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REVEALED: “Unusually Aggressive” Arizona Grand Jury That Indicted Trump 2020 ‘Alternate Electors’ Stacked with “Indict Them All” Leftists

Arizona AG Kris Mayes

According to Politico, the grand jury that indicted Trump 2020 alternate electors, Trump attorneys and GOP activists were “unusually aggressive” and stacked with Trump-hating leftists.

Politico spoke with a witness who received an immunity agreement. The witness told Politico that not only did grand jurors aggressively grill them for hours, they indicted two of Trump’s lawyers who weren’t even a target of the investigation!

One grand juror was described as the leader of the “indict them all crowd ” – a rabid leftist who wanted all of Trump’s allies charged with crimes just because.

Two of Trump’s lawyers, Jenna Ellis and Christina Bobb were witnesses and specifically told they were not being investigated. In fact, Ellis and Bobb both received letters from prosecutors stating they were not under investigation and two months later they were indicted by the “indict them all” grand jury.

“In my over 20 years practicing criminal law, I’ve never encountered someone who was a witness being indicted less than two months later, who was told in writing that they’re a witness and not under investigation,” former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti told Politico.

Politico reported:

One of the witnesses who spoke to POLITICO underscored the divergence between the grand jurors and prosecutors. The witness, who received an immunity agreement over the winter, was told to expect roughly an hour of questioning on some boilerplate details of the probe.

Instead, grand jurors grilled the witness for three hours, sometimes in pointed and accusatory ways — “a level of aggression that caught me off guard.” The witness recalled a juror who “seemed to be the leader of the ‘indict them all crowd’ and asked ‘pointed but specific questions.’” Another grand juror asked “more high-level questions” like, “How could you even talk to these people? What were you thinking?” with long “preambles” that made his views of the case known, the witness said.

Another smaller faction of grand jurors consistently reframed the questions of the more aggressive jurors and seemed to be more skeptical of the angle they were taking, the witness recalled, noting that this group was visibly “rolling their eyes, heavy sighing, shifting uncomfortably.”

Last month Trump 2020 alternate electors, GOP state legislators, former Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward and others were indicted by a state grand jury in Arizona on Wednesday.

A total of 18 people involved in the Arizona alternate electors plan were indicted by the Arizona grand jury last month.

Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes announced last month. She defended her witch hunt and the curious timing of the indictment – just months before the 2024 general election. Make no mistake, the charges are a warning shot to anyone who may want to challenge the 2024 election.

“We conducted a thorough and professional investigation over the past 13 months into the fake electors scheme in our state,” Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes said in a video announcing the charges. “I understand for some of you today didn’t come fast enough. And I know I’ll be criticized by others for conducting this investigation at all. But as I’ve stated before, and we’ll say here again, today, I will not allow American democracy to be undermined.”

Kris Mayes admitted last year she was investigating Trump’s 2020 alternate electors from Arizona.

In a dirty move, Mayes’ office knew the alternate electors were going to invoke their Fifth Amendment rights but she made them appear before a grand jury anyway. This is a highly unusual and risky move.

The Fifth Amendment allows a person to exercise their right to remain silent to protect against self-incrimination.

Democrat prosecutors requiring the Pro-Trump alternate electors to plead the Fifth before a grand jury could unnecessarily prejudice the grand jurors.

Although the Fifth Amendment is not an admission of guilt, grand jurors may assume the pro-Trump alternate electors are guilty.

The state grand jury indicted 11 Trump alternate electors, state legislators, GOP activists and others.

President Trump was named “Unindicted Coconspirator-1” in the indictment because he made a phone call about the ballot counting to former governor Doug Ducey.

The post REVEALED: “Unusually Aggressive” Arizona Grand Jury That Indicted Trump 2020 ‘Alternate Electors’ Stacked with “Indict Them All” Leftists appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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