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What If? Biden Edition

The presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was the shock that was felt around the world. The reverberations are still causing tremors. This cataclysmic political event, the blank-stared stupor of a dementia patient broadcast to over 51 million Americans and millions more across the Atlantic, astonished even the most cynical of political observers.

The bitter partisans in the media universally shielded their eyes and shrunk back in horror either because they were shaken and awed (they were not) or because they knew their credibility was now completely destroyed (it already was) or because their handlers in the deep state apparatus sent the word that Joe Biden must go down. No matter the reason, even these clapping monkeys couldn’t credibly tell Americans to deny their lying eyes. The gaslighting has begun again with renewed passion.

For July 4 giggles and grins, I thought it might be fun to game out some “What Ifs” because this situation is unprecedented in American history. The actors making up the factions in this tableau are some of the most risible creatures walking the planet. Like all good totalitarians, for whom power isn’t just everything, it’s the only thing, the Democrats are locked into a vicious battle behind the scenes, with some metaphorical blood being spilled publicly. (See Scott McKay’s great post on the topic.) Often, these vicious imbeciles become literally violent. The joke about the Clinton associates un-aliving themselves over the years is nervous-laughter funny because murder isn’t implausible with these power-grasping gluttons. It’s the end result of their ideology.

So let’s run some scenarios, shall we? The Democrats face a myriad of bad choices, and all of them portend real danger for them. More importantly, we live in the hell hole they’ve created and we suffer the consequences of whatever they decide.

What if … Biden Stays?

Today, to answer rumors of him stepping down, President Biden said, “Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running … no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.” That’s pretty definitive.

There are good reasons for Biden to stay. First, it delays legal exposure of his criminal enterprise. His most trusted adviser, Hunter Biden, who is now present for all White House meetings, including ones he’s not even invited to, has a lot to lose if dad isn’t president. Currently, President Trump has said that he would not prosecute any of the Biden kin. There are reasons to believe this is true. He left Hillary Clinton alone when there was a clear case to prosecute.

Another reason to stay is that the tainted Democrat brand ship goes down with him and him alone. That is, the Democrats can regroup and come back in four years with a stronger candidate and dismiss Biden as Carter 2.0 and relegate him to the rocking chair. In this way, Democrat operatives and voters can salve their own consciences (yes, I know, that’s a big presumption) that it was the man not the policy that sent Democrats to their demise.

The risks to this strategy are manifold. Chief among them: a total electoral wipeout. The polls are unkind to Biden, and the internal polling must be worse because there is general panic amongst the normally cool, calculating, and vote harvesting-organizing criminals who run the Democrat grassroots and organizing apparatus. Biden could lose Democrats not only the White House but defenestrate Democrats downballot. Could a 58-seat Republican majority in the Senate be in the offing? Could total Republican control be possible? This idea is sending shivers down the spines of every other elected Democrat.

If Biden is 100 percent committed to staying in as he seems to be today, he better have damn good soup testers, and he better trust his dope dealers because he’s on death’s door, and no one would be surprised if the stress of the situation caused him a “stroke.”

Conversely, those in Biden’s orbit, should he be committed to staying, better watch out. This man is mean and always has been. Kamala Harris has been floating her lead balloon over the voters and induced more body-crippling cringe than her boss did during the debate. How is this level of cringe even possible? (See below.) Anyway, she’s been showing signs of avarice and ambition, and she’s a terrible candidate. Biden could swap her out for someone more likable as veep. Expect him to punish those he feels are disloyal.

Since Americans are disloyal to Biden, you all better watch out, too. Democrats bomb things and start wars when they’re perceived as weak. Expect bombs to be dropped somewhere. In the past, that might have helped Democrats, but Americans have had it up to their eyeballs with Biden’s foreign adventurism. Rage against him could grow. And even more alarm.

A cornered Democrat is dangerous. America, and the world, is in grave danger.

What if … Biden drops out and gives the $160 million to Kamala Harris?

Just writing that is laughable. The idea of the Biden clan letting $160 million campaign dollars out of their meaty paws is almost impossible to fathom, but work with me here.

There are benefits to this play. First, if Kamala Harris loses (she would, she’s terrible), that would take out the second-worst politician on the Democrat side and clear the field of two terrible candidates.

Democrats are going to have to contend with her spine-tingling hyena-like bark as the “leader of the Democrat Party” as the Drudge headline blares today. If Biden stays on and then loses, Kamala is instantly the front-runner. No one likes her, but she possesses two key characteristics that will make the Democrat base (aka single women) happy: she is partially black and she’s female.

Another benefit to Biden if Kamala is the candidate and loses: It makes him look better. Hey, he was just giving the party what they wanted. They thought she had a better chance. They were wrong. Biden and his supporters can all pretend that he was the stronger candidate. It gives everyone a way to save face.

Finally, it gives Democrats fuel for their Antifa and BLM rage: See, America is still racist and sexist (is that still a thing with transgenders? Oh, never mind, we’re in fantasy land anyway here) and deserves to be destroyed. The problem with this play is that it feels played out. The ante would have to be raised. It will be anyway, if Biden loses, but it would be of a magnitude worse if the psychotic women that make up the Dem party cut loose from their moorings.

What if … Biden dies before the election?

There will be a state funeral, lots of pretend weeping and gnashing of teeth, and calls for emergency fixes. Kamala becomes the top of the ticket, see above.

What if … Biden’s Cabinet initiates Article 25?

Well, now that would be a doozy. The Republicans are already drafting Article 25 paperwork and Chip Roy (R–TX) put forth the resolution with the support of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. Will the Biden Cabinet be convened? Let’s defer to Scott McKay on this:

Will the Biden cabinet depose their president? No.

They won’t do it over the Fourth of July holiday, they won’t do it next week, they won’t do it this month. They won’t do it. (READ MORE: Biden Voters Get the Red Pill)

You will not get anywhere asking Jennifer Granholm, Pete Buttigieg, Alejandro Mayorkas, Lloyd Austin, Antony Blinken, Xavier Becerra, and the rest of Biden’s collection of otherwise unwanted accomplices to depose the man who made them cabinet secretaries. In truth, these people have been central to maintaining the fraud of Biden’s mental competence for the last four years. For them to turn on Biden now is not going to be in their interests.

The Republicans should continue to push this because it is the right thing to do. President Joe Biden does not have the capacity to preside. No one elected Jill Biden president. Her sing-song grade school teacher “Who’s a good boy?” routine with her husband was painful to watch. “You answered all the questions!!” she enthused like she was talking to a toddler who made it to the bathroom in time.

If ever Article 25 was necessary, it is now. It won’t happen.

What if … there’s a brokered convention?

How strongly do I believe this is a possibility? Strongly enough to encourage our young writer Ellie Gardey Holmes to write a book about Gavin Newsom a year ago. Read about Newsom here, here, and here. Buy Ellie’s book here.

The Democrats will have an interesting convention. Their candidate will not be the candidate until the delegates and superdelegates vote for their candidate. Could delegates throw their votes to other candidates? Yes.

What would happen, for example, if California delegates decide to throw their votes toward Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom? What if the word goes out that Biden is toast, President Obama doesn’t want him, and the convention is going to be, in a sense, an open primary?

Charles Pierce over at Esquire dismisses it out of hand and says this:

The Brokered Convention is a glorious fantasy for people who cover politics and know absolutely nothing about political history. The 1924 Democratic convention in New York, to name just one example that’s been bandied about recently, was a four-star political calamity. It took the party 103 ballots to nominate a faceless lawyer named John W. Davis, largely because William McAdoo, a prohibitionist backed by the revived Ku Klux Klan, and New York governor Al Smith, the Catholic and a “wet,” couldn’t get out of each other’s way. Thus did Calvin Coolidge win his own full term as president. Imagine all that with social media and television. On second thought, don’t.

The president is the candidate if he wants to be. If not, Vice President Harris is. All else is chaos. Don’t believe, no, don’t believe, don’t believe everything you hear…

This makes sense, but there are a couple things to consider. First, Barack Obama, not Joe Biden, runs the Democrat Party. Two, no one likes Kamala Harris, even most black people. Now, black women might like her more than Trump, but that’s not saying much. These 6 percent of Democrat voters form a rock-solid base, but could they be made up by people switching away from Trump if a truly viable candidate appeared? More importantly, could vote harvesting be more plausible with a better candidate because the polling would be within the margin of error? Yes.

The other thing to consider is that the Democrats are more monolithic than ever. They would have learned their lessons from that New York historical debacle and engineer one or two candidates to replace Biden. Who could that be?

  1. Gretchen Whitmer: She helps secure a Michigan win (she has a strong machine there). She’s female. She pretends to be moderate. She’s not old. Downsides: COVID policy. Name recognition.
  2. Gavin Newsom: He’s handsome. Vacuous in the way women love. He’s slick. He can raise money. He’s already been doing the presidential tour and also been overseas.

If one of these candidates becomes the nominee, even if they lose, they win. Their loss can be ascribed to the last-minute nature of the nomination or political division. They also gain name recognition and elbow out Kamala as the presumed Democrat frontrunner.

In addition, the convention becomes a way for frustrated Democrat factions to air their grievances, and more importantly, do something about them.

Could the powers in the Democrat Party make this happen? I think so.

Could Democrats potentially win against Trump doing this? I think this, too, is possible. President Trump has a vote-getting ceiling. The 20 percent of the GOP primary voters who wanted someone, anyone, other than Trump may be amenable to voting for a slick young Democrat who would promise them sweet things.

Democrat voters and Never Trumpers (but I repeat myself) yearn for someone “cool” to vote for. This is about vanity. They put their credibility on the line for Biden, and they have been utterly humiliated. (Though their shamelessness seems to be a bottomless well.) Some of these folks, including Jen Rubin, have preposterously defended Biden even after the debate disaster. But these fickle pickles would jump at an opportunity to save face. A brokered convention lets them do this.


Don’t bet that the final word has been given on Joe Biden’s political future. Totalitarians are a sinister and malevolent bunch. They crave power, yearn for it, and their whole being is bent on having it. The idea of four years of Trump is unfathomable. Unconscionable! Expect blood to be spilt — both the metaphorical, and even the literal, kind, before this is all over. A Trump presidency is in the offing. A weak, injured Biden is cornered. Anything is possible.

The post What If? Biden Edition appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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