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N. Macedonia starts elections that could decide stalled EU talks

SKOPJE, Republic of North Macedonia — North Macedonia on Wednesday held the first round of a presidential election — the first in a series of votes that could decide whether the Balkan country will join the European Union.

It will be followed by a presidential run-off and a parliamentary poll on May 8.

The elections come amid a two-year standoff between the government and the opposition over how to deal with neighbouring Bulgaria blocking its path to EU membership.

Relations with Bulgaria have been strained for years by disputes over the two countries’ languages and history.

Sofia has refused to back the opening of accession talks between Skopje and the EU until North Macedonia recognises its tiny Bulgarian minority in the constitution.

President Stevo Pendarovski and the ruling centre-left Social Democrats (SDSM) are prepared to make the amendments but lack the numbers to win a parliamentary vote. 

The opposition VMRO-DPMNE Party says constitutional changes can only come after North Macedonia joins the EU, a stance the government says is unrealistic.

Wednesday’s vote puts the two opposing views on the ballot, with Pendarovski in danger of being unseated by Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, who is backed by the right-wing VMRO-DPMNE. 

After about six hours of voting, turnout stood at 26 per cent , according to the state electoral commission. 


Old rivals 


The long-time political rivals, who also faced off in the last presidential election in 2019, lead a crowded field of seven candidates.

Pendarovski and the SDSM have vowed to unlock the stalled talks with the EU and shepherd the constitutional changes through the parliament.

“The priority of the new parliament will be adopting the constitutional changes and I expect that process to start immediately after the elections,” he said.

Siljanovska-Davkova and the VMRO-DPMNE said North Macedonia — which had to change its name in 2018 from Macedonia to settle a separate long-running dispute with Greece — will not be pushed around on the issue.

“Only unity can push us forward... and make us feel proud,” the retired law professor and former MP told a rally on Monday night.

After voting, Siljanovska-Davkova remained confident saying, “the hour has come for this government to go”.

The message appears to resonate with many who are looking for a change. 

“From these elections I expect total change of the government and finally the interests of Macedonia to be protected,” Filip Zdraveski, 38, told AFP after voting in the capital Skopje. 

Wednesday’s vote will be closely watched as a barometer for the parliamentary elections, said analyst Ana Petruseva, head of the Macedonia branch of regional investigative reporting outlet BIRN.

“The presidential elections’ first round will be a dress-rehearsal for the parliamentary elections on May 8 and reveal the major political parties’ standings,” she told AFP.

Opinion polls have suggested Pendarovski is heading for defeat. 

Siljanovska-Davkova leads in the polls with 26 per cent  support followed by Pendarovski on 16 per cent .

The support of the five other candidates may be vital for the runoff, Petruseva added.

The five include Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, supported by the ethnic Albanian DUI Party — a partner in the ruling coalition — and Arben Taravari of the opposition ethnic Albanian coalition.

The DUI has offered its backing in the second round on condition that future presidents be elected by MPs, which it hopes would one day lead to an ethnic Albanian holding the position.

Albanians make up more than a quarter of the country’s population of 1.8 million.

Pendarovski and Siljanovska-Davkova have dismissed the idea, saying it is more democratic for the head of state to be selected through a direct vote.

Ordinary voters, however, seem more interested in making ends meet.

“I hope that whoever wins will improve living standards and make a better future, especially for young people,” civil servant Sanja Jovanovic-Damjanovska told AFP.

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