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Массовая драка у Дома Культуры произошла в краснодарском поселке Афипский из-за девушки

Трамп заявил, что обиделся на Путина за слова в поддержку Харрис

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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Biden’s State of the Union address was too political | Letters to the editor

President Joe Biden gave a political State of the Union speech dressed up in the trappings of a formal address.

It was aimed at getting back the base he’s losing and needs to get back if he’s to have any hope of re-election.

He talked about abortion but he never used the word (as The Associated Press reported).

Democrats do not want to talk about abortion. They want to pretend it’s a one-dimensional issue that affects only a mother’s reproductive freedom, with no room to discuss the second life involved, the unborn child.

Biden is a failure and his speech was an embarrassment. But it gave us a clear signal of what lies ahead in the campaign.

Frank Pavone, Cocoa

The writer is president of Priests for Life.

No double-dipping

According to the Florida Constitution, “No person shall hold at the same time more than one office under the government of the state and the counties and municipalities therein.”

Glen Gilzean was the full-time administrator of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD) when he was appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis to serve as Orange County Supervisor of Elections.

The tourism job salary is $400,000 while the elections job pays $205,000.

Before Gilzean resigned the tourism job, maybe the attorney general could have weighed in and straightened out this newfound scandal in the state that allegedly promotes “law and order.”

Was there no one else in Orange County who could have assumed the role of elections supervisor through the November election?

Voters should be outraged that their tax dollars are fueling the cronyism crockpot. Voting Republican really means you are a fan of the nonstop patronage carousel and you don’t mind it when you are taken advantage of.

PJ Whelan, Orlando

Snowbird gasoline prices

I’m sure you all have seen the current gasoline prices.

They are super high. I’ve noted that’s especially true during snowbird season, especially February, March and April, when the population swells.

Oil companies and gas stations take advantage of snowbirds to charge the highest prices of the year. The only way consumers can possibly beat this is to drive less, using fewer gallons of gas a week.

Now, multiply that by tens of thousands of cars, and pretty soon, the inventory in gasoline storage tanks will be soaring. Then the prices go back down.

Perhaps state and local authorities should look into this mess, while at the same time asking our honorable governor to stop lawyers from filing their promiscuous lawsuits, which result in the highest auto and homeowners’ insurance in the country.

At this rate, you and I may not be able to live here any more.

Steve Landes, Boynton Beach 

Answering his critics

My name occasionally pops up on the Opinion pages. All that liberals have gotten wrong about Trump, such as the Russian collusion hoax or the impeachment over insurrection, which he was not charged with, haven’t caused true conservatives like myself to waver one iota.

Another Sun Sentinel letter writer said Trump has a “50-word vocabulary.” Trump can speak extemporaneously for two hours, but President Biden can’t get through two sentences while reading from a TelePrompTer.

Millions of illegals have crossed the border since Biden took office, and cities like New York and Chicago are enduring the consequences. Perhaps you saw that police in New York were beaten by Venezuelan illegals in January. Some were freed without bail, and one flipped the bird to photographers.

A woman student at the University of Georgia was recently killed, allegedly by an undocumented immigrant with a criminal record. Welcome to Biden’s America. Couple that with two wars and inflation, and I’ll repeat the question: Are you better off than you were four years ago? Only a fool or a liar would answer yes.

Neal Bluestein, Boca Raton

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