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We’re scared Robert Brown will be freed early – I hope he kills me so my family are safe, says Joanna Simpson’s mum

THE family and friends of a woman who was brutally murdered are fearful that her killer will be released early.

Joanna Simpson was smashed over the head 14 times with a claw hammer and had her body dumped in the boot of a car by her husband Robert Brown.

Joanna Brown was just 46 years old when she was bludgeoned over the head with a claw hammer
INS News Group
Robert Brown was jailed for 26 years for Joanna’s death but could be released early[/caption]
Joanna’s mum Di Parkes appeared on Good Morning Britain today and said she fears for her family’s life if Brown is freed soon[/caption]

The fatal horror took place on Halloween in 2010 at the family home in Ascot, Berks, while their two kids played nearby.

Tragic Joanna’s body was found five days later buried in a pre-dug grave.

Her terrified mum, Di Parkes, and best pal, Hetti Barkworth-Nanton, have since both told how scared they are for the day Brown is released.

Brown, a former British Airways pilot, was found guilty of manslaughter in 2011.

He was ordered to serve just half of a 26-year sentence – meaning he should have been released in November.

But Justice Secretary Alex Chalk used “powers to detain” to keep him behind bars.

A judicial review was since opened at London’s High Court on February 14 about his jailing.

Appearing on Good Morning Britain on Monday, Di told how fearful she was for her family’s safety if Brown was to be released early.

Di said: “We fear his release because he’s dangerous and it certainly wasn’t manslaughter, it was premeditated all the way through.

“He dug the hole where he put the garden box many months before and it was so carefully planned.

“I don’t really know [what he will do], but I hope he comes to kill me first so that all my family and in fact women in general will be safe because he’s a psychopath in my opinion.”

Joanna’s death came just one week before her divorce from Brown was finalised.

Their relationship was volatile – with a sustained period of domestic abuse which included coercive control, isolation, intimidation and serious violence.

Things got so bad in 2007 that Brown held a knife to Joanna’s chest.

Di added: “Unfortunately, when he took a knife to my daughter in 2007, he told her that he’d hated her family for the eight years they were married.”

Di explained she would be Brown’s victim to protect the rest of her family – including Joanna’s two kids.

What happened to Joanna Simpson?

On Halloween in 2010, ex-BA pilot Brown killed Joanna, 46, at their family home in Ascot, as their two children played nearby.

Brown hit Joanna 14 times over the head, before placing her body into the boot of his car.

This had followed a sustained period of domestic abuse which included coercive control, isolation, intimidation and severe violence. 

Joanna’s body was found five days later buried in a pre-dug grave.

The tragic death of the mother-of-two took place just one week before the finalisation of their divorce.

Following her death, the Joanna Simpson Foundation was set up in her memory.

The foundations work is based on her beliefs, values, and the love of her children.

The heartbroken mum continued: “I mean it because I am going to be 85 in May. I’ve lived my life and my family… I’m fearful.

“My granddaughter, my grandson, my son, and his family. We’re all terrified.

“He certainly should be serving his 26-year sentence and in fact now, he would have been serving two thirds of that, but 12 years ago it was sadly half.

“If he killed me, he would be sent to prison for a whole lifetime, really.”

Joanna’s best friend Hetti joined brave Di and said everyone is terrified of his release.

He has instead focused his energy on victim blaming Jo and grievance against Jo’s mother, family, her children and friends

Joanna's best friend, Hetti Barkworth-Nanton

She said: “Di and I have talked about this, I totally understand it.

“It’s where you get to when you are faced with the sheer terror of a man like that, being out and around.”

As the judicial review got underway, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) revealed that Brown has refused to attend rehabilitation programmes while behind bars and continues to show traits of narcissism.

Hetti added: “We’re terrified and I’d always hoped that terror was a bit inflated.

“But in the court two weeks ago, the Ministry of Justice demonstrated that over the course of the 13 years in prison, he has consistently shown himself with narcissistic behaviours, with superiority over all professionals, he’s never engaged in any rehabilitation programmes, in any healthy relationship programmes.

“He has instead focused his energy on victim blaming Jo and grievance against Jo’s mother, family, her children and friends.”

Their appearance comes ahead of a new two-part ITV doc airing tonight.

The British Airways Killer will explore the police investigation into Joanna’s death.

When family members realised Joanna was missing, Brown refused to help cops with their missing persons investigation.

Sick and twisted Brown then handed himself in – confessing to the killing and told officers where they would find Joanna’s body.

The doc also shows unseen footage from the couple’s wedding day where Brown boasted that his new wife was “perfect”.

The British Airways Killer is on ITV1 & ITVX at 9pm tonight.

Di said she would want Brown to kill her before hurting anyone else
Unseen footage of the couple’s wedding will feature in the ITV doc on Monday night[/caption]

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