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Marin IJ readers share short tales of love

There’s something about the beginning of the year that makes me start thinking about traveling and dreaming of where this year might take me — literally. Or which new and familiar haunts I can explore in Marin as the year goes on. But, for me, some of my fondest memories are going to Maine — where my mom is from — as a youngster, enjoying a way-too-big cone of froyo from Red’s Dairy Freeze that inevitably melted down my hand and relaxing on the beach with my dear relatives in the summer months.

What’s that place for you? Where is your favorite place to go to, or a favorite trip that you’ve taken? Maybe those cherished memories come from right here in Marin. Or what is your dream trip or adventure that you can’t wait to go on?

I’d love to know about it.

So, please make it a story, a personal story, with a beginning, middle and end — not six adjectives, not a cliche and not advice. Make us laugh or cry or at the very least feel something. For an example, here is the famous story attributed to, but not proven to be written by, Ernest Hemingway: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” That’s quite the story! Need more examples? “It can’t be. I’m a virgin,” writes Kate Atkinson. “Set sail, great storm, all lost,” says John Banville.

If you want your story to run in the IJ, please:

• Write “Six-word story” in the subject line

• Send one story. Just one

• Include your full name and Marin town in the body of the email, no attachments

• Write your short story in the body of the email, no attachments

• Use proper punctuation and spelling

• Use sentence style in one line

• It should not rhyme

• Do not submit six adjectives — that’s not a story

Please send to lifestyles@marinij.com by March 15 and look for it in the March 26 lifestyles section and online.

Last month we asked IJ readers to share their thoughts about love. Here’s what they had to say.

Forever falling in love, with her. — Mike Popovich, Larkspur

Nobody plucking at heart strings anymore. — Mary Ann Gallardo, San Rafael

We fit together like jigsaw pieces. — Marilyn Bagshaw, San Rafael

Married 49 years … more to come! — Frank Ridley, San Rafael

The aspiration to love alleviates suffering. — Jane Mock, Novato

Remember receiving first valentines in 1933. — Sue Beittel, San Rafael

Love means endless gratitude for life. — Lois Wise, Novato

True love is often expressed reproductively. — Dr. Hank Simmonds, Kentfield

Love is elusive; friendships are comforting. — Pamela Lunstead, Novato

Give love like wildflowers, scatter abundantly. — Stacy Burroughs, San Anselmo

He sings to me every morning. — Darby Tanko, Novato

Giving and receiving love: life’s treasures. — David Reinstein, San Anselmo

Love is often unfathomable but wonderful. — Newton Harband, San Rafael

Forty-four years: few words, many actions. — Kate Martin, San Rafael

Survived 50 years of marriage (happily). — Evi and Howard Rachelson, San Rafael

Love WildCare for helping injured animals. — Kermit R. Kubitz, Larkspur

Be my special valentine please, anyone? — Richard Schneider, San Rafael

Sweet words, laughter, adventure, so grateful! — Barbara Rowe, Mill Valley

Sore joints but still holding hands. — JJ Mathews, Tiburon

Abandoned Chihuahua needed home, found me. — Patrice O’Dwyer, Tiburon

Forever friendship with trust, laughter, gratitude. — Antoinette DeLucchi, San Rafael

Love plus marriage is simply nice. — Sue Curran, San Rafael

Daughter marries in May, family jubilant. — Michael C. Vogel, Mill Valley

Periodic space in our togetherness works. — Leigh Anna B. Nikolaieff, Novato

2005: I found my second love. — Heike Dittrich-Kruljac, Corte Madera

Bella brings Bonnie gifts every morning. — John Hanson, Novato

I’ve loved you since day one. — H. Mattson Austin, Sausalito

“Can’t Buy Me Love” — See’s chocolates? — RG Langenhan, San Rafael

You died much too soon. Heartbroken. — Ann Fox, San Rafael

Shy grin says love is here! — Nancy Masterson, Larkspur Landing

Family embraces adored nephew: brain cancer. — Jenny Wood, Mill Valley

Xoxox always in my heart year-round. — Sharon Eide, Novato

Love splashes specialness everywhere in life. — Therese Stawowy, San Rafael

Holding hands makes my heart sing. — Linda Bucklin, Mill Valley

For Billie — loved for 44 years. — Sandy Magid, Novato

“As you wish” sums it up. — David Curtis, Novato

Found painted rock saying “Love yourself.” — Laura Miller, Novato

Marry Mary. Now love flows everywhere. — Rip Anzalone, Novato

Our 50th anniversary shows commitment, love. — Cece Jonsen, Novato

Wonderful, loving, caring husband — miss him. — Marie Lazzari, Novato

There when no one ever was. — Connie Hanson, Mill Valley

Valentine’s Day, mother’s birthday, brave heart. — Elisa Charne, Novato

Love songs from past are best. — Janet Lee Benjamin, Tiburon

Baseball. Crack of bat, fans cheer! — Janice Burke, Novato

“Jesus loves me, this I know.” — Gigi Bibeault, Terra Linda

Eleven years of love and adventure! — Anne Devero-Rosenfeld, Mill Valley

Specially loved from Super Bowl loss! — Helen Hayes, Ross

Lingering looks from all eyes matter. — Georgia Otterson, Bel Marin Keys

Still the one, fractures or not. — Sam Fleeger, Marin City

Need passionate, orgasmic, exciting, enduring love! — Carrie Hudson, Fairfax

God’s love is meant for everyone. — Angelo Capozzi, Tiburon

Second time around really is better! — Jim Martin, Novato

Husband No. 3 forever, happily ever after. — Pam Berkon, Novato

Fortunately, romantic love became lifelong love. — Evelyn Riebe, Mill Valley

Valentine’s. Anniversary. One box of candy. — Bruce Donals, Fairfax

Love means never blowing your leaves. — Mary Geving, Woodacre

Finding my soulmate late in life. — Dave Powell, Novato

Love: the force stronger than hate. — Billie Forer, San Rafael

My loves: wife, sons and grandsons. — Butch Baldassari, San Anselmo

Senior Ball: 52 years later, love! — Rosanna Castain, Larkspur

Dear little dog, sleeping on me. — Susan Storch, Greenbrae

Lovingly, God gave Jesus his heart. — Karen Carlson, Novato

Love for family, faith and friendship. — David Leipsic, San Rafael

Childhood; forever yours, affinity lifetimes ago. — Daniel R. Maloney, San Anselmo

Cinnamon apple tree, snow-bent; yet blossoming. — Johan Almqvist, Greenbrae

Love often requires tolerance and acceptance. — Esther Cherk, Mill Valley

“World needs now … love, sweet love.” — Dart Cherk, Mill Valley

Really listening to what they say. — Janice Kohnhorst, San Rafael

Love? It’s easier said than done. — Elaine Reichert, Santa Venetia

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