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I live in a hostel with my 4 kids – we all share a single room and it’s 8 people to a bathroom, the mess drives me mad

A SINGLE mum has opened up about her reality of living in a single room in a hostel with four of her kids.

Georgia Maria gave her 60,000 followers a tour around their snug living space which they’d moved into after she had been left homeless. 

A single mum revealed she lives in one hostel room with her four kids
Georgia Maria shared how she wanted to show the ‘reality’ behind their living situation

On her @fourwithgeorgiamarie account, she said: “Reality to be honest with you like I always say some days good some days bad.

“This is literally my home and it may not seem like a home because it’s just one room with a kitchen inside of it and four beds.

“There’s five of us living here and eight of us sharing a bathroom [with another family].

“It is what it is and I always tell myself to suck it up and get on with it but for some reason this room always turns out like this.”

Unsurprisingly for five people sharing a single room, there were a lot of clothes, toys and belongings on the beds and  floor.

But Georgia shared how she does her best to keep the space neat and tidy, despite the mess driving her mad.

The mum added: “This room always turns out like this.”

She shared how her mum’s friend had given her two storage units to help organise their items and keep it neat.

Georgia said: “I am very, very grateful for that.

“I know lots of you have been screaming at me to get these Kallax-type units for ages.

“I’m thinking I’ll put toys in here.

“The kids do have plastic boxes next to their beds but they get on my nerves because you can see the toys and all the mess.”

Georgia revealed she had thought about renting an external storage unit but couldn’t justify the £200 a month fee it would cost.

The mum-of-four said many people have suggested getting bunk beds to free up more space in their single room.

However, she said someone had generously sent them a triple bunk bed, but the hostel manager had advised saving it until they find new accommodation.

This is literally my home and it may not seem like a home because it’s just one room with a kitchen inside of it and four beds

Georgia Maria

The mum continued: “I am so tempted to build it, but knowing my luck I will build a triple bunk – which by the way takes two to three people – and then we will move.

“I will just be so angry at myself. 

“I guess they’ll be able to have it in their brand new room which will be so special but it would really help at the minute with the space.”

Georgia showed how they have a table in the room, but currently it was piled high with items.

She explained: “We still use our table still but I just take everything off and pull it out.”

In one previous clip, the mum revealed how she ended up living in the hostel – explaining that she was first moved into a two-bed flat but it was too far away from her children’s’ school.

The mum told the council she would rather stay in a hotel or hostel in her borough rather than move away from her support network – and that’s what she did.

Her video has racked up over 23,000 likes, and one person said of the bunk beds: “Build it, don’t wait, in the next place they might have their own room and not even need the bunk – put it up and free up all that floor space.”

However, another added: “don’t build it, they never go back together as study after being taken apart, but if you do, put it together with wood glue and that helps.”

Many people supported her, saying: “Living in a hostel is not easy mama. You’re doing amazing.”

A second wrote: “this is soo sweet. Hopefully very soon you will get your forever home.”

The mum-of-four said the mess drives her mad[/caption]
She shared how her mum’s friend had given her a storage unit to help[/caption]
Georgia showed herself tidying up her family’s belongings

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