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7 of the grossest world records involving food, insect consumption

World records aren't all about athletic ability or the lengthiest lives — and they can get very strange and even a bit wacky.

Many world records are quite random and winners maintain their No. 1 position for many years, with very few attempting to challenge the record holder. 

There are numerous strange world records that surround food. 


Mayonnaise, peppers, a popular Easter treat and even inedible living things have all been part of bizarre world records.

Read on to see some of them. 

Donald Gorske holds the record for the most Big Mac burgers eaten in a lifetime. 

Gorske from the United States has eaten a grand total of 34,128 Big Macs in his life. 


"What makes me a Big Mac enthusiast is the hamburger. I knew I wanted to eat my favorite food, hamburger, every day. The best hamburger sandwich ever made was the Big Mac so that is what I wanted to eat every day," said Gorske, per Guinness World Records. 

"The main reason I stayed with this pursuit for so many years is that Big Macs are still my favorite food and I look forward to eating them every day."

Gorske's advice for someone who wants to challenge him? "Don't." 

"The advice I’d give someone who would like to challenge my record title is ‘don’t.’ I’ll be dead before you could even challenge it. I’m blessed with a high metabolism and good health, which allow me to eat Big Macs without gaining a lot of weight," Gorske said per the source. 

"I might be the only person alive who could eat Big Macs every day without ill effects."

In 2002, Takeru Kobayashi ate 57 cow brains. 

He accomplished the feat in a total of 15 minutes, according to Major League eating. 

That's an average of almost four cow brains per minute.

Ken Edwards of Glossop, Derbyshire, England holds the record for most live cockroaches eaten in one minute. 

How many did Edwards eat for the record? - 36 Madagascan cockroaches. 

In 2001, Edwards ate the cockroaches in just 60 seconds. 

Some like it hot and the Carolina Reaper is one of the hottest peppers of them all. 

Mike Jack of Canada ate 50 of the peppers in Sept. 2023 in 6 minutes and 49.2 seconds. 


After he ate the 50 peppers to break the record, he went on to eat 85 more, according to The Guardian, giving him a grand total of 135 peppers. 


"The first pepper is the worst," Jack told Guinness after setting the record. "The initial shock of spiciness is intense. The second one doesn’t seem as bad, but each one after that gets hotter and hotter as the peppers touch new places in your mouth."

This is not the only Guinness World Record held by Jack. 

He also holds the record for the fastest time to drink a bottle of hot sauce at 8.56 seconds, fastest time to drink one liter of tomato sauce at 1 minute 5.56 seconds and the longest habanero pepper kiss, which he accomplished with the help of his wife. 

The kiss lasted 15 minutes and 6.5 seconds. 

You may like to spread a little mayo on your sandwich, but no one has consumed as much as Michelle Lesco. 

Lesco, from Las Vegas, ate the most mayonnaise in three minutes on Dec. 13, 2018, according to Guinness World Records. 

The amount of mayo Lesco consumed by the spoonful was 2,448 grams, which equals about three-and-a-half jars. 

Joey Chestnut has eaten the most hot dogs in Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest to date. 

He ate 76 total hot dogs in 10 minutes on July 4, 2021, according to Guinness World Records.

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As of 2022, Chestnut had won the annual competition 15 times, according to Major League Eating. 

He also holds records in over 50 other food-related challenges, including the most pulled pork sandwiches eaten, the most Taco Bell soft tacos and the most hard-boiled eggs, according to the source. 

Peeps are a marshmallow treat often eaten around Easter. 

Competitive eater Matt Stonie ate 255 peeps during the second-annual World Peeps Eating Championship in 2017, according to Major League Eating.

He downed the Peeps in five minutes.  

He beat his own record of 200 that he set the year before. 

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