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Brazil’s Lula Doubles Down on ‘Genocide’ Comments About Israel – Former Israeli PM Bennett Calls Him ‘An Idiot’ on TV – Domestic Criticism Grows With Impeachment Request

Speaking in a controlled environment for a few dozen militants, in an aggressive tone, and with bloodshot eyes, Brazilian President Lula da Silva doubled down on his statements over the war between Israel and Palestine that has sparked a grave diplomatic rift between the countries,

“‘If This Isn’t Genocide, I Don’t Know What Is,’ Says Lula of Israeli Attack on Gaza.

‘What the Israeli government is doing to the Palestinian people is not war,’ said the President of Brazil. ‘It’s not soldiers who are dying, but women and children who are dying inside the hospitals’.”

In fact, the Brazilian Government does not intend to retract President Luiz Inacio da Silva’s comment comparing Israel’s war on Gaza to Hitler’s treatment of Jews.

Reuters reported:

“Brazil’s foreign ministry has already summoned the Israeli ambassador for talks and recalled its own ambassador to Israel after Israeli officials gave him a formal reprimand following Lula’s comment.

‘What is happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people has no parallel in other historical moments’,” Brazil’s president said.

‘In fact, it did exist when Hitler decided to kill the Jews’, said Lula during a weekend African Union summit in Addis Ababa, referring to Nazi war crimes during World War Two.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz immediately announced that Lula is not welcome until he takes back his comments.

“‘We will not forget nor forgive. It is a serious anti-Semitic attack. In my name and the name of the citizens of Israel – tell President Lula that he is persona non grata in Israel until he takes it back’, Katz told Brazil’s ambassador, according to a statement from Katz’s office.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded harshly to Lula’s previous comments, saying: “The words of the President of Brazil are shameful and alarming. This is a trivialization of the Holocaust and an attempt to harm the Jewish people and Israel’s right to defend itself.

Israel is fighting for its defense and securing its future until complete victory and it does so while upholding international law.”

In British TV, former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called Lula da Silva ‘an idiot’ on a Monday segment of Piers Morgan Uncensored.

Lula not only faces challenges in the diplomatic field but is also now facing internal tribulations, even inside his own coalition.

El Mundo reported:

The controversial statements of the Brazilian president caused friction within the government, with allied parties that make up the official base, and even calls for the impeachment of the opposition in Congress.”

Harsh criticism of Lula in Brazil comes from close allies with important places in the government structure.

“’Hamas provoked that [the war], because it went to Israel to execute a mountain. It is a comparison without any meaning. I find it regrettable, because it is not a genocide’, Carlos Siqueira, president of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), told the newspaper O Globo.”

The PSB is the party of the vice president, Geraldo Alckmin, who heads two ministries. Alckmin is a descendant of Sephardic Jews and is close to the large and very influential Jewish community in Brazil.

The large ‘Evangelical group’ in Parliament is also painted for war.

“’Unbalanced verbalizations, in addition to not representing the thoughts of the majority of Brazilians, compromise international politics unnecessarily’, said in a note this Monday the [Evangelical] group, which brings together 203 of the 512 deputies, including dozens of political parties. the official base.

The organization ‘Jews for Democracy’, which supported Lula in the 2022 presidential campaign […] described the statements as ‘indefensible’, in a critical note published on social networks.”

In his mega-demonstration on Sunday, former President Jair Bolsonaro held and kissed an Israeli flag.

Bolsonaro aligned Brazil with Israel, and transferred the Brazilian capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“Almost a hundred opposition deputies signed a request for impeachment presented by the opposition in the lower house. Dozens of deputies from parties from the official base such as the Progressive Party (PP) of the president of Deputies, Arthur Lira, and Republicans, signed the request.”

Read more:

Brazil’s Lula Criticizes Israel, Compares Military Campaign to the Nazi Holocaust – Gets Branded ‘Persona Non Grata’ by Tel-Aviv – Brazil Recalls Ambassador as Spat Intensifies

The post Brazil’s Lula Doubles Down on ‘Genocide’ Comments About Israel – Former Israeli PM Bennett Calls Him ‘An Idiot’ on TV – Domestic Criticism Grows With Impeachment Request appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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