Ivan Bates has proven himself to be more than capable in his role as Baltimore State’s Attorney. And his office has remained scandal-free, not always a given for Baltimore public servants. But his latest commentary introducing a new acronym leaves us pining for more prosecutor and less politician (“Bates offers strategic plan for prosecution,” May 1).
His “FACTS” policy paper is a veritable word salad that looks like it was created by AI during happy hour in Fells Point tossing around the followings words and phrases: focus, quality of life, rebuild, cut my teeth, milestone, unveiling, first-ever, invaluable support, roadmap, aspirations, transparency, cutting-edge technology, collaboration, input, commitment, reimagining, impartially, marginalized, complex challenges, leveraging, resilient, excellence, benchmark, strategies, engagement, initiatives, advisory board, barometer, enhance, journey and strategic plan.
You get the idea.
It would be nice for once if elected Baltimore officials were free to focus more of their time on doing their job well instead of pontificating and feuding.
— Eric Greene, Annapolis
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