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The Donald Trump Interviews… Joyce Davis Speaks Out

Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen

Joyce is 51 and a grandmother. At one time, she was a feature social issues/entertainment writer on Ringside Report with a very popular column.

KB: Why do you dislike or even hate Trump?

I definitely don’t hate Trump but I do dislike that he is a proud sexual assaulter. I don’t like that he is a racist because as a black woman his words affect my life. I don’t like that the rules don’t apply to him. I don’t like how he has gotten an entire party to ignore the rule of law all because he is a bully they can’t stand up to. I don’t like Trump because I know he has so much hate in his heart and he uses that hate to harm people he should protect.

KB: How do you view his supporters?

I view his supporters as human beings who feel unheard. Trump being the entertainer he is has fooled them into believing he hears them. Some of them use delusional thinking to make what he says fit. I do worry about the fact that they want a dictator and they don’t care that he attempted a coup. They just want him back in power and it’s heartbreaking to see our country be divided with no help coming to stop the division.

KB: Why is America better off without Trump?

America is better off without Trump because Trump doesn’t care about making America great, he cares about enriching himself. He has proven that he feels his needs are above Americans needs. For instance Covid. He knew the truth but he lied because he didn’t want to look bad. When he lost he didn’t try and help America but sabotaged Biden. He attacked our country while under oath to protect our country. He made money off Americans for personal gain.

KB: Why should Trump never be President again?

Same reason America is better off without Trump is why he should never be president again. He should be disqualified for attacking us. Would we have let Osama Bin Laden be president? He should not be president because the American people aren’t his focus. His focus is dividing us while he breaks the law and steals from us. He has stolen from other countries while he was president. He gives America a bad name. He also supports dictators and authoritarians. That is the opposite of who America is.

KB: Why should people vote for Joe Biden?

People should vote for Biden because Biden actually cares about helping us. One of the main differences between Biden and Trump is that Biden surrounds himself with knowledgeable people and he listens to them. He adjust when it is needed. He also has a fantastic Vice President who is very capable should he decide to step back. Trump would never step back. Trump doesn’t listen to advisers. He fires them if they disagree with him. Biden welcomes advice from others. It makes America better for it.

KB: Why are you a Democrat and how do you view the Republican Party?

I don’t know how or why I chose to be a Democrat. As I am seeing Republicans don’t care about black people. They have proven to be racist an discriminatory. The Republican party has damaged America because they put country over party. I don’t see Democrats as perfect but I do see that they fight for the little people. They fight for our rights unlike Republicans who take them away and blame us for it.

As a black American woman I see how quickly this country ignores my needs. There is no one to complain to. All we have are our voices. Trump would and has done all he can to silence voices like mine. I will never be silent. Twitter has been my place to get my voice heard. I like that Biden is about kindness. That means a lot to me. Trump is hatred. I don’t hate him but I don’t believe he should ever be president again and I resent the fact that a criminal, who also attacked us, is running for president. If justice was equally dished out he would be behind bars awaiting his trials like Smirnov. He would not be trying to delay the cases if he was behind bars.

KB: Why should black people vote for Biden over Trump?

Trump has proven himself to be a racist that has no love for black people. When asked to denounce white supremacy he said for them to stand back and stand by. Yet he wrote an executive order denouncing Antifa because he felt like it was an arm of BLM.

Biden has shown that he cares for black people. They call him racist because he said “you ain’t black if you vote for Trump”. While a vote doesn’t change ones color the sentiment was accurate. Voting for Trump is voting against the needs of black people. Trump is a supremacist. He wants blacks beneath whites. Along with getting rid of Roe v Wade they also got rid of affirmative action that helped level the playing field for Blacks. Trump has taken us backwards, while Biden is try to bring us forward. Riden with Biden.

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