The 12th episode of “Survivor 46” aired on Wednesday night, concluding with host Jeff Probst snuffing out the torch of Quintavius “Q” Burdette. The 29-year-old from Tennessee became the 13th contestant eliminated from the game and sixth member of the jury. But what were the dumbest, most shocking and most exciting moments of this episode?
Below, read our “Survivor 46” Episode 12 Top 5 moments. Then be sure to sound off in the comments section about your favorite castaways on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and who you think will ultimately join the “Survivor” winners list and take home the $1 million grand prize.
SEE Q Burdette (‘Survivor 46’ exit interview): ‘I played hard, but I came up short’
Top 5 Moments of Episode 12:
1. Camp Life After the elimination of Venus Vafa, with an idol in her pocket no-less, many viewers were vocal about why Quintavius “Q” Burdette is being kept around to merely be a number. Watching this return to camp just proved that this group is more strategic than even I gave them credit for. Ben Katzman’s vote for Kenzie Petty caused some brief tension, but she was not buying his excuse. Ben revealed more about his night terrors, which made me wonder how much longer he could stay on the island if Kenzie were to be voted out. The possibility of voting out Q and Maria Shrime Gonzalez weighed on Charlie Davis’ mind, which could truly turn the game upside down.
2. A Reward Challenge to Fight For: This challenge looked fun, yet anxiety-inducing. But for some Chinese takeout at the Sanctuary, everyone gave 100%. Maria and Q were especially gifted at this one, but in the end Charlie emerged victorious. The surprise challenge beast was informed that part of the reward was the letters from home, which made choosing two people to go with him even more difficult. He opted to choose Liz Wilcox, who was thrilled, and Kenzie. Maria looked shattered by this development, but it felt a bit like karma too. The feast more than satisfied the lucky trio, but the letters were the real reward here. Charlie hoped that Maria would not hold this against him, but little did he know what was going on at camp. She was indeed shattered that she could not get her letters, but noted that she made a deal with Charlie not to pick her. Charlie’s letters inspired him to possibly shake it off and target Q and Maria in earnest. The Sanctuary trio talked strategy, which was great to see as Maria became the number one target. The search for the idol at camp was interesting as Q located it and if you listened closely you could hear many fans groaning. He opted to tell Maria and even offered to play it for her. The duo targeted Liz, but Q wondered if Charlie should go to the jury next.
3. A Must Win Victory: Immunity was going to decide how this vote would pan out and it was tense. The combination of physicality, balance, and a puzzle was brutal. Maria emerged victorious and if Q were to play his idol, it would ensure the failure of Charlie’s plan to get one of them out.
4. Survivor 101: The target on Q was larger than ever, which was made even more comical knowing that he had the idol. But would he play it and cause Charlie’s elimination? All the while, everyone was blissfully aware that Maria was aware of Q’s secret.
5. The 6th Juror is Seated: Historically, the sixth juror has been a fan favorite in many past seasons in recent memory (Drew Basile, Cody Assenmacher, Yul Kwon, Elizabeth Beisel, Omar Zaheer, and Danny McCray just to name a few) so with everyone left in the game falling in that category, even Q, we were going to see history repeat itself. As Ben promised, a show was indeed put on at this Tribal Council. It seemed like Charlie was realizing he was in trouble during questioning before Ben’s vote for Kenzie led to an instant classic moment. “It’s a planet Ben!” Venus did not enjoy it, but the viewers sure did! When the lightning struck, it resulted in Q sent to the jury with an idol in his pocket, a record for the show I think.
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