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Children should not be guinea pigs for Big Pharma and the feds


In an official statement this week, Pfizer confessed that a toddler died due to cardiac arrest after receiving Pfizer's experimental gene therapy being tested in a mid-stage trial for a muscle-wasting disorder called Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), as reported by Reuters.

Yahoo News further reported the toddler's death was reminiscent of a few years back when, in December 2021, "Pfizer paused screening and dosing in a Phase 1b trial assessing fordadistrogene movaparvovec after the death of a young man."

I'm not a scientist, nor do I pretend to be. But I am a very concerned citizen of our country and the global community, especially when it comes to the mistreatment of children.

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Indeed, my wife, Gena, and I are absolutely alarmed how Big Pharma and our federal government use (and discard) our most vulnerable in medical trials, including gene therapy and vaccine creations.

Karen Kingston, a biotech analyst and med-legal expert whose clients have included Pfizer, Medtronic, Allergan, Johnson & Johnson, and Thermo Fisher Scientific, published a video and article entitled, "What Happened to Their Babies?" describing "the lack of ethics and grossly inhumane experimentation that Pfizer conducted on babies and toddlers with their COVID-19 mRNA gene-editing injections."

She wrote this last week in her Kingston Report, "In July of 2022 I began reporting on my analysis of Pfizer's Phase-3 trial mRNA injection data of babies and toddlers from the ages of 6 months to 4 years old.

"Pfizer's FDA submitted data documented that the some of the babies and toddlers experienced fevers of greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, seizures (with eye rolling), convulsions, and seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and multiple seizures a day – sometimes a dozen or more, brain damage confirmed by an EEG, hypotonia (limp 'lifeless-like' baby), and lissencephaly ('genetically-induced' brain malformation characterized by the absence of convolutions/folds) in babies and toddlers injected with mRNA nanoparticles." (See also this corroborating FDA study's results)

Kingston concluded: "In Pfizer's baby and toddler study, there was a subgroup of 344 babies. Only three babies (less than 1%) made it to the end of the study."

She explained, "The strain you hear in my video testimony is heightened because … Pfizer observed seizures, disabilities, and death in babies between the ages of 6 months and 2 years of ages in the 'treatment group.'" (Shouldn't we all be distressed by such adverse effects as well?)

Kingston's conclusion? "Pfizer's mRNA injections are not safe for babies. They're lethal."

Gena's and my hearts sincerely go out to the countless parents who, in desperation, have allowed their children to become part of risky trials to save their lives. Our concern are the millions who are truly uninformed of the risks, and that includes the international communities and Third World kids who are utilized in clinical trials.

Many years ago, Reuters published a shocking must-read "Special Report: Big Pharma's Global Guinea Pigs," in which it gave these examples among others:

Take Barbara, a 30-year-old Polish woman, who was initially thrilled when her 8-year-old son Marek was chosen to test a new drug for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). She received 200 zlotys ($75) and, after about five weeks, the drug really seemed to work. Unfortunately, a short time later, the trial ended and the drug was withdrawn leaving Barbara both angry and deeply concerned about her son's future treatment.

"I can't believe I signed my son up for this trial without really understanding what I was agreeing to. I was blind. I realize now that people taking part in clinical trials should have the right to ask questions and be spoken to like human beings, not just guinea pigs," Barbara says.

Other subjects in Poland, Russia, China and India tell similar stories of the easy money that can be made from trials. But common complaints center on the lack of follow-up support and the impenetrability of jargon-filled contracts that can run to 50 or 60 pages. …

Pfizer Inc's 200-patient trial of the antibiotic Trovan during a 1996 meningitis outbreak in Kano, Nigeria, triggered a decade-long legal battle, after 11 children died and the company was accused of not obtaining adequate prior consent. It inspired John le Carre's novel "The Constant Gardener." Pfizer has always argued that meningitis and not its antibiotic led to the deaths. Still, [in 2009] the drugmaker reached a $75 million settlement with Kano state government to compensate victims, and in [2011] it settled all remaining lawsuits on undisclosed terms.

Other controversial cases in recent years have involved the testing of AIDS drugs in Africa, breast cancer and anti-psychosis drugs in India, and vaccines in Latin America.

History suggests we need to remain vigilant – and it is not only commercial operations that can be culpable. [In 2010], U.S. President Barack Obama personally apologized for an experiment conducted in the 1940s in which U.S. government researchers deliberately infected Guatemalan prison inmates, women and mental patients with syphilis.

And don't just think experimental abuse and putting children at risk is something that only occurred in yesteryear in the U.S.

Twenty years ago, the Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Clinical Research Involving Children issued a warning that has only grown more dire over years: "The U.S. Congress, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have acted in recent years to expand research involving children. Notwithstanding the expected benefits of these efforts, some caution is appropriate. Unlike most adults, children usually lack the legal right and the intellectual and emotional maturity to consent to research participation on their own behalf. Their vulnerability demands special consideration from researchers and policymakers and additional protections beyond those provided to mentally competent adult participants in research."

The expansion of children in research has been so great over the past two decades in the U.S. alone, in 2021, the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, summarized: "Little is known about the number of minors enrolled in clinical research today. … Pediatric medicine desperately needs a more accurate and reliable reporting system for tracking the recruitment, retention, and involvement of minors in clinical research."

Does the U.S. or international community really think they can regulate, contain or control what goes on in the dark corners of genetic-editing labs around the globe? Does the name Wuhan mean anything?

Did you hear the Chinese scientist who was imprisoned for his role in creating the world's first genetically-edited babies is back in his lab?

He's also unapologetic and voices no regret for using a procedure known as Crispr-Cas9 to rewrite the DNA in the sisters' embryos without parental consent.

The Guardian reported, "He has continued to defend his work, despite widespread criticism, saying he was 'proud' of having created Lulu and Nana. A third girl was born in 2019 as a result of similar experiments."

Though he verbally commits to stay away from "creating babies" via genetic editing in the future, can he truly refrain? Can others? When discarded human embryos are theirs for their taking and manipulation?

It's nothing short of tragic to us that Big Pharma and big government use human babies, toddlers and adolescents, who have no voice or say so, like cells in a petri dish or guinea pigs in risky gene-editing experiments they call "clinical trials."

Ten years ago, gene therapies were often considered extremely dangerous and risky at best to be used in treating serious diseases like Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Now, we suddenly want to use genetic coding instruction to create immune responses to everything, intentionally bypassing our bodies' own abilities to create natural immunity as we've done for the past 100 years with traditional vaccines. It's horrifying!

I don't know what to even say or think anymore. It's a bridge too far, and there is no stopping it, I'm afraid. All we can do is speak out and hope the masses wake up.

There are bright lights of hope, especially found in veteran scholars and scientists willing to come forward as whistleblowers.

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, who was the professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School for over 20 years, is a biostatistician and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine-safety evaluations. He also served on scientific advisory committees to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

His credentials and decades of work as a Harvard epidemiologist clearly puts him among the most elite scholars to address issues of viruses and vaccines, if not head and tail above the rest.

That is one reason why Dr. Kulldorff joined with nearly 1 million epidemiologists and public health scientists around the world decrying government's overreaching approach to safety and its lack of transparency and protection of humans regarding COVID-19.

Kulldorff could easily read the medical tea leaves back in 2021 as he said in an interview with the Epoch Times: "I don't think children should be vaccinated for COVID. … COVID is not a huge threat to children." He even opposed the necessity of children wearing masks for any reason anywhere, saying they were far more likely to die from influenza or car accidents.

In fact, according to Kulldorff, adverse effects can come from vaccinating children and younger Americans.

In 2021, he concluded: "The main risk to young people seen so far is heart inflammation, which has occurred post-vaccination at much higher than expected rates. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a warning label to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines about myocarditis and pericarditis, two types of heart inflammation."

Shockingly and tragically, Dr. Kulldorf, was recently fired from his two-decade professorship of medicine. Why? He tells the story here about what he described on X as "my Harvard experience until I was fired for clinging to the truth."

I fully realize how controversial vaccines have become. And I realize there's a lot of pseudo-science on the web when discussing gene therapy and vaccines. I'm not interested in bad science. I'm also not interested in conspiracy.

At the same time, like Dr. Kulldorf and Karen Kingston (and myriad others like them around the world), I'm not going to turn away from facts, no matter how unpopular they are. Neither am I going to stay silent when, in particular, the health and welfare of infants and other children are on the line.

Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa was absolutely right: "Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."

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