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Questions about whether Biden gets 'juiced' for debate off-limits

Joe Biden delivers remarks on the soul of the nation, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, at Independence Square in Philadelphia. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

Joe Biden delivers remarks on the soul of the nation, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, at Independence Square in Philadelphia. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

Joe Biden sometimes is lethargic, slow, even inattentive when participating in an event or answering questions.

Sometimes he's fiery, angry, shouting constantly, spitting out words so fast they turn into a word salad, as during his recent State of the Union.

And that's a contrast that has prompted at least one forensic psychiatrist, Carole Lieberman, to suspect amphetamines, uppers.

"If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine," she explained.

Biden similarly was aggressive, hot, shouting, and demanding, in an address in Philadelphia last year.

But other times he's seen wandering around, trying to find a way off a stage. Barack Obama recently had to guide him to an exit. At times he's been seen standing still, literally without a movement, on stage.

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But questions about whether Biden is using helps during this week's debate with President Donald Trump will remain unanswered, as his campaign has refused calls from Trump for both candidates to be tested.

It was Biden spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod who stumbled when asked about the test.

"I mean, I don’t even really know what to say about that. I worked on Hillary Clinton’s campaign, you know, she also debated him very effectively. He accused her of being on drugs."

Biden campaign official Mitch Landrieu said, in an interview, "Trump’s going to talk trash like that all the time because that’s what he does. The other day, you may remember, he was trying to question our president’s mental acuity, and he could not remember the name of his own doctor, so tell President Trump, bring whatever he’s got — President Biden will be standing there, ready for him."

In fact, Biden's declining acuity already has been confirmed by a federal special counsel who looked into allegations Biden kept government papers from his time as senator and vice president to Barack Obama.

The conclusion was that he did, but no charges were recommended because of Biden's "diminished" capacity, in which he did not even remember when he was vice president.

The concerns have been made public by multiple sources. Former White House physician Rep. Ronny Jackson has called for a drug test for Biden.

He had served in White House operations run by both Obama and Trump.

He said just days ago he was requesting that Biden submit to cognitive and drug tests.

He, too, cited the State of the Union, pointing out there is "surely no way to explain that other than he was on something."

Jackson even suggested Biden might be concealed at Camp David this week, getting ready for the debate so that documents can be "getting the doses just right."

Trump has volunteered to take a drug test, too, along with Biden.


Raw Story speculated that Mountain Dew, "the famously sugary and highly caffeinated soft drink," might be used to "cure purported dementia?"

The report said, "That seems to be the hypothesis of Rep. Erick Burlison (R-MO), who appeared on Fox Business on Tuesday to speculate about the kinds of 'drugs' that President Joe Biden will supposedly take to improve his debate performance against former President Donald Trump on Thursday."

Burlison said, "Any elderly individual, or someone who has dementia, they can find some moments of clarity, right? They can find moments throughout the day that they have energy. ... I think Trump's team should not underestimate Joe Biden and his team's ability to, you know, whether they're going to jack him up on Mountain Dew or whatever it is, look, the State of the Union this year, he had a lot of energy for about an hour, an hour and a half."

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