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Woman eaten by 30ft python as horrified husband discovers massive snake with ‘her legs sticking out of its mouth’

A MOTHER has been horrifically killed by a monster 30ft python in the Indonesian jungle – with her husband finding her head-first in its mouth.

The victim Siriati, 30, was visiting her brother to go to the market together in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, on Tuesday morning.

The victims husband found her being eaten head-first by the beast[/caption]
The snake was measured to be a whopping 30ft

But the beast reptile brutally pounced on the mum-of-five while she was innocently walking alone through trees.

It reportedly coiled around the housewife’s body and crushed her to death before beginning to swallow her.

Her husband, Adiansya, 30, found her being eaten head-first by the snake as her legs sticked out the beasts mouth.

He killed the deadly snake and attempted to save his wife, but she was already deceased.

The widower initially became worried about his wife when her brother called to say she had not arrived.

He then walked the same route she had taken and tragically found her sandals laying on the grass before seeing her being eaten.

Locals raised the alarm and Siriati’s body was recovered and taken home before being buried the next morning in the village of Siteba.

Iyang, the Village Secretary of Siteba, said the python killed the mother at around 7:30AM local time.

He said: “The victim wanted to go out to buy her child’s medicine. Her youngest son is three years old. She was visiting her brother and had to go through the forest first.

“Her brother waited for a long time, but the victim didn’t come. That’s why her brother called the victim’s husband. The husband said that Suriati had been gone since early morning.

“‘So the husband went looking for his wife,

“He suspected that they had been eaten by a snake because there were snake tracks there. This snake more or less dragged the victim five metres from the location.”

Walenrang Police Chief, Adjunct Police Commissioner Idul, said that Siriati’s body was found intact.

He commented: “The condition of the body was intact but perhaps the bones had been crushed. The body is already at the funeral home for a religious ceremony.”

Idul added that there was a wound on the victim’s leg which was suspected to be a snake bite.

He said: “We think it was a snake bite. After being bitten, it immediately wrapped itself around the leg and finally paralysed the victim.”

A similar attack happened last month when a mother was eaten alive near her home in the village of Kalempang, Indonesia.

Locals were forced to cut open the python’s stomach to find Farida, 50, who disappeared two days ago while she was on her way to a local market near her home in, Indonesia.

Farida’s husband Noni, 55, became worried she had not returned home and alerted other people who then began searching for the mother of four.

After scouring the local areas, they found a mammoth 20ft long python with a large bulge in its stomach.

Suspecting the worst, the devastated husband and several other locals sliced through the thick skin with a machete.

Tragically, Farida’s remains were found inside the snake’s stomach covered in slime.

Indonesia is an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands.

Pythons thrive in the lush jungle where they have a rich food supply – helping them to reach deadly sizes capable of eating people.

Limited urban development has allowed the population to grow unrestricted.

A similar attack happened last month where a mother named Farida was eaten alive by a python[/caption]
Siriati’s husband attempted to save her but she had already died[/caption]
The housewife was brutally attacked, dragged and killed by the python[/caption]
Locals raised the alarm of the tragedy and Siriati’s body was recovered and taken home[/caption]
Last month another woman was killed by a python[/caption]

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