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Westminster woman, indicted for charges related to her husband’s death, has died while in custody

A Westminster woman indicted last year on charges relating to the beating death of her husband has died while in custody, according to the Carroll County State’s Attorney’s Office.

Gail Joy D’Anthony, 77, died May 13, while in the custody of the Maryland Department of Health. She was awaiting a July 9 hearing to determine if she was competent to stand trial, the release said. No cause of death was given.

On Jan. 10, Carroll County Circuit Court Judge Fred Hecker ordered that D’Anthony be sent to a hospital for further evaluation, based on the findings of a state mental health doctor. It was determined that D’Anthony was a danger to herself and to others. She had been held without bail in the Carroll County Detention Center since her arrest in June last year.

The upcoming July status hearing was intended for the judge to receive an update on D’Anthony. Hecker also ordered a second status hearing for Jan. 9 to determine if D’Anthony was competent to stand trial.

D’Anthony was arrested June 21 in Cumberland, Allegany County on felony murder charges in the killing of her husband, John D’Anthony III, 72, on March 1 at their home in the 300 block of Royer Road. She was charged with first- and second-degree murder and vulnerable adult abuse of a family member, according to court documents.

According to a news release from the state’s attorney, at 7:38 p.m., March 1, 2023, Westminster Police officers and emergency medical personnel were called to D’Anthony’s home for a report of a cardiac arrest. Lifesaving measures were unsuccessful and John D’Anthony III was pronounced dead at the scene.

His body was taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner where an autopsy determined that he suffered extensive injuries, including blunt force trauma throughout his body, lacerations to his mouth, a broken neck, a broken right rib, two black eyes and large contusions to his hands and forearms.

The medical examiner determined that John D’Anthony’s injuries were not the result of a fall or natural death and ruled his death a homicide.

The news release said that on May 24, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit investigated the D’Anthony home, where they found suspected blood splatter. It was collected and analyzed and found to be consistent with the blunt force trauma injuries found on D’Anthony.

Detectives learned in June 2023 that Gail D’Anthony told a witness that she killed her husband by pushing him to the ground, where he hit his head on the floor, a 2023 news release said.  She then left the room and returned with a cane, which she used to bludgeon him on the head, and to prevent him from getting up.

On May 13, the state’s attorney’s office was notified by D’Anthony’s daughter, Jessica Annoreno, that her mother had died in the early morning hours, Friday’s news release states.

On May 15, Hecker entered an order abating, or ending the case, because of her death.

“Anyone that knew Jack D’Anthony knew he was a good person,” Annoreno stated in the news release. “He was a good father and a good grandfather. I will never forget the day my mother called to admit to me what she did to him. He didn’t deserve to die that way, so it is frustrating that the case ended short of getting justice that he deserves. My family will continue to celebrate his life.”

Carroll State’s Attorney Haven Shoemaker offered prayers on behalf of his office.

“Gail D’Anthony did not escape justice via her death,” he said. “She will now answer for her crimes to a higher authority. Our thoughts and prayers go to the family of Jack D’ Anthony.”

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