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Kansas Gov. allows anti-DEI bill to become law, uses veto power on other bills

TOPEKA (KSNT) - Kansas Governor Laura Kelly is letting a bill banning certain diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practices in higher education to become state law Friday.

Kelly is using her veto power on April 19 to reject several bills while letting two others become law without her signature. She included statements in a press release regarding her reasoning for each decisions below:

New laws

House Bill 2105

House Bill 2105 bans Kansas universities from using DEI considerations in any admissions, educational aid and employment decisions.

"While I have concerns about this legislation, I don’t believe that the conduct targeted in this legislation occurs in our universities. We need to move forward and focus our efforts on making college more affordable and providing students from all backgrounds with the tools they need to succeed. I am focused on advancing policies that drive economic growth and develop tomorrow’s workforce. For that reason, I will allow the bill to become law without my signature.”

Gov. Laura Kelly

House Bill 2711

This bill establishes the Countries of Concern Divestment Act, increases the statutory alternative investment percentage limitation for the KPERS Trust Fund and increases the amount of KPERS retirant compensation subject to the statutory employer contribution rate to the first $40,000 earned in a calendar year. It also provides a KPERS working after retirement exemption for retirants employed by a community developmental disability organization or a community service provider in a licensed professional nurse.

“While I support efforts to increase focus on national security, I am concerned about the unintended consequences that could be caused by this well-meaning legislation. Therefore, I will allow this bill to become law without my signature.”

Gov. Laura Kelly

Vetoed bills

House Bill 2465

This bill enacts the Adoption Savings Account Act and increases the income tax credit amount for adoption expenses. It also establishes an income, privilege and premium tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers for residential maternity facilities and provides for a sales tax exemption for purchases by pregnancy resource centers and residential maternity facilities.

“I do not believe it is appropriate to divert taxpayer dollars to largely unregulated crisis pregnancy centers. These entities are not medical centers and do not promote evidence-based methods to prevent unplanned pregnancies. This bill goes against the wishes of Kansans. On August 2, 2022, Kansas voters overwhelmingly signaled to politicians that they should stop inserting themselves between women and their private medical decisions.

“While some continue to meddle in Kansans’ personal lives, I remain committed to upholding the will of Kansas voters."

Gov. Laura Kelly

House Bill 2614

Requires county election officers to record the names of individuals delivering advance voting ballots on behalf of another voter and report violations of the laws governing such delivery and removes the requirement to specify the treasurer of a sponsoring organization in political advertising.

“This bill is an attempt to disenfranchise Kansas voters by enacting burdensome and unnecessary requirements that are designed to restrict and suppress advanced voting.

“Kansans have a right to participate in our democracy, but time and again some politicians have tried to interfere in the voting process. I will continue to oppose efforts that place obstacles between voters casting their ballots and making their voices heard."

Gov. Laura Kelly

House Bill 2618

This bill prohibits the use of funds provided by the U.S. government for the conduct of elections and election-related activities unless approved by the Legislature and requires specific intent as an element of the crime of false representation of an election official.

“There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud or instances of individuals impersonating election officials in Kansas.

“Additionally, there is no reason to potentially restrict the use of federal funds for election purposes. Kansas is already one of the lowest-ranking states for use of utilizing federal funding. Accepting these dollars helps Kansas ensure smooth administration of our elections.

“Restrictive voting legislation of any kind is wrong. Instead of making it more challenging for Kansans to participate in our democracy or focusing on problems that do not exist, I would urge the legislature to focus on real issues impacting Kansans."

Gov. Laura Kelly

House Bill 2532

Provides one-third of the amount collected on parimutuel wagering on historic horse races shall be credited to the Kansas Horse Breeding Development Fund and two-thirds of the amount collected shall be credited to the Horse Fair Racing Benefit Fund.

This bill would inadvertently cause a tax increase on the currently approved historical horse racing facility in Wichita. While I support the underlying goal of this legislation, I believe a trailer bill is necessary to ensure that this inadvertent tax increase does not occur."

Gov. Laura Kelly

House Bill 2583

Increases the criminal penalties for harming or killing certain dogs and horses and requires restitution for such offense to include certain expenses.

“The death of any law enforcement animal is a tragedy. There is no question we should hold those responsible accountable for their actions. While the intention of this bill is commendable, this legislation needs further evaluation and study. First, House Bill 2583 imposes mandatory minimum sentences that disregard important factors that should be left to the discretion of a judge through the regular sentencing process. Second, the mandatory sentences are out of line with other, more severe crimes without justification for why that is required. Third, while the requirement for a psychological evaluation and anger management program are important, we do not apply this same standard to many other heinous crimes."

Gov. Laura Kelly

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