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I’m a mum-of-11 and fell pregnant on birth control TWICE – now my period is late and I’ve got four-month-old twins

MOST of us would wince at the idea of having 11 children to raise. 

But not social media sensation Yalancia Rosario, who’s even revealed she’s “starting to think her journey’s not over” after giving birth 10 times. 

Yalancia is considering having more children just four months after giving birth to twins[/caption]
The 32-year-old shares all 11 children with her 37-year-old husband, Michael[/caption]

The 32-year-old has been hitting headlines for nearly a decade raising a mammoth brood of boys. 

She welcomed her first girl, a twin, just four months ago. 

Yalancia has been open about her decision not to use contraception over the years after finding herself still falling pregnant while using it. 

But now, the mum-of-11 has shared that she’s actually back on birth control – but isn’t convinced it will be very effective. 

She shared on Instagram that her period is late.

The busy mum penned how she is “nervous about her late cycle” while holding her newborn twins, called Angelita and Azari

“I have two birth control babies – of course I’ll always be dependent on the Lord himself,” Yalancia added. 

“I’m starting to think my journey’s not over.”

The famous mum also shared  Jamel, 15, Michael Jr, 11, Angelo, 10, Gimani, seven, Armani, five, Sincere, three, Khaza, two, and Kairo, one, with her husband Michael, 37. 

Their fourth son, also named Armani, was stillborn.

And after being outnumbered by boys in her own home for 15 years, Yalancia finally welcomed baby girl Angelita in February. 

Both twins were born weighing 11lb 4oz, with Yalancia saying the labour took just one push. 

“I’ve always wanted a big family of ten because I grew up as the eldest of seven and wanted to have my own big family to create memories with,” Yalancia previously told Fabulous

“A few of my boys were conceived while on contraceptives, but we happily welcomed them, and then a few were planned.

Yalancia and Michael have been expanding their family for 15 years[/caption]
The Rosario family’s unconventional life has seen them become social media sensations[/caption]

“I don’t use contraceptives anymore.”

She shares insights into her unconventional life on social media but finds that it invites criticism. 

“I’ve never been judged so much as on the internet,” she revealed. 

“We always get, ‘stop using our tax money’, ‘have you heard of birth control’ and ‘how many fathers do they have?’

“We also get, ‘something is physiologically wrong with you’ – but the positives always outweigh the negatives.”

Here's why I love being a young mum

Tracy Kiss, who fell pregnant at 19, has revealed what she believes are the pros of being a young mother.

The personal trainer and blogger, from Buckinghamshire, believes women who give birth in their teens make BETTER mothers than those in their 30s.

She claims young mums snap back into shape quicker, have more energy and relate more easily to their children, meaning they’re better behaved and happier.

Tracy told Fabulous: “Women who become first-time mums in their teens make better parents than those in their 30s or 40s.

“I believe if I’d been 10 or so years older before becoming a mother then I wouldn’t have the relationship I have with my children now.

“For a start, being older I would have had less energy and therefore less patience.

“I wouldn’t be as enthusiastic to speak to people after months of sleepless nights as I was in my teens.

“My body snapped back to its pre-pregnancy size through fitness post-birth, which in turn gave me the confidence to date and find love again. I’ve never been happier than I am now at the age of 30 with two children.

“If I’d have been alone at 40 with a newborn baby I’d be more tired, less happy with my body, less energetic and far more stressed from the shock of living my life for myself instead of putting others first. Sometimes age and the innocence of ignorance is a good thing.

“As a teen mum I just got on with it, found my feet and became responsible and capable because at the time I didn’t know any different.”

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