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How to keep your pets cool and healthy during the summer

How to keep your pets cool and healthy during the summer

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – During the hot summer months, many people flock to the outdoors, often taking their furry friends.

The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine is offering tips about pet summer safety.


Ticks, fleas, and other external parasites are a top concern for veterinarians, especially during the summer. Diseases spread by ticks are increasing across Ohio in both people and pets, according to data from the Ohio Department of Health.

So, what’s the best way to protect your four-legged friends?

“Ticks carry a number of infectious diseases that can actually make our pets really sick and so it's really important for us to administer those preventive medications just to keep our pets healthy,” Dr. Laurie Millward, assistant professor of clinical pathology at Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine, said.

“Preventative medications include both external parasite prevention as well as heartworm prevention,” she added. “Heartworm disease is actually spread through the bite of a mosquito so we need to make sure that our pets are protected from all of those parasites.”

Millward said preventative measures are the best way to protect against parasites and should be given all year round.

Other steps to protect your pets is:

  • Avoid grassy areas where ticks may live
  • Use insect repellents
  • Always check your pets for ticks; if you see them, remove them immediately.


Fireworks can be a fun summer activity for humans but can put a lot of stress on pets.

In fact, according to the American Kennel Club, more pets go missing during July 4th celebrations than any other time of the year.

“One of the most important things is to make sure that your pet's microchipped,” Millward said.

It’s a tiny device under your pet’s skin, but it’s crucial.

“When we are taking care of stray animals, one of the first things we do is scan them for a microchip, and we use a microchip reader,” Millward said. “And so your vet or a shelter will scan the pet and it beeps. And then a number that's associated with your pet's microchip will come up.”

Which is why it’s important to make sure you as a pet owner are keeping your information associated with that microchip number updated online.

Other ways to prepare for firework celebrations:

  • Using white noise like a fan in the background to help soften the boom.
  • Keep pets inside during the evening starting about a week before the Fourth. If they need to use the bathroom, she says walk with them on a leash even if it’s in your backyard. This should help them feel less fearful.
  • Doing a perimeter scan of your yard is also important as pets find all kinds of ways to escape when they’re scared.
  • In more serious situations, anti-anxiety medications are an option for fireworks and thunderstorms; Millward suggests working with your veterinarian to develop a plan.


High pollen counts during these warm months can drive allergy sufferers a little crazy but it’s important to remember it’s not just you suffering. Sometimes the pollen impacts your pets too.

Millward gives us some tips on how you can help provide relief.

“Signs could be itchy ears, licking of the paws, incessant itching or even skin infections,” she said. “So if you're noticing that happen, definitely make an appointment with your veterinarian and have them look at it and talk to them.”

Just like with humans, there are some options to help your pets who suffer with allergies.

“There is some medications that we can give that actually reduce those symptoms of itchiness,” Millward said.

Whether it’s over-the-counter or a prescription option, Millward suggests having a quick conversation with your veterinarian to help curb the symptoms.


If you watch NBC4 Today and you see the dog walk forecast each morning,  you’ve probably heard about the importance of checking the pavement to make sure it’s not too hot for dog paws.

With direct sunlight, pavement can get much hotter than the air outside. Put your hand on the pavement for five seconds and if it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for dog paws. That’s a big one with heat during the summer.

In addition to hot pavement, the length of your dog walks might be a lot different during the summer months.

“If you're noticing that your pet is tired or if they're panting more, then that might mean that you need to shorten your walk interval,” Millward said.

Part of that is going to depend on your pet’s health or breed.

“If your pet is overweight or if they have a heavier fur coat or even if they're larger breeds, they can have a limited stamina out in hotter weather,” Millward said.

Just like for humans, hydration is key for pets, so make sure they have access to water shortly after their walks or even during the walks – if possible, carry a portable water device with you.

If you notice your pet doesn’t seem to be recovering from a hot walk, they might be experiencing heat stroke.

“If you bring the pet inside and you're noticing that they're restless, it seems like they're having trouble catching their breath,” Millward said as a sign of trouble. “If you see bright red gums or tongue or just overall fatigue in general, sometimes vomiting can happen as well.” If that's the case, Millward suggests heading to your veterinarian.

Another reminder: never leave your pet in a hot car.


Summer is the season of barbecues and cookouts, which are a lot of fun for us people, but pet owners need to be hypervigilant during those times about what our pets can get to.

“It's really important that we limit the amount of people food that our pets have access to, especially the greasy foods,” Millward said.

That includes foods like hamburgers, hot dogs, and French fries.

“Those can cause GI upset, but it can also cause more serious concerns like pancreatitis,” Millward said.

It’s not just the greasy foods. There are others that can cause an upset stomach, or even problems with the kidneys and liver.

“Foods like chocolate, those are very toxic to dogs, and grapes are another thing that we should not give to our animals,” Millward said. “Onions are another thing.”

And while alcoholic beverages may be popular for people, keep them away from pets.

“Some dogs really love beer and so we need to keep them away from alcoholic beverages because they have a number of bad health effects on our pets -- can damage their liver, especially if they're on other medications,” Millward said.

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