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Libertyville, Vernon Hills D128 teachers call for superintendent’s firing; ‘She has created an environment of distrust and disrespect’

Libertyville, Vernon Hills D128 teachers call for superintendent’s firing; ‘She has created an environment of distrust and disrespect’

The teachers’ union resolution alleges Herrmann has created a, “chaotic and hostile work environment, forcing multiple administrators to leave (the) District in the past year.”

Nearly 90% of educators in the District 128 Federation of Teachers gave a “no confidence” vote in Community High School District 128’s Superintendent Denise Herrmann, who has served in the administrative role for almost three years.

The 293 teachers who make up the union, which covers Libertyville and Vernon Hills high schools, overwhelmingly supported a resolution calling for the Board of Education to remove Herrmann immediately.

Union President Monica Caldicott spoke about the resolution during an address to the school board on May 20.

“As educators committed to positive change and growth in our award-winning district, our members know that effective leadership is critical to student success,” said Caldicott, who has been the library media specialist at Vernon Hills High for more than 20 years.

“During her nearly three-year tenure here, Dr. Denise Herrmann has repeatedly shown that she is incapable of leading our district at this important time,” Caldicott said.

Of the union members who voted, 99% voted for the resolution, she said.

The teachers’ union resolution alleges Herrmann has created a, “chaotic and hostile work environment, forcing multiple administrators to leave (the) District in the past year.”

Further allegations in the resolution include eliminating student supports, poor use of taxpayer funds, violating the union’s bargaining agreement, an inability to follow through on district goals and refusing to communicate and collaborate with teachers.

“As the district leader, our superintendent must put the needs of students above all else,” Caldicott said. “By not properly identifying and planning to support students and the teachers and staff who serve them, Dr. Herrmann has failed to fulfill her main responsibility. At the same time, she has created an environment of distrust and disrespect.”

At that meeting, Herrmann read a statement defending the decisions she has made as superintendent.

“I will stand by my unwavering values of integrity and equity,” she said. “I will not back down from doing what is best practice for student learning. Every decision I have made has been aligned with district policy, state law and is in the best interest of all students, but especially those whose voice has been traditionally marginalized.”

The board issued a statement in response to the union’s action, and said it is unable to provide additional comments since it is a personnel matter.

“The Board of Education hears the concerns voiced by our teachers union and will process them together as a Board,” the statement said.

The teachers’ resolution said Herrmann launched educational initiatives, but simultaneously eliminated some effective support for students. The resolution alleges the superintendent, “fail(ed) to create thoughtful and organized plans for new ones for the 2024-25 school year, therefore leaving students without a fully realized system.”

The superintendent also violated the union’s collective bargaining agreement by completing the sectioning of classes for 2024-25 school year without discussion with, or input from the union, the resolution stated.

Additionally, the resolution alleges Herrmann reneged on the imminent settlement of a 2022 union grievance, has not met her three “self-assigned” culture and climate goals and attempted to block the legal granting of professional tenure to 12 educators.

The resolution said the union has exhausted all avenues to communicate concerns with Herrmann through labor-management committee meetings, union messages, attendance at school board meetings and even directly at superintendent-union president meetings and several superintendent roundtables.

“As teachers, we feel responsible to our students, parents and taxpayers,” Caldicott added. “They deserve a superintendent who will make prudent financial decisions and build upon the outstanding legacy and student achievement in our district. Dr. Herrmann has proven she is not that leader.”


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