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‘Olive oil’ drug could help treat patients with same incurable brain cancer that killed The Wanted’s Tom Parker

A DRUG derived from oleic acid – which occurs naturally in olive oil – could help treat incurable brain tumours, NHS trials suggest.

Scientists found patients with glioblastomas responded well to the medication, called idroxioleic acid or 2-OHOA.

A drug derived from oleic acid – which occurs naturally in olive oil – could help treat patients with brain tumours[/caption]
Tom Parker from The Wanted died in 2022 after being diagnosed with a glioblastoma
Rex Features

Glioblastomas are the most common form of cancerous brain tumour.

They are aggressive and most sufferers die within 12 to 15 months of being diagnosed.

There are around 2,500 new cases every year in the UK, according to Brain Research UK.

Singer Tom Parker, who was in the band The Wanted, died in March 2022 after being diagnosed with an inoperable glioblastoma.

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and the Institute of Cancer Research previously enrolled 54 patients with recurrent glioblastomas and other advanced solid tumours.

Of the 21 with glioblastoma given 2-OHOA, around a quarter responded well to treatment.

One was described as having an “exceptional response”, which lasted for more than three years.

The results were published in the British Journal of Cancer, and the drug is now being trialled globally, focusing on newly diagnosed patients.

2-OHOA is a first-in-class treatment, meaning it offers a new and unique way of treating the disease.

It is designed to block the growth of cancer cells by restructuring the abnormal cell membranes.

The drug is a synthetic lipid derived from oleic acid, which naturally occurs in animal and vegetable fats such as olive oil.

Lipids are a broad group of organic compounds which include fats and waxes.

They play an important role in the structure of cell membranes – the exterior layer of a living cell that help to regulate its growth.

2-OHOA comes in a sachet – a bit like Lemsip – and is taken with water three times a day.

Currently, the life expectancy of someone with glioblastoma is between 12 to 15 months.

But researchers hope the new medication will greatly extend this and be rolled out internationally.

‘Incredibly difficult disease’

Dr Juanita Lopez, consultant medical oncologist, said: “Glioblastoma is an incredibly difficult disease to treat and patients with advanced disease have very poor outcomes, often living for just a year after their diagnosis.

“There hasn’t been an effective new treatment for this patient group in nearly two decades, so drug development urgently needs to be accelerated.

“Unfortunately, patients with brain cancer often don’t have the opportunity to participate in early phase trials.

“This underpins the vital importance of research into novel new drugs like 2-OHOA, which is designed from the same building blocks as olive oil.

“The drug works by reshaping the walls of cancer cells, blocking crucial growth signals that drive cancer.

“By including glioblastoma patients in this study, we were able to more quickly show early and hopeful results, supporting their inclusion in the next trial phase.

“We’re very much looking forward to results from ongoing trials and hope this treatment eventually becomes widely available.”

What is a glioblastoma?

Glioblastomas are a fast-growing type of cancerous brain tumour.

Symptoms depend on where the tumour is located, but they can include:

  • Headaches
  • Personality changes
  • Memory problems
  • Trouble speaking or understanding
  • Tiredness
  • Depression
  • Difficulty thinking
  • Seizures
  • Problems with eyesight

Scientists don’t fully understand what causes glioblastomas, therefore there is no clear way to prevent the disease.

The main treatments include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The average survival time following a glioblastoma diagnosis is 12 to 18 months.

Only 25 per cent of patients live beyond one year, and just five per cent survive more than five years.

Source: Cancer Research UK and the Brain Tumour Charity

Michele Treen was diagnosed with glioblastoma in March 2023.

The 42-year-old quickly reorganised her wedding and married her partner Aaron a week before undergoing brain surgery.

“I was meant to be getting married in July 2023, but when we found out about the brain tumour, we wanted to do it straight away,” Michele, from Crawley, West Sussex, said.

“Thanks to our incredible friends and family, me and my husband, Aaron, somehow pulled off a wedding in two weeks.

“We were so happy and so sad that day, crying all the way through.

“After the wedding, the first thing we did as a married couple was attend another appointment where we were told that the tumour was grade four and incurable.

“Our entire world came crashing down.”

This trial has given me hope

Michele TreenGlioblastoma patient

Michele was referred to The Royal Marsden where, along with being treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, she joined the 2-OHOA trial.

“I recovered well from surgery and, when I was told about the trial, I thought, ‘Why not? There’s nothing to lose’,” she said.

“The drug comes in a sachet – a bit like Lemsip – and I take it with water three times a day.

“I experience some side effects, like fatigue and nausea, but we don’t know if that’s from the drug – which could be a placebo – or my ongoing chemotherapy.

“Either way, I feel fine and can still do things I love.”

Michele felt well enough to spend last summer travelling across Europe with her husband and 11-year-old daughter in a motorhome.

“From mountain-biking in Andorra to exploring Venice’s canals, I did things I’ll never forget with the people I love most,” she added.

The mum recently had her fourth stable scan in a row.

“It was amazing the hospital offered me the chance to join this trial, which has given me hope,” Michele said.

“The Royal Marsden is the most incredible hospital I’ve ever been to and everyone, from the reception staff to the nurses and doctors, are all so kind.”

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Michele Treen was diagnosed with glioblastoma in March 2023[/caption]
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
She brought her wedding forward and married Aaron two weeks later[/caption]

Dr Michele Afif, CEO at the Brain Tumour Charity, told The Telegraph: “Glioblastomas are notoriously difficult to treat, so any research that paves the way for better treatments of people facing this diagnosis is an important milestone.

“We welcome phase three clinical trials for those with this devastating disease as there have been so few new treatments in recent years.

“A crucial part of accelerating a cure for brain tumours is for every patient to have access to a clinical trial.

“We look forward to following the progress of this novel treatment in the phase three trial and hope it will help the brain tumour community.”

Dr Marianne Baker, the science engagement manager at Cancer Research UK, added: “It’s good news when a new type of cancer treatment shows promise in early-phase clinical trials and moves forward in development, taking it a step closer to the people who need it.

“It’s exciting to see this particular drug progress to phase 2b/3 studies where researchers are working with larger groups of volunteers who have glioblastoma.

“This will confirm whether it can benefit them and others like them in the future more than existing therapies can, and with less severe side effects.

“More research means more treatment options for people with brain tumours and other types of cancer.”

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Michele said: ‘Our entire world came crashing down’[/caption]
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
The mum spent last summer travelling around Europe in a motorhome with her family[/caption]

Tom Parker's battle with brain cancer

Tom Parker was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour in October 2020.

Doctors described his condition as “the worst case scenario” and gave him 12 to 18 months to live.

His symptoms began with small seizures in the summer, followed by a “massive” one while on a family holiday to Norwich.

Tom told OK! at the time: “I knew something wasn’t right, but I never expected it to be this.”

The singer was unable to have surgery but immediately started chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Scans in January 2021 showed a “significant reduction” in his tumour, but Tom visited a private medical clinic in Spain for oxygen therapy, massages and a special diet.

In November, he was told his tumour was “stable” – but his condition quickly deteriorated.

He worked hard to raise awareness of glioblastomas, including writing a book, filming a documentary and organising fundraising concerts.

Tom even appeared alongside his The Wanted bandmates at several of their reunion gig tour dates.

He last appeared at the M&S Bank Arena in Liverpool on March 17, 2022.

On March 29, he described his fellow stars as the “dream team” in an Instagram post.

He died aged 33 on March 30.

The dad is survived by his partner Kelsey and two children, Aurelia and Bodhi.

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