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I was born and raised in Miami. Here are the 9 biggest mistakes I see tourists make.

Miami is a tourist hot spot, though a lot of visitors repeat the same mistakes.
  • As a Miami local, I've seen some tourists repeat mistakes and overlook the best parts of the city.
  • I wish more visitors learned a few basic Spanish phrases so they could interact with more locals.
  • Peak season is a blast, but more people should consider coming during quieter months.
I've lived in Miami since I was born and still find new, exciting things to do here.
I've lived in Miami my entire life and am raising my kids here.

Being born and raised in Miami is a unique experience, as I was able to experience a lot of different cultures all at once.

I don't get to enjoy many tourist attractions these days, but I'm able to raise my family here while experiencing all the great things the city has to offer.

Miami is packed with fun things to do for people of all ages. Families can take advantage of warm beaches in Key Biscayne, night owls can party at hip nightclubs in South Beach, and adults can spend their evenings at upscale restaurants on Española Way. 

Here are some common mistakes to avoid making in Miami to get the most out of your time here.

Some visitors don't attempt to speak or learn any Spanish even though it's many locals' native tongue.
I recommend stopping for a cafecito, which is a Cuban coffee, while you're in Miami.

Miami is famously a bilingual city, with Spanish and English being the primary languages.

Although English will get you where you need to go, knowing some Spanish can definitely help. Plus, Spanish-speaking locals will likely appreciate your effort if you open a conversation in their native tongue. 

So, when you go for your morning cafecito, or Cuban coffee, make sure to order a colada con mucha espumita, which is a Cuban-style espresso with a lot of foam. Trust me.

Miami has so many incredible Cuban joints, yet people insist on waiting to dine at Versailles Restaurant.
La Esquina de la Fama on Calle Ocho serves incredible Cuban food.

Many people know Versailles Restaurant as the place to go for Cuban food and coffee in Miami. 

As a Miami native and a Latina of Cuban descent, I can wholeheartedly say that Versailles isn't your only option. 

There are countless Cuban cafes — called ventanitas, or windows — in Miami that serve cafecitos just as awesome as the ones I've had at Versailles, and these spots don't tend to have so many crowds.

Versailles' food isn't my favorite either. For delicious Cuban cuisine, I prefer Old's Havana Cuban Bar and Cocina on Calle Ocho, a legendary street in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood.

Many first-timers don't realize how many cuisines they can try here.
Española Way in South Beach is the perfect place to go on a night out.

Miami is a global city with residents from all over the world, and they've brought different cuisines with them.

Depending on your mood, you can choose between Nicaraguan, Peruvian, Mexican, Spanish, Colombian, and Argentinian food. I could go on listing cuisines, and they're all delicious.

Española Way, which is located between 14th Street and 15th Street on South Beach, is a magical little street to visit for a fun night out. It has a ton of mind-blowing Spanish restaurants and bars with live flamenco performances on weekends.

Miami is a year-round destination, though many tourists only come during peak season.
You can catch rays and enjoy the beach year-round in Miami.

People flock to Miami for occasions like Art Basel and spring break, and both are fun. But if you want to see the city in all of its glory, visit during a less-popular time. 

Peak season is November through March, but the weather is pretty much sunny year-round. So even if you come during a less popular time, you'll still probably be able to enjoy the warmth and sunshine.

Plus, you'll likely get better deals on hotels and airfare and avoid large crowds, which will make for better photos. You'll also be able to stroll on comparably empty sidewalks, snag a perfect spot on the sand, and enjoy amenities without such long waits. 

Large crowds appeal to some, but Miami can also be a relaxing place to visit.

People get bogged down over South Beach hotels, but where you stay doesn't matter that much.
It's very easy to get around South Beach once you're there.

There are a bunch of hotels in South Beach, so don't worry if the one you want isn't available. If you're coming to this vibrant part of Miami, your hotel is mostly for sleeping and holding your valuables. 

South Beach is only 17 blocks long and is pretty walkable, so you're not very limited by where you stay. You can also use trolleys, rideshare apps, and bikes to get around. 

Some hotels are historic and have really cool amenities, but even if you aren't staying there, you can walk in, check out the space, and keep exploring. 

For example, The Miami Beach EDITION has an ice-skating rink and a bowling alley in the basement.

A lot of travelers never venture outside of South Beach, but there's so much else to see.
Ocean Drive is the iconic strip that runs along South Beach.

There are so many unique places to visit in Miami that have nothing to do with the beach

If you're interested in experiencing authentic Cuban culture, check out Calle Ocho, where you can see domino games in action, eat authentic Cuban food at ventanitas, shop at local stores, and take in art. 

Since you probably have a bathing suit in tow, you can drive to the historic Venetian Pool in Coral Gables. It has waterfalls and grottos, and I've never seen a pool quite like it.

If you're into outdoor adventures, you can visit parks that offer land-based activities, like biking and hiking, and water adventures, like kayaking and swimming.

South Beach is famous for its beaches, but visitors miss a real gem if they don't go to Key Biscayne.
El Farito is my favorite beach in Miami, but you have to claim a spot before it fills up.

There are so many beaches to choose from in Miami, but I think Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park in Key Biscayne has the best sand and water.

Locals know it as El Farito, a name that translates to the lighthouse, because it's home to the Cape Florida Light, the oldest standing structure in Miami

I've visited a lot of beaches in the Miami area, yet El Farito's sand and water —  which is shallow, clear, and warm — is unmatched in my eyes.

Just be sure to get there at the crack of dawn, as the beach fills up quickly.

I've seen a lot of vacationers walk around the city in bathing suits instead of actual clothes.
You can eat, drink, and shop at Lincoln Road Mall.

Miami isn't just a beach destination, and you realistically won't spend the entire day in the sand.

Bring proper attire to dine at award-winning restaurants, explore historic sites, and shop. It's also a good idea to check restaurants' dress codes ahead of time.

It's not a bad idea to dress up a bit when you go shopping in Miami. If you go to Lincoln Road Mall, a mile-long strip with shops of all kinds, an array of dining options, and some pretty cool bars. You never know where you'll stop along the way.

One of my favorite parts about being in Miami is sitting outside, enjoying a drink or meal, and people-watching. When you pick out clothes for your afternoon stroll, consider that you might end up doing activities other than walking.

Some people don't make time to explore Miami's art scene, and that's a huge mistake.
Wynwood Walls have become a popular spot for tourists to visit and take photos.

Miami is a pretty artsy city. After all, it does host Art Basel. In addition to the annual art fair, the city is home to a ton of museums, galleries, and a lively year-round art scene.

Wynwood Walls, a street-art museum that opened in 2009, has become one of the most Instagrammable locations in Miami. If you're into science, the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science is a must-visit, especially if you have children. 

Similarly, the Pérez Art Museum Miami has some of the coolest contemporary works and modern pieces I've seen, and they're made by artists around the world.

There's always something unique to see in Miami, no matter when you come.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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