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We spent $19,000 on a cruise to Antarctica. Crossing the Drake Passage was a nightmare, but the destination was worth it.

My husband and I traveled to Antarctica via the infamous Drake Passage.
  • My husband and I are seasoned travelers and have been on a mission to visit all seven continents.
  • In order to get to Antarctica via cruise, we knew we'd have to cross the infamous Drake Passage.
  • I was sick during the entire crossing, but the stunning views in Antarctica were worth it.

My husband and I are seasoned travelers and have been on a mission to visit all seven continents. In early 2023, we still had one left to cross off our bucket lists: Antarctica.

That's why we jumped at the opportunity to sail there on a Silver Wind expedition ship.

Normally, a high-end sailing with this cruise line would have cost upwards of $16,000 per person. But we managed to find a deal for around half that — bringing the total to about $19,000 for both of us.

In order to get to Antarctica by boat, however, we knew we'd have to cross the dreaded Drake Passage.

I spent a lot of time on boats growing up and assumed I wouldn't be affected by the Passage

The Drake Passage, which stretches from the southern tip of South America to the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, is the stuff of sailor legend.

As one of the most dangerous sea crossings in the world, many passengers have lost their lives — or, in modern times, their lunch — while making the journey.

My husband, Daniel, and I did our research and watched plenty of viral videos of other travelers braving the Passage.

I knew the crossing would be downright uncomfortable for a few days, but I was unprepared for just how much of a toll it would take on my body and mind.

I spent a chunk of my childhood on boats and figured I wouldn’t be queasy since I'd never been seasick before. Based on previous boating experiences, we actually assumed Daniel would be the queasy one.  

The journey to Antarctica was difficult

The Drake Passage is notorious for being rough.

With 272 other passengers on board, the boat was large enough to take on the Passage but small enough to get tossed around by waves.

After barely making it to the dining hall without falling over sideways, I choked down a sampling of fruit to try to get something in my stomach.

I peered around to see if other passengers were suffering like I was, but they seemed much steadier, sporting Scopolamine patches — used to prevent motion sickness — behind their ears.

Daniel and I agreed that maybe it was best that I head back to our cabin. With one hand on the provided railings, I managed to inch my way back to our compact bathroom before promptly tossing up the combination of fruit and coffee I'd barely begun to digest.

I continued to lounge on our bed like a recovering Victorian woman after a fainting episode while my husband was able to gallivant throughout the boat.

He spent the days we rocked on the Passage attending lectures and attempting to feed me with food he brought from the dining hall.

I wish I'd done more to try to prevent motion sickness while crossing the Drake Passage

Looking back, there were several reasons I continued to suffer for the next day and a half (and then another day on the way back). 

Much of it was hubris — if I had made an effort to purchase some Dramamine or ask for a Scopolamine patch from the onboard doctor at the start of our voyage, I might have felt much better about what frequenters of the Drake Passage would say was a relatively mild crossing. 

The Silversea team also sent us a detailed information packet about avoiding sickness before our voyage, including which medications might be necessary. However, I glanced over it instead of giving it the attention it deserved.

I felt much better once we arrived at our final destination

When we arrived in Antarctica, my husband and I enjoyed some kayaking.

Once we reached the Antarctic Peninsula, the sickness passed as soon as it came.

Feeling much more like myself, Daniel and I made landfall on our last continent, plunged into the ocean waters before warming up with a shot of whiskey, and cried at the beauty of such a transcendent place while kayaking among penguins.

We were in awe at the beautiful wildlife in Antarctica.

We spent most of our time on rubber Zodiac boats floating among icebergs almost as large as our vessel, dodging leopard seals on the prowl for their next meal.

We also got a glimpse of leopard seals.

Humpback whales made friendly overtures by swimming up to our neighboring Zodiac and tapping it with a giant dorsal fin.

These were moments of excitement in a world full of calm and silence — the only sounds were the cracking of the ice and the occasional spout from a whale coming up for air.

I would make this trip again in a heartbeat, three awful days crossing the Passage included, just to have the memories we made once the crossing was over. Next time, though, I'm bringing Dramamine.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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