New Delhi: Weddings across the world have become an extremely extravagant affair and people spend more than a lot of people earn in a year, on a single wedding. Speaking of weddings in India, the latest one grabbing headlines is that of Mukesh Ambani-Nita Ambani’s son, Anant Ambani’s wedding with Radhika Merchant. While the latest Ambani Wedding is scheduled to take place in July, the Ambanis, one of the richest families in the world, are in the news for the lavish pre-wedding celebrations they’ve hosted in the past months. Another video of a lavish wedding from China has been all over social media and is being compared to the film ‘Crazy Rich Asians’; in this video, the guests are being paid for over Rs 66,000 for just attending the festivities. Seeing the arrangements of the wedding, netizens are calling the hosts ‘Chinese Ambanis’…
As mentioned earlier, Dana Wang, a social media user shared a video on social media, of a lavish Chinese wedding that is being compared to the movie ‘Crazy Rich Asians’; some netizens are also comparing the hosts to the Ambanis, calling them ‘Ambanis of China’. According to Wang, the guests were flown to the location for free and were not asked to arrange their own travel. Not only this, for five days the guests stayed at a five-star hotel, were chauffeured in Bentleys and Rolls Royces. Dana Wang was quoted by a HT report as saying, “The wedding decor was so pretty it made me feel like I’m in Europe.”
The biggest surprise for the netizens with respect to the wedding was that every guest was handed over a ‘red envelope’ which is usually given to the bride and groom by the guests as part of Chinese customs. While the bride and groom refused to take the ‘red envelope’, the guests were given the same and it contained 800 dollars (approximately Rs 66,700). At the beginning of the video, Dana Wang was quoted as saying, “There were leftover red pockets on each table so you can take extra if you wanted. This is what a Crazy Rich Asian wedding is like in real life.”
On ‘X’ (formerly known as Twitter), the video has crossed 6.5 million views and has attracted a lot of attention; on Instagram, the video has been by more than 6.8 million people. A lot of people have compared the wedding to the Ambanis who have already hosted two lavish pre-wedding celebrations for Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant and are preparing for their wedding in July. The hosts have been called ‘Chinese Ambanis’ or ‘Ambanis of China’ by the netizens.