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Boxing legend Mike Tyson calls out Biden, wants clemency for all federal marijuana offenders

Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson sent a letter to President Biden and the White House requesting clemency for all federal marijuana offenders, as he says the "war on marijuana is over."

Tyson, a cannabis entrepreneur with his Tyson 2.0 brand, called for Biden to uphold his campaign promise to release incarcerated marijuana offenders.

"I write in support of granting clemency to marijuana offenders still incarcerated in federal prison and restoring civil rights to those haunted by a federal marijuana conviction," the letter from Tyson to Biden and the White House began. 


"In September 2021, you received a letter from the Weldon Project — signed by dozens of artists, athletes, lawmakers, law enforcement officials, academics, business leaders, policy experts, reform advocates, and other professionals — asking you to issue a general pardon for federal marijuana offenders. Today, I join the Weldon Project, Drake, Killer Mike, T.I., Deion Sanders, Bella Thorne, Jim Brown, and many others in calling upon you to end the madness of federal marijuana prohibition."

Since he’s been in office, Biden has granted pardons for simple federal and D.C. possession of marijuana offenses, but there are still at least 3,000 others currently incarcerated serving marijuana-related sentences. 

 "The September letter emphasized that the federal ‘war on drugs’ has crushed many souls and countless futures, while spreading intolerable levels of mistrust and dysfunction between minority communities and those sworn to protect them. I grew up in tough neighborhoods where people lived in fear of drug warriors, and I’ve seen the heavy cost paid by the poor and people of color. It’s past time to reconcile with these communities," Tyson’s letter continued. 


"Marijuana should not be a crime. Americans today reject marijuana prohibition in public opinion polls and through legalization efforts across the nation. The U.S. government should no longer use marijuana as a reason to lock people up. The first step is to release the remaining people incarcerated federally under America’s war on marijuana and to wipe the slate clean for those convicted of federal marijuana offenses."

On Dec. 22, 2023, Biden issued a second proclamation that "expanded the relief" of the original one he made on Oct. 6, 2022, to pardon simple marijuana possession offenses. 

"The December 2023 proclamation adds to the list of pardoned offenses the following: offenses under federal law for attempted possession of marijuana; additional offenses under the D.C. Code for simple marijuana possession; and violations of certain sections of the Code of Federal Regulations involving simple marijuana possession and use," the Office of the Pardon Attorney wrote at the time. "The December 2023 proclamation also extends the original proclamation by pardoning offenses for simple possession of marijuana in violation of federal law prior to December 22, 2023."

While a step in the right direction in the eyes of Tyson and others, they want to see more done considering 24 states in the country legalized cannabis. 

Only Idaho, Wyoming, Kansas and South Carolina still have marijuana fully illegal. 

"The war on marijuana is over, Mr. President, as seen in legalization efforts across the nation and in polls showing that most Americans oppose marijuana prohibition. Through a categorical clemency grant, you can declare an end to federal warfare on our own people and mark the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity," Tyson’s letter ends. 

Tyson has long been an advocate for cannabis, saying it "saved my life" years before he got into the fast-growing industry. 

"I had thousands of people text me, FaceTime me, or Instagram [message] me where they’re appreciative that I opened up this business," Tyson told Fox News Digital following his meet-and-greet session at CONBUD in December. "They’re on the verge of suicide — all the horrific things that happen to people on habitual stuff like that. Cocaine or one of those ego-inflaming drugs. 

"It humbles me. It makes me very grateful I’m participating in the cannabis business."

As of 2022, Cannabis was a $43.72 billion industry. By 2030, it’s expected to be doing $444.34 billion in business.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tyson's letter to Fox News Digital.

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