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Antony Blinken Declares Israeli Settlements Illegal

At last, the news we were waiting for! The headline in the Washington Post reads: “White House reverses West Bank policy, calling Israeli settlements illegal.”

Like the border, like inflation, like Russia, when President Joe Biden entered office in 2021, the Middle East was quiet. 

READ MORE from Shmuel Klatzkin: The American People Know the Real Hamas

Biden made a great show on entering office of destroying any policy identified with Trump, regardless of the consequences for the country. And, so, we have the marked improvements on the border, inflation, and Russia for which these Biden years are so noted.

When it comes to brilliant improvement, let’s not forget the Middle East as well. Here, too, genius was at work. Biden immediately resumed funding the U.N. and the UNRWA, whose employees were seen only recently in October furthering the aims of peace by carrying bodies of murdered Israelis to Gaza to hold for ransom and other such acts of high civilization. This on top of their other actions for which Biden with a keenly critical sense at last has rewarded them: teaching to a new generation hatred of Jews (that’s no doubt fine as the Jews are chosen people for special low status in the intersectionality hierarchy) and using their schools for stockpiling weapons and as rocket launching sites against Israel (perhaps those are the rockets Hamas regularly sends out first to gently warn Israeli civilians to get to their safe place). 

Another act of high statesmanship in this region was his immediately taking the Houthis off the terrorist list, which immediately brought the Houthis forth as agents of peace. As a result, they are today active agents for peace, stopping capitalist/imperialist ships from traversing the seas. And let us not forget the immortal strategic retreat in Afghanistan, which, in seeming to be an utter disaster, made America humble and loveable again to the Taliban and every other former enemy in the region, lifting our prestige immensely and furthering the cause of peace.

But one thing was lacking. Perhaps because of the natural caution that so distinguishes a true statesman, Secretary of State Antony Blinken did not announce an immediate change in overall policy about Israel, along with the other improvements we have noted. But the horrible mess that the Pompeo doctrine had wrought cried out for rectification. After all, by recognizing Israel’s right to the Golan Heights and repudiating the idea that the West Bank territories, land that never been recognized as belonging to any country since the British mandate, should be free of Jews — why, that was a disgrace! And the peace that resulted from it, in which five Muslim nations signed treaties with Israel — what could have been more disgraceful than that? It contradicted the cherished principle that the key to peace lay in the hands of the Palestinians, who unilaterally could determine what conditions could lead to the end of the war they began in the 1920s and have continued to this day.

Yet, with greatest self-control, and in the interest of a sane continuity, Blinken held back until the most opportune moment when his actions could be most meaningful. And history has been kind — what better way to use American clarity and the powerful arm of our diplomacy then to crown the efforts of the freedom fighters who massacred, raped, and kidnapped their way through Israel on Oct. 7 than by using the aftermath of their redemptive orgiastic spree to declare the act of Jews settling in their ancient homeland as criminal?

For the creed of the woke states that apartheid is only wrong when committed by the wrong people. How glorious it would be to add the West Bank to the long list of Middle Eastern lands at last free of Jews! America might at last atone for its sins of promoting and defending a democratic state in which everyone’s freedom of religion is protected, and all have full political rights. At last, we reward the onslaught of people whose higher position in Holy Intersectionality makes them always right.

At last, continuity has been established with the transformative policies of Obama, who saved Iran from the peril its nuclear program was in, who graciously helped ISIS realize ancient aspirations, and whose last act of farsighted foreign policy at the end of December 2016 was to guarantee passage of a Security Council resolution recognizing that Judaism’s most holy site, the Temple Mount, was exclusively Islamic property, and that Israel’s stewardship of that area so that both Jews and Muslims had full access was nothing short of criminal.

Now we can relax. Surely, expelling Jews is the way to go to attain peace. This will clearly be seen positively by all the partners for peace in the region, who have long acknowledged that this policy should be established, as the catchy phrase goes, “from the river to the sea.”

It has been far too long that American policy was run on a practical results basis, so clearly an oppressor construct. Our institutions of higher education have led the way, showing that correct narrative and correct ideology are the only things that matter to achieve the utopia we dream of. Now Blinken has at last brought correct ideology and the proper narrative back to where it belongs. No doubt, this will be among the crowning achievements of an administration noted for success in all it does.

The post Antony Blinken Declares Israeli Settlements Illegal appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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