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'Ripe for firings': Trump-hating bureaucrats targeted if Biden loses

Joe Biden tours the renovated White House Situation Room, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023, in the West Wing of the White House. (Official White House photo by Carlos Fyfe)

Joe Biden tours the renovated White House Situation Room, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023, in the West Wing of the White House. (Official White House photo by Carlos Fyfe)

A relatively little-known organization has begun assembling a list of government bureaucrats, those who are high enough in government to impact policy and practice, who hate President Donald Trump and would try to do damage to his agenda if he is elected.

It is the American Accountability Foundation, run by longtime political operative Tom Jones, that is working to uncover the backgrounds, social media posts and comments of "key, high-ranking government employees."

Trump made an issue during his first term of trying to drain the swamp, that is, removing from positions of power in government those who are hostile to the concept of making America great again.

It's part of preparations for what could be a second Trump White House immediately following November's election.

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A report at Headline USA explained, "With a $100,000 grant from the influential Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda—and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings."

Jones said, "We need to understand who these people are and what they do."

It was Salon that reported the idea is to identify those would are embedded in the power structure of the federal government, but yet are willing to "stand in the way of a second-term Trump agenda."

AAF is collecting tips from a network of contacts and looking into the actions of civil servants, those who are not political appointees already subject to removal by a president.

The investigation would, the report said, "lay the groundwork for Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, which proposes reviving a Trump-era policy that tried to reclassify tens of thousands of federal workers as political appointees, exposing them to mass firings and opening up their positions to a cadre of right-wing replacements."

While there are thousands of federal workers who are classified as political appointees, and can be changed out at the whim of a president, there are thousands more, often deeply dedicated to leftist ideals, who are critical decision-makers for federal agencies and bureaucracies.

They are supposed to be loyal to the Constitution, and not necessarily a political individual in office at the time.

That establishment also has been described as the "deep state."

The report noted, "Conservatives view the federal workforce as overstepping its role to become a power center that can drive or thwart a president’s agenda."

Heritage President Kevin Roberts told the publication the "weaponization of the federal government" has been possible only because of the "deep state of entrenched Leftist bureaucrats."

Supporters of the existing leftist ideology found in many federal bureaucracies say that that status actually is best for Americans.

But Jones is focusing on the highest ranks of civil servants, GS-13, GS-14 and GS-15 who "could put up roadblocks to Trump's plans for tighter borders, more deportations, less spending and more.

Jones said Americans need to understand just who could be make the rules by which they must live.

He said, "You don’t get to make policy and then say, 'Hey, don't scrutinize me.'"

Headline USA's' report pointed out likely the biggest setback to Trump's plans during his first administration was the "sheer bulk of disloyal individuals" in Washington.

The report said many of the "conspirators – some of them dedicate socialists – have been celebrated in the past by media and Democrat leaders who "egged them on."

The report noted many leftists with accusations about such research previously "were celebrated for their efforts by the Trump-Deranged media and the Democrat leaders who egged them on.''

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