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Documents provide insight into the death of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Documents provided by the Charleston Police Department (CPD) and Charleston County Coroner’s Office on Friday afternoon provided insight into the death of John Barnett, a known Boeing whistleblower.

Barnett, 62, died on March 9, 2024, from “what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound,” the Charleston County Coroner’s Office said in their initial victim identification announcement.

Despite rumors that circulated online, Charleston Police maintained that Barnett’s death was likely that of suicide and both agencies provided findings from their investigation which appear to back up the claim.


Security footage from the round Holiday Inn on Savannah Highway that was reviewed by law enforcement shows Barnett’s movement on the night of March 8, before his death. He entered the hotel alone at 7:26 p.m., went to his room at 7:36 p.m., and was last seen exiting the building by himself at 8:37 p.m.

“Mr. Barnett's vehicle was captured on video reversing into a parking space at 8:45 p.m., where it remained stationary until it was discovered by officers the following morning. Throughout the night, there was no video evidence of anyone interacting with the vehicle, entering it, or the vehicle leaving its parking spot,” Charleston Police said in their report.

Security video shows Barnett's truck backing into a parking spot at 8:45 p.m.

The Charleston County Coroner’s Office said Barnett was initially found by hotel staff while performing a welfare check, who then notified 9-1-1 at 10:13 a.m. the following morning.

Officers were then dispatched for a welfare check at the hotel shortly before 10:20 a.m., where they discovered a male inside a vehicle suffering from a gunshot wound to the head.

He was pronounced dead at the scene.


A detailed review from the Charleston County Coroner’s Office said its investigators spoke with family and colleagues who stated Barnett had traveled to Charleston on February 26 from his Louisiana home to participate in a deposition related to his Boeing lawsuit.

He was deposed by Boeing attorneys on March 7, and by his own attorneys on March 8. The deposition was paused early so participants could rest – it was expected to continue the next morning at 10:00 a.m.

“At approximately 0900 hours on March 9, 2024 a courtesy phone call was made to the decedent by his attorneys; however, he did not answer. As a result, his attorneys called the hotel to request a welfare check. Hotel staff searched the hotel and parking lot and discovered Mr. Barnett in his vehicle,” the coroner’s report said.


Police said Barnett suffered a fatal gunshot wound to his head at close range while inside his locked vehicle. There was no evidence of forced entry nor signs of a physical struggle inside the vehicle, according to police.

The vehicle’s key fob was found in Barnett’s pants pocket.

Police said that a silver Smith and Wesson handgun was found in Barnett’s right hand and that ballistic analysis verified the recovered bullet came from that same gun. “The trajectory of the bullet aligns with the gunshot wound observed. Mr. Barnett legally purchased the gun in 2000,” Charleston PD said.

According to the coroner’s findings, an entrance wound was located to the right temple with an exit wound to the parietooccipital region.

A search of the vehicle revealed a single-fired shell casing.


Both the police department and coroner’s office said a note was found inside Barnett’s vehicle. Specifically, the notebook with writing that the coroner said resembled a suicide note – was on the passenger seat.

The Charleston Police Department provided a copy of the note that included messages to family and disdain for Boeing. Investigators said the note suggested Barnett was going through a serious personal distress.

“Comprehensive fingerprint analysis confirmed Mr. Barnett's fingerprints on the notebook. Three prints were inconclusive due to insufficient detail for identification. All fingerprints on the page containing the note were identified as Mr. Barnett's,” police said.


Findings provided by the Charleston County Coroner’s Office state that medical records and interviews with family members, attorneys, and others connected to him, stated he was under chronic stress related to the lawsuit and suffered from anxiety and post-traumatic stress. He was also grieving the death of his wife.

Police said Barnett appeared to have longstanding mental health challenges which intensified amid ongoing legal proceedings related to the whistleblower case.


Barnett, a 32-year veteran of Boeing, claimed in 2019 that Boeing's overworked North Charleston employees frequently fitted substandard parts on planes and reported faulty oxygen systems that could result in as many as one in four oxygen masks not operating properly.

Boeing denied Barnett’s claims; however, a follow-up investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provided some credibility for his allegations. A report found that more than 50 “non-conforming” parts were unable to be traced and were lost in the company’s system.

Both the Charleston Police Department and Charleston County Coroner’s Office provided statements on their investigations into Barnett’s death.

“We remain acutely aware of the sensitivity and public interest surrounding this case. It is important to emphasize that our investigation was guided strictly by facts and evidence while remaining undisturbed by conjecture and external pressures. As this investigation comes to a close, we should not forget it represents the loss of Mr. Barnett’s life. We extend our deepest sympathies to his family during this difficult time and hope they continue to find the strength to persevere in his absence,” the police department said.

"It has been an honor to serve the Barnett Family during this difficult time. It is my hope that the world will remember John Barnett not for the manner in which he died, but for the manner in which he lived,” said Charleston County Coroner Bobbi Jo O’Neal.


This story heavily includes a discussion of suicide. You can seek help by calling or texting the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988, or by chatting online at 988lifeline.org.

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