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My 75p hot weather hack will keep you cool all summer – it takes just minutes and is cheaper than a fan

A BARGAIN 75p hot weather hack will keep you cool all summer, and it takes just a couple of minutes.

Window and glass expert Allan Reid has revealed how you can keep the temperature down in your home using just a cheap kitchen essential.

A 75p heatwave hack will keep you cool all summer
Window and glass expert Allan Reid has revealed how you can keep the temperature down in your home

And with the UK set for yet more high temperatures, you may be willing to try any trick to stave off the worst of the heat.

The founder of Artwindows&Doors spoke to The Sun about the cooling effect sticking a bit of tin foil up in your windows can have.

Allan told The Sun: “Tin foil can help keep your home cooler by reflecting sunlight away from your windows and entering your home.

“This prevents the sunlight from heating up the glass and radiating heat inside.”

Using tin foil to shield your home from the sun’s rays can help to keep your home cool and stop you from having to use a fan or air-con inside.

All you need to do is cover your windows with the shiny material – especially those that are hit with direct sunlight. 

“For best results, place the foil on the outside of the window, not the inside,” Allan added.

You can do this by wetting the shiny side of the foil and sticking it to your windows.

You could also cut out pieces of cardboard that will fit the size of your window and then cover them with a reflective tin foil layer.

You could use sticky tape to make sure it stays put.

The good news is that tin foil or aluminium foil is dirt cheap, we found a roll at Waitrose for just 75p.

Using tin foil on the outside of your windows would mean that you’ll end up spending less on fans inside.

And having one of these appliances on can cost you in the long run.

The Sun previously worked out how much it costs to leave a fan on at night. 

Of course, it’s worth bearing in mind that tin foil might not be the sole solution for your heat worries.

“While effective to some extent, tin foil isn’t the most attractive solution and may not be as effective in very hot weather,” Allan added.

So if the temperatures really start to rise, you might want to consider some other options to keep cool.

How to stay safe in hot weather

The UK Health Security Agency advised you follow these tips to reduce your risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke:

  • Keep out of the sun at the hottest time of the day, between 11am and 3pm
  • If you are going to do a physical activity like exercising or walking the dog, plan to do these during times of the day when it is cooler such as the morning or evening
  • Keep your home cool by closing windows and curtains in rooms that face the sun
  • If you go outside, cover up with light clothing, a hat and sunglasses and slather on sun cream
  • Drink plenty of fluids but limit booze
  • Know the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke and what to do if you or someone else has them
  • Check on family, friends and neighbours who may be at higher risk of becoming unwell, and if you are at higher risk, ask them to do the same for you

Source: UKHSA

How else can I keep cool in the heat?

Relying on just a fan to keep you cool could be adding to bills during a heatwave, but there are other options you could try.

You could try cooling your sheets down before bed by sticking them in the freezer, according to TikTok star That Property Guy.

Shutting curtains and blinds during the day can help the house stay cool while opening the windows on both sides of your home can create a cooling through-breeze without the cost.

He also recommends avoiding using the oven and turning off appliances which are not in use as they kick off heat too, even on standby.

Tom Church, Co-Founder of LatestDeals.co.uk, said that having a cool shower before bed can set you up for the night to avoid overheating.

You could try putting hot water bottles in the freezer, or a plastic bottle if you don’t have one.

You could also make your fan work harder by putting a bowl of with water and ice in front of it to help cool down the house.

We have also calculated how much it costs to leave your air conditioner on all night.

It’s not just us struggling in the heat, here are eight gadgets to keep cool in a heatwave – including your furry friends.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

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