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Texas sheriffs demand, 'STOP THE U.S. INVASION NOW!'


On March 20, 2024, just a little over a week ago, the Sheriffs' Association of Texas, represented by its sheriffs and members, met with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in the State Capitol building to join in solidarity with him and convey their grave immediate concerns about the illegal invasion into the Lone Star state and…

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On March 20, 2024, just a little over a week ago, the Sheriffs' Association of Texas, represented by its sheriffs and members, met with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in the State Capitol building to join in solidarity with him and convey their grave immediate concerns about the illegal invasion into the Lone Star state and our whole country.

The leaders of the Sheriff's Association of Texas presented an urgent letter demanding the feds declare a constitutional emergency for all Americans to join them, Gov. Abbott, border patrol law enforcement and other local agencies in stopping the infiltration of illegals pouring into our country.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is joined by Sheriffs' Association of Texas President and Smith County Sheriff Larry Smith, National Sheriffs' Association Board Member and Collin County Sheriff Jim Skinner, and Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn. Look at this stellar Board of Directors of the Association here.

Sheriffs from across Texas gather with Gov. Greg Abbott to call on feds and Americans to stop invading illegals now!

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Gov. Abbott presented with the "Stop the Invasion" document from the Texas Sheriff Association.

This was NOT just another photo-op with Gov. Abbott. It was a critical think tank of dozens of hyper-concerned, action-oriented Texas sheriffs, who took the time out of their busy schedules to gather at the Texas Capitol in Austin to demand the president and federal government immediately stop the invasion of illegals at the U.S. southern border because they are destroying our country from the inside out.

Most Americans now know what many Texas sheriffs have been shouting from the roof tops and been experiencing exponentially because of invading illegals. If somehow you've been on a deserted island or with your head in the clouds, consider all this catastrophic invasion evidence I've presented in previous columns:

If you read even a few columns above, you'll also ask: Do we need any more evidence than that to close the border immediately until we have this invasion insanity under control?

That is exactly why the Texas sheriffs wrote and backed this urgent emergency letter listing the dire circumstances and collective demands:

I'm so grateful that my filmmaker brother, Aaron Norris, joined this gathering of Texas sheriffs as well as our dear friends Sheriff Bill Waybourn, Sheriff Don Sowell and Larry Hatfield, all of whom were very instrumental in bringing the sheriffs and others together. They rallied the troops to show theirs and others' support (including ours) who were outside of Texas at the time.

As honorary Texas Rangers and military veterans, Aaron and I have always been staunch supporters of law enforcement and our military personnel. Moreover, my wife, Gena, was living out her patriotism even before marrying me, as she served in the Sheriff's Department of her Northern California hometown and county as a correctional corporal and level 2 reserve deputy sheriff.

The facts is, when Texas sheriffs speak up against border atrocities and illegal entries, they are doing so not only on behalf of concerned Texas citizens but all law-abiding Americans from sea to shining sea.

Proof of that is found in a new Gallup Poll that shows the illegal invasion of our country is the No. 1 problem to a record-high number of Americans.

As the Gallup website reported, "Immigration Surges to Top of Most Important Problem List." Skyrocketing inflation and a crippled economy register as top problems, too, but nothing close to the soaring problem of illegals invading our country.

Far greater than just a southwestern problem, a record-high number of Americans are now saying that illegal invasion poses a grave existential and national security "critical threat" to our whole nation.

That "critical threat" to the U.S. is easily substantiated when we realize that record numbers of illegal invaders who have already proliferated in our country have been on the nation's "Terrorist Watchlist."

Did you know the U.S. terrorist watchlist has grown to 2 million people – nearly doubling in 6 years?

CBS News even reported, "The numbers speak for themselves. When it first launched on Dec. 1, 2003, the consolidated watchlist – now known as the Terrorist Screening Dataset – included approximately 120,000 people. By 2017, the last publicly confirmed numbers, it included nearly 10 times as many: 1,160,000 individuals. Now, at the end of 2023, the Terrorist Screening Dataset contains the names of approximately 2 million people the government considers known or suspected terrorists, ….according to a CBS Reports investigation."

And consider that a record number of 172 people on the terrorist watchlist in 2023 alone – higher than the last six fiscal years combined – have been already apprehended at the U.S. southern border and ports. That's how many we know of! We don't have a clue how many potential terrorists were among the 1.7 million illegal gotaways!

The U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security confirmed, "Under President Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources have confirmed over 1.7 million known gotaways at the Southwest border. Even worse, in a March 2023 field hearing, then-U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz testified that the number of total gotaways could be as much as 20 percent higher than the publicly reported numbers."

Remember, it took only 19 terrorists to pull off what kind of devastation in the U.S. on 9/11? Have we forgotten that?

And to add illegal insult to injury, as if increased numbers of MS-13 crossing illegally into the U.S. didn't raise enough anxiety, "Tren de Aragua," a violent new Venezuelan gang is also intermixing with other illegal migrants. The FBI in El Paso shared that some 38 members were arrested in fiscal year 2023 alone. Again, imagine how many are in the 2 million gotaways!

We're so grateful for all that Gov. Abbott and his administration have done in our own Lone Star State to bolster the border and stop illegal entries, but he's literally been fighting the feds at every turn from taking down the very barricades he erects and removing agents he posts to stop illegal invaders. That's crazy!

The New York Post recently reported: "7.2M illegals entered the U.S. under Biden admin, an amount greater than population of 36 states!" That's insanity!

Through 535 immigration actions (by Jan. 17, 2024) in its first three years alone, the Biden administration has already outpaced any previous president in the entire history of the U.S. as they continue to open the floodgates wider and wider at the southern border. (It's ludicrous that Biden can widen the door for illegals to enter with 535 immigration actions and a wave of his presidential pen, yet he whines that he can't close the border without an act of Congress!)

That is why Americans on the right and left are finally asking the most important question: Why would the Biden administration intentionally allow and enable 8-to-10 million illegals to enter our country via the U.S. southern border?

The answers and reasons are nothing short of hideous and evil: The fact is, enemies of the state are clearly masquerading as political leaders – along with other power brokers who are literally dismantling America from the inside out. The battle that is going on at the border is much more treasonous and political than Americans can possibly imagine. In fact, right now, they are continuing to register illegals to vote to keep Biden and other progressive Democrats in power!

For an insider look into why the Biden administration is intentionally allowing illegals (and all types of contraband and crime) to pass through our borders, please take 10 short minutes and watch "This is All by Design." It is perhaps the single most important video regarding our border and sovereignty. Everyone who calls themselves an American Patriot, who cares about and loves this country and is deeply concerned about their children's (and grandchildren's) future, absolutely needs to watch this broadcast:

Former President Trump did an immensely better job building up and bolstering the U.S. border, yielding historic record lows in illegal crossings of people and contraband.

Trump had the right idea with building a border wall to protect us and only allow legal immigrants into the country. But, President Trump, did you know about these patriotic Texas sheriffs showing up at the Texas Capitol in Austin?

Here's how Trump's numbers compare to illegals who have crossed under the present Biden administration since 2021, according to the Washington Post:

A plethora of Texas signs to "Stop the Invasion" have shown up across the state.

Friends and fellow Americans, I'm calling and imploring you to join these Texas sheriffs' demand: "STOP THE U.S. INVASION NOW!"

Because our border crisis is not a conservative or liberal issue, but an American issue (not unlike war), I'm calling on my army of patriot broadcaster friends: Newsmax, Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, Stew Peters, Lara Logan and many other great hosts on Rumble, FOX News, Fox & Friends (First), Sean Hannity, Jessie Waters, "The Five," Laura Ingraham, Greg Gutfeld, Larry Elder, Bill Hemmer & Dana Perino, Bret Baier, Harris Faulkner, Trace Gallagher, Candace Owens, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Alex Jones, Joseph Farah, WND correspondents and commentators, Ben Shapiro, Mike Savage & the Savage Nation, Rick Green & David/Tim Barton's Wallbuilders show, Katie Pavlich & Townhall, the Federalist, Breitbart News, Epoch Times and every other freedom-loving American patriot broadcaster, podcaster and many other worthy alternative media outlets, to PLEASE set aside some space, airtime and broadcasts VERY SOON to propel the voices and demands of the Texas sheriffs asking the feds and especially ALL Americans to help them stop "INVASION USA" at our southern border!

And I'm calling on every American to take these three urgent actions immediately, and encourage others to do the same:

  • Please share this column and post on your social media and everywhere you can to get word out. If you know (or don't know) those in media, please send it to them, too.
  • Please also send it to your local, state and federal representatives and demand exactly what the sheriffs are demanding: "STOP THE INVASION NOW!"
  • Most of all, vote in a new president in 2024 who will protect your country from illegal invaders!

Folks, one definition of treason is: "The betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country"!

It's time to crank up the pressure and let the feds know we are damn mad that they are enabling the dismantling of our republic, and we are not going to take it anymore!

Remember what Edmund Burke said: "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing."

It's time for another meeting by not only the sheriffs in the Lone Star State, but every law enforcement agency in America this time! Every law officer in EVERY state should follow the patriotic example the Texas sheriffs have set!

And then every American who loves his or her country follow suit!

President Ronald Reagan couldn't have stated it better: "A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation."

Please make the choice right now! WRITE & FIGHT TODAY, or you will abandon your children and grandchildren by giving your country over to its enemies within and without.

(Please support the Texas Association of Sheriffs. You can even write and encourage the individual sheriffs here. Fight with them to stop the invasion of illegals before we watch our country completely disappear before our eyes!)

(And to read much more on the immigration crisis and its solutions, as well as many other problems in America and their solutions according to our founders, I encourage you to read my New York Times bestseller, "Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America.")

Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@wndnewscenter.org.


The post Texas sheriffs demand, 'STOP THE U.S. INVASION NOW!' appeared first on WND.

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