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Ракова: Акцию «Бьет — значит НЕ любит» запустили для помощи жертвам домашнего насилия

МВФ оставил оценку роста ВВП России и мировой экономики в 2024 г на уровне 3,2%

ХАМАС подтвердило участие во встрече палестинских фракций в Пекине

Подмосковная компания готового питания расширила производство и обновила оборудование

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Millions of Brits ‘opting for style over safety’ at ‘risk of blindness’, study finds

MILLIONS of Brits are putting their eyesight at risk by opting for style over protection when it comes to wearing sunglasses, according to research.

A poll of 2,000 adults found one in four (23 per cent) are more likely to purchase a pair of sunglasses based on looks alone.

One in four Brits pick their sunglasses on looks alone[/caption]

It comes as temperatures could rise to 30C as early as next week, bringing the sun out in full swing.

While 19 per cent admit they don’t know how effective their shades are in protecting them from UV rays.

And 37 per cent are unaware sunglasses have different levels of UV protection, with 66 per cent only caring that they match their outfit.

As well as this, only 18 per cent wear sunglasses all year round, despite the risk of sun damage during any season.

Giles Edmonds, clinical services director at Specsavers, which commissioned the research, said: “Long-term sun exposure can cause irreversible damage to your eyesight and can increase the risk of specific eye conditions such as cataracts or age-related macular degeneration, a common cause of blindness.

“The right sunglasses can protect the eyes by filtering UV light from the eyes.

“However, many people still choose a cosmetic pair over safety, which may cause the pupil to dilate, increasing the amount of UV light filtering into the eyes.”


The study also found 31 per cent are concerned about sun damage if they forget their shades on a sunny day.

However, a little over one in 20 (six per cent) confessed their biggest concern would be adding to the wrinkles around their eyes.

It also emerged half of those polled believe their eyesight has worsened over the last 10 years, with more than one in 10 reporting a significant deterioration.

And 39 per cent wish they’d taken better care of their peepers when they were in their younger years.

The research, conducted via OnePoll, also looked at misconceptions surrounding sunglasses – and found 23 per cent believe those with larger lenses provide better protection from UV rays.

While 14 per cent think that darker sunglasses always offer better UV protection.


Giles Edmonds from Specsavers, which has addressed some common sunglasses misconceptions, added: “There are a lot of myths around sunglasses and their UV protection.

“For example, the darkness of your sunglasses lenses has nothing to do with UV protection — it only helps to reduce the brightness of light that reaches your eyes.

“There are different lens categories and levels of UV protection to choose from and it can be hard to know which to choose from.

“So, we recommend speaking with someone at your local store to help you find the best pair for you.”

Met Office's top hot weather tips

THE top ways to stay safe when the heat arrives, according to the Met Office.

  • Look out for those who may struggle to keep themselves cool and hydrated such as the elderly with underlying conditions or live alone.
  • If you live alone, ask a relative or friend to phone to check that you are not having difficulties during periods of extreme heat.
  • Stay cool indoors – Close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors.
  • If going outdoors, use cool spaces considerately. 
  • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol. 
  • Never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals.
  • Try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm, when the UV rays are strongest.
  • Walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat, if you have to go out in the heat.
  • Avoid physical exertion in the hottest parts of the day.
  • Make sure you take water with you, if you are travelling.
  • Check the latest weather forecast and temperature warnings – you can find these on TV, radio, mobile app or website.
  • During warm weather going for a swim can provide much welcomed relief. If you are going into open water to cool down, take care and follow local safety advice.

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