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Could writing letters of protest be more effective than a boycott?

In MetroTalk: could writing to the Israeli ambassador be better than a boycott?

'Protect the Right to Boycott' Rally for Palestinians in London
Do well-written letters still have impact? (Picture: Wiktor Szymanowicz/Anadolu via Getty Images)

In today’s MetroTalk, a reader suggests an alternative method for protesting the war between Israel and Hamas, one that could potentially be more effective than a boycott.

But, could a letter of protest to Tzipi Hotovely, the far-right diplomat Israeli ambassador to the UK actually bring about any meaningful change?

Meanwhile, the cancer-causing chemicals we can’t avoid, and we’re reminded why we should spare a thought for our post-person and why they do a lot more than just handle our post.

Share what you think about these topics and more in the comments.

Should we write to the Israeli ambassador instead?

Israel's Ambassador To The UK Tzipi Hotovely
Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s ambassador to the UK has explicitly rejected the idea of a Palestinian state (Credits: Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Kevin (MetroTalk, Tue) says we should boycott Israeli goods over the killing of seven aid workers as part of Israel’s response to the Hamas attack of October 7.

The Israeli Defence Forces says the drone attack was a ‘grave mistake’.

My suggestion (MetroTalk, Thu) was to write a letter of protest to the Israeli ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely.

A boycott would just mean poorly paid Israeli workers being laid off, whereas a letter to the ambassador would be heard in Israeli government circles. Well-written letters still have impact.

Many workers in Israeli do not like what their government is doing in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s economy needs to be kept going – which would be harder under a boycott – so that when a sensible government is returned to Israel there is an economy that can help repair Gaza. Andrew Edwards, Islington

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Bill (MetroTalk, Mon) explains away the various killings of civilians and aid workers by Israel because the country is ‘fighting for its survival’.

Sorry to address the elephant in the room, but if the only way for Israel to survive is the ability to kill thousands of civilians without international condemnation, then frankly it shouldn’t. No country should have the ability to do that. Elliott, Banstead

What with Israel launching air strikes on neighbouring Lebanon and Syria and in the latter case, destroying an Iranian consulate, the war in Gaza is obviously escalating. Coupled with the attacks on western shipping by the Yemeni Houthis, it could lead to an 
all-out regional war in the Middle East 
as a whole. Phil Brand, London

Extremist slant or courtesy?

So, according to Jim from London (MetroTalk, Wed) it’s an ‘extremist slant’ to expect others to use the correct pronouns and have zero issues with trans athletes competing in women’s sports.

What he doesn’t call ‘extremist’ is 
people trying to turn the entire idea of trans acceptance into yet another culture war issue.

From needlessly pushing ‘women-only’ bathroom laws on the flimsy pretence of protecting women (even though it’s usually trans women who are in need of protection from sex offenders, rather than being one themselves), to expecting schools to out trans students to their parents (while also wanting to punish 
any parents who are trans accepting).

From the whole issue with trans women athletes and the supposed unfair advantages they have in women’s 
sports (a narrative that tends to ignore 
the fact transgender athletes aren’t inherently better than cisgender athletes).

And from complaining non-stop about any and all attempts at providing trans representation and acceptance, 
to threatening children’s hospitals because of suspicions they might be transitioning children.

Honestly, that’s more of an ‘extremist slant’ than simply reminding someone to use the correct pronouns and not seeing trans women athletes compete in women’s sports as a big deal. Sam Mushtaq, Oldbury

Rob Slater (MetroTalk, Tue) appears to say concerns about losing women-only toilets are ‘nonsense’.

Does he not know that predatory men will pretend to be women to gain access to vulnerable women and girls?

Why else would there be single-sex spaces in the first place?

According to the Ministry of Justice data for 2020 presented to the women and equalities parliamentary committee, 17 per cent of male inmates are in for sex crimes. For trans inmates it’s 59 per cent for sex crimes. So it is happening. Julie, Liverpool

Hardest Geezer should try Paisley – and why action is needed on forever chemicals

British runner Russ Cook celebrates with supporters after arriving to the finish line in Ras Angela, the most northern point of the African continent, in Tunis, Tunisia, Sunday, April 7, 2024. Cook ??? known on social media by his nickname, Hardest Geezer ??? has run more than 16,000 kilometers (10,000 miles), from the south to north of Africa, in 352 days. (The Snapshot People LTD via AP)
That’s good but… (Credits: AP)

Regarding Russ Cook completing his 10,000-mile run up the length of Africa and calling himself ‘The Hardest Geezer’ (Metro, Tue). He obviously hasn’t run through Paisley on a Saturday night! Joss of Alva, via text

Thank you for your article highlighting fears about cancer-causing ‘forever chemicals’ being found in our fruit and veg (Metro, Tue).

It’s admitted that many chemicals have been allowed into common use without proper safety testing to see if they cause cancer.

The authorities say one in two people in Britain will get cancer, which is a shockingly high figure.

There are around 70,000 chemicals in use and some of them disrupt human hormones. Benzene is a proven cause of cancer yet is used by industry. Government regulators need to do their part to reduce pollution. A Wills, Middlesex

Royal mail worker.
They’re delivering letters rain, snow, wind or shine (Credits: Getty Images)

Further to the comments about postmen and women (MetroTalk, Wed).
They’re up early to pound the pavements in all weathers, doing more than 10,000 steps a day, with a 20-minute break that many don’t take because they are tracked. They are heroes on a par with those working at the NHS – look how they handled all those Covid box tests.

They know their vulnerable customers and are sometimes the first to see a problem.

Many posties are treated with kindness but also suffer abuse, dog attacks. Many take the job to help with their own mental health, with the fresh air and walking.
So I commend all you post people. And, please, look after your postie –
a smile costs nothing! Jenni Coles, Mother Of An Amazing Postie

What are your thoughts? Have your say in the comments belowComment Now

MORE : Map shows grueling 10,000 mile challenge the ‘Hardest Geezer’ took on in just under a year

MORE : The sports that have banned transgender women as World Netball implements new rules

MORE : What’s behind the worrying rise in cancer diagnoses in young people?

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