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I spent 6 days in Italy after dreaming of visiting my whole life. 8 moments made it worth the wait.

Business Insider's reporter spent a week exploring Italy by train, from Venice, to Rome, to Milan.
  • Italy is a European country I always dreamed of visiting. In 2022, that dream came true.
  • I spent six days exploring Venice, Rome, and Milan — and some moments felt magical.
  • From an art sculpture Airbnb to a gondola ride, here's what I'll never forget about my trip.

Growing up with my half-Italian family in a Manhattan suburb, I always dreamed of going to Italy.

While eating my grandmother's famous spaghetti and meatball dinners and listening to her stories about what it's like to explore the popular vacation destination, I remember longing for Italian experiences of my own.

My dream finally came true in October 2022, when I — at the age of 26 — spent six days exploring Venice, Rome, and Milan for the first time while backpacking through Europe.

Nearly two years after my Italian adventure, I'm still thinking about eight moments that made the long-awaited trip everything I hoped it would be.

I visited Italy during a two-week train trip through Europe. To get to the country, I took an overnight train from Vienna to Venice.
The author gets ready to board a Trenitalia train in Venice, Italy.

Then I traveled by train to Rome and Milan. I spent two days exploring each city.

While taking trains between cities, I remember looking out the windows and being stunned by the Italian countryside.
Business-class seating on a train from Venice to Rome.

I found the rolling hills to be one of the most picturesque views I'd ever seen from a train. The scene looked like something straight out of my dreams.

My first stop in Italy was Venice.
Gondolas line the water on the coast of Venice.

Venice is a 1,200-year-old city made up of islands connected by bridges on the northwestern edge of the Adriatic Sea, according to Britannica.

I'd heard of Venice's canals and car-free streets, but I'll never forget the moment I saw the city myself for the first time.
A canal runs through Venice.

I felt like I'd just stepped into a storybook with colorful buildings lining the canals.

After wandering the streets of Venice, I took a gondola tour to see the city from a different perspective.
A view of Venice from a gondola.

Being in a narrow canal allowed me to see homes from inches away, and the moment I spotted their foundations immersed in the water felt surreal to me.

For my stay in Venice, I booked an Airbnb stay at Castello de Roncade, a castle and winery just outside of the city.
The grounds of Castello de Roncade outside of Venice, Italy.

I had another special moment while wandering the castle's stunning grounds. They were filled with perfectly placed plants and sculptures that I thought looked enchanting.

My favorite part of the grounds was a massive tree I found alluring. It was a 250-year-old Lebanon Cedar tree, a representative for Castello de Roncade told me.
The grounds of Castello de Roncade.

Looking up from underneath it made me feel tiny.

From Venice, I traveled to Rome — one of this summer's most popular tourist destinations.
Archaeological sites and historic buildings in Rome.

The city of Rome is nearly 3,000 years old and known for its rich history and romantic vibes. And according to a recent study by Delta, it's one of the most-searched travel destinations for the summer of 2024.

During my stay, I slept in a livable art sculpture I found on Airbnb, and I thought it was the most unique accommodation I'd ever experienced.
A livable sculpture in Rome that the author found on Airbnb.

My host, Alessandro, told me he built the livable sculpture on the roof of his villa using recycled materials like car windows, scrap wood, and pieces of broken tiles.

Before booking this Airbnb, I'd never even heard of a sculpture home. I imagined it would feel like sleeping in a giant piece of art, with quirky design elements in every corner. Turns out, I was right.
Inside the livable art sculpture.

I'll never forget how amazing it felt to wake up inside this Airbnb with sunlight pouring in thanks to all the windows. I wish I could start every day with a moment like that.

While exploring the city on foot, I remember spotting two alluring street artists. Under the shade of a tree near the Roman Forum, I watched an artist paint a chapel across the street.
A man in Rome paints the 15th-century catholic chapel in front of him — Santa Maria di Loreto.

Seeing him in his own world in a public space among so many people was remarkable and inspiring to me.

A few minutes later, I spotted another artist sculpting dogs from sand.
An artist sculpts dogs from sand on the streets of Rome.

I thought this was such a unique form of art and found it fascinating to watch.

The last stop of my trip was Milan.
Snapshots of Milan in October 2022.

The northern Italian city is known for being a world capital of fashion and finance, according to Britannica. But my favorite moment in this city had nothing to do with these things. 

My favorite moment here came from an aimless walk around the city when I stumbled upon a red brick castle that looked massive.
The entrance gates of Castello Sforzesco in Milan.

It was Castello Sforzesco, a 15th-century castle built by Francesco Sforza, a duke of Milan who founded the Sforza Dynasty, according to Britannica.

I thought the castle looked like it came straight out of a fairy tale.
Snapshots of Castello Sforzesco in Milan.

And since I wasn't expecting to find it in urban Milan, happening upon it by chance made for a special memory.

Thanks to these unique moments, I don't think I'll ever forget my first trip to Italy.
The author enjoys her time in Italy.

And I can't wait to go back.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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