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As Americans, it’s imperative we become informed and vote; revisiting the history of the Civil War | READER COMMENTARY

Most dictatorships thrive on democracy

So and so being a threat to democracy is being thrown around lately and it makes me cringe every time I hear it. The word democracy does not appear in our founding documents, not even once. And for those unaware, democracy means mob rule or, two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner.

We are a Constitutional Republic, which means each of our 50 states, no matter how large or small, has an equal and equitable voice and seat at the table. Our “representatives,” also known as elected officials, are supposed to represent our (We the People) best interests. And when they stop representing us, we get to vote them out of office.

Most dictatorships thrive on democracy, while in America we still have free will, liberty and self-governance. Democracies throw their political opponents in jail without reason, murder their families and voting is a joke.

I can understand why so many think we are a democracy since just about every politician and media uses the word as a weapon. You might believe you want a democracy, but first, read up on how democratic countries run their governments and treat their people. Why do you think so many foreigners want to come to America?

As an American, it is your duty to fully understand your responsibilities. No. 1 is registering to vote and vote — especially women. Those who came before us suffered greatly to fight for women having the right to vote. We stand on strong shoulders so get your voter’s card ladies.

Next, be informed. Yeah, I know, life is bat-crap-crazy but just as you have family and work obligations, make room for politics. Every single decision politicians and unelected bureaucrats make directly affects our lives. Did you know state legislators are increasing the gas tax again and plan to tax everything we do, including going to the gym and packages from Amazon?

Once you’re informed and realize how far out of touch career politicians are, you’ll know what to do.

We have an amazing country, remarkable founding documents and an eclectic citizenry that stands head and shoulders above all others.

We the People, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.

God Bless America.

Michelle Jefferson, Jefferson

History of wars are written by the winners of wars

Recently Nikki Haley was excoriated by the righteous for stating that the war between the states, aka the Civil War, was about “the role of government and what the rights of the people are.” Naturally she issued a mea culpa almost immediately and the story went away.

However, I think the case possibly could be made that she was at least partially correct. Now make no mistake; slavery was and is the most culpable and disgusting institution in all of history. In fact, it was to some extent  America’s Holocaust.

Remember that when wars end, the accounts and histories of such wars are always written by the winners. And the winners of course always look good.

I honestly think that you could argue that a civil war is a violent confrontation for control of a central government. The War Between the States was more about power and wealth. Abraham  Lincoln himself said on any number of occasions that the war was fought to preserve the union, not to put an end to slavery.

Kids in our public schools are likely taught that Lincoln freed the slaves. He didn’t! The 13th Amendment, which was ratified some eight months after the war ended and Lincoln was assassinated, did.

The Emancipation Proclamation, which only freed slaves held in Confederate states, was an executive order  issued by the commander in chief, Lincoln, to enlist slaves into the Army whether they wanted to join or not. Additionally, the proclamation instructed the Army “not to interfere with slavery” in the five states bordering the Union states.

And then there was what was called the Corwin Amendment. In 1861, a congressman from Ohio, Thomas Corwin, proposed a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting federal interference with slavery in the states. Congress actually approved it! But before it could be sent out to all the states for ratification, the war began. This then would have enshrined slavery in the Constitution as yes, the 13th Amendment. And Lincoln also approved it.

How ironic that as soon as the war ended, pretty much the same Congress that had moved to protect slavery before the war started now moved to abolish it via our official 13th Amendment. As I noted above, history is written by the winners.

Oh, and certainly, the war was and is seen in different lenses and contexts as it’s been 150-plus years since the war ended. Of course, these views include causes and certainly perceptions. The infamous Napoleon Bonaparte said, “history is not a record of the events before us; history is what people think took place before us.” How true!

Dave Price, Sykesville

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