented foods high in histamine

Fermented foods like kimchi can cause bloating, but fresh fruit and veg like tomatoes is less likely to

Often, the gut-loving foods we’re told to eat might actually be causing some problems with regards to tummy bloating and puffiness.

“Foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, yoghurt, and certain cheeses are high in histamine,” says Andy.

“People with histamine intolerance lack sufficient levels of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO), leading to histamine build-up, which can cause bloating, headaches, and other symptoms.”

Make the swap

Think histamine-rich foods might be causing you issues?

It’s worth tracking your food for a few weeks and noting what is causing any puffiness or bloating. 

Then, Andy suggests opting for fresh, non-fermented foods that are typically lower in histamine. 

“Fresh fruits and vegetables (except for those high in histamine like tomatoes and spinach), fresh meats, and gluten-free grains are safer choices,” she says.

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