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In brief: DeSaulnier, others honor East Bay park district’s 90th birthday


Democratic U.S. Reps. Mark DeSaulnier (Concord), Eric Swalwell (Dublin), Josh Harder (Tracy), Barbara Lee (Oakland), John Garamendi (Walnut Grove) and Ro Khanna (Fremont) recognized the 90th anniversary of the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) by introducing a Congressional resolution May 16 celebrating this milestone and recognizing the district’s service to the entire East Bay.

“I’m grateful for EBRPD’s leadership in working to improve quality of life and community well-being through a steadfast commitment to environmental conservation and maintenance of our local public parks,” said DeSaulnier. “I’m proud to celebrate 90 years of the East Bay Regional Park District and look forward to continuing to partner with them for years to come.”

The EBRPD is the largest regional park district in the nation, spanning 126,000 acres of parklands, 55 miles of shoreline and more than 1,300 miles of trails in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. The park district was established through a 1934 ballot measure that passed with 71% of the vote. Since its creation, the EBRPD has worked tirelessly to protect the East Bay’s open spaces and promote recreational opportunities for Bay Area residents.

“We are honored that Representative Mark DeSaulnier recognized the 90th anniversary of the East Bay Regional Park District on the floor of the House today,” said Sabrina Landreth, the EBRPD’s general manager. “Thank you, Rep. DeSaulnier, for celebrating with us the park district’s 90 years of milestones, environmental conservation and positive experiences in nature as we continue vital work that will impact generations to come.”

— U.S. Rep. DeSaulnier’s office


Hernandez-Thorpe, Silicon Valley mayors visiting China

Antioch Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe has joined the 2024 Silicon Valley Mayors’ China Trip from May 19-26 organized by China Silicon Valley, a nonprofit organization founded in 2012 with a mission to foster investment, business and tourism exchanges between China and Silicon Valley (chinasv.org/en/china-trip-sponsor).

This is the first trip back to China organized by China Silicon Valley since the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s trip will focus on the green development of cities, business expansion and deepening international relationships through sister-city partnerships.

Mayor Hernandez-Thorpe will promote Antioch’s strategic trade and economic strengths and potential job expansion through a new AMPORTS marine terminal, one of the largest auto processors in North America; access to the BNSF railway; construction of two new approximately 450,000-square-feet commercial warehouse centers; and deep-water ports.

— Antioch Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe


Schools’ manager recognizes a 2024 Teacher of the Year

Steven Nguyen (goddardschool.com/schools/ca/san-ramon/san-ramon/our-teachers) from San Ramon’s Goddard School for Early Childhood Development was recognized as a 2024 Teacher of the Year by Goddard Systems LLC, which manages the Goddard School franchise system.

As a mentor and role model, Nguyen is a source of inspiration for his students. His uplifting personality, ingenuity and dedication to fostering a positive learning environment have left a lasting impact on the lives of countless children. Thanks to his engaging and interactive teaching methods, families are in awe of how much their children learn at school each day.

“I’m deeply grateful for the families that nominated me for this award,” said Nguyen. “To be recognized among such esteemed educators is a tremendous honor. I’m committed to continuing to create meaningful and rewarding experiences for my students, guiding them towards a future filled with endless possibilities.”

Nguyen joins 15 other teachers nationwide who were selected from more than 6,600 nominations for their embodiment of competence, leadership, creativity and a nurturing demeanor.

— Goddard School of San Ramon


Apply by June 7 for two youth member seats on parks panel

At its May 7 meeting, the Concord City Council announced a recruitment to fill two youth member positions on the city’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission for a one-year term, effective Sept. 1 and ending June 30, 2025. The deadline for applications to the City Clerk is 5 p.m June 7.

The commission is made up of five adult members who serve four-year terms and two youth members who serve a one-year term. The panel advises the City Council on matters related to public parks, open space, recreation and youth; reviews and recommends council action to develop, modify and/or improve city parks; promotes recreation and park programs, assesses park and recreation needs and recommends capital improvement projects and fees.

Youth members must be 13 to 21 years old at the time of their appointment who live or attend school in Concord and may be part-time seasonal employees of the city. The youth members are appointed by the commission’s adult members.

Information about the commission and online application forms can be found on the city’s webpage at bit.ly/3y7ixUL.

— city of Concord


Goats return to assist city with its vegetation management

The goats have returned this year to help the city of Brentwood with its weed abatement efforts. As you drive or walk around the city, you may notice them grazing along storm channels and retention basins.

Using goats reduces the use of chemicals in the environment that can leave the banks bare and lead to erosion. Goats are also nimble on uneven terrains and hillsides and like to eat a lot of vegetation. Stop to enjoy and take a picture, but please do not touch the fences or try to feed them.

— city of Brentwood


Couple, 98, celebrate 77th wedding anniversary this month

Betty and Richard Wren celebrated their 77th wedding anniversary May 4. The Wrens, of Lafayette, both age 98, met at Oakland Tech High School, graduated together in 1944 and married on May 4, 1947.

They lived in the Oakland/Piedmont area for 47 years, during which time they made a number of month-long trips to Europe, visiting friends and relatives. They spent another month sailing their boat to Mexico and back. Betty Wren spent many years as a docent for the Oakland Zoo and the UC Botanical Garden. Richard Wren had a 50-year career with New York Life Insurance Co., retiring in 2014 to the couple’s small ranchette in Lafayette.

Their four daughters live nearby and visit almost every day. Betty designed a beautiful garden where she can watch birds, and the couple often entertains family and friends. Richard, starting at age 84, authored his first novel, followed by six others (bit.ly/44GWrEP). He has just published a successful children’s novelette, “Dondi’s Dilemma,” and is working on another.

— Richard Wren

To submit an item for our “In brief” section, please email it, at least a week before print publication, to njackson@bayareanewsgroup.com and jprieve@bayareanewsgroup.com. Each item should be 90 to 180 words and include a short headline along with the name of the group or individual to credit for it.

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