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I did the 75 Hard Challenge and lost 20 lbs – it felt never-ending and I had to be strict, but my trick helped

DURING these early months of a new year, many feel determined to make a change for the better.

That’s where the viral 75 Hard Challenge comes in — and after dropping 20 pounds, one woman said it’s worth the struggle.

Bailey Anderson revealed what she looked like when she started the 75 Hard Challenge last year
Bailey Anderson
She was ready to make a lifestyle change, prioritize her health, and get stronger
Bailey Anderson

Last year, Bailey Anderson was intimidated by the strict rules involved in 75 Hard.

For 75 days you must stick to a diet of your choice, skip out on alcohol and cheat meals, and exercise twice a day (with one of those workouts being outside)

Every day, you must also drink a gallon of water, read 10 pages of a nonfiction book, and take a progress photo.

“My best friend’s husband was doing it and I thought to myself, ‘No way. That’s too hard,’” she said.

Speaking exclusively to The U.S. Sun, she noted that because 75 Hard was “created by a man,” it felt more daunting for a woman to try.

“It wasn’t until a female friend of mine did it that I thought, ‘If she can do it, I can do it.’”

Still, she was nervous — particularly about the no alcohol rule.

“I thought I would be feeling awkward or would be missing out on social events.”

But upon embarking on the journey last April, she changed her perspective and continues to live a healthier lifestyle.

“It’s kind of freeing to just be like, ‘I don’t need alcohol to go do this,’” she said.

“And I realized there were some things I don’t enjoy doing unless I’m drinking, so I’m like, ‘Why am I spending time going to these events that I don’t enjoy in the first place?’

“It gives you a different outlook.”

The 75 Hard Challenge has gone viral in recent months, perhaps because influencers like Alix Earle tried it out — though she tweaked it a bit to fit her expectations.

And Bailey said there’s a reason so many people are talking about it: The results are undeniable.

I would say the first 30 days were the easiest. That’s when you feel the biggest high of it.

Bailey Anderson

Besides losing 20 pounds in three months, she noticed other perks come her way.

“It was so refreshing to just see clothes fit my body nicely again.

“I had old clothes that I used to like but couldn’t really wear anymore, and it felt good to see those pieces fit again.

“And I was able to buy new outfits and feel more confident in those too.”

She also said her usual body aches had diminished.

“I’m a hairstylist, so I’m on my feet a lot, I have my arms up a lot, and my body usually hurts by the end of the day.

“But doing 75 Hard and keeping up with the exercises, I don’t hurt as bad. I have less pain overall because I’ve strengthened those parts of my body.”

She learned that “having muscle and making yourself stronger when you’re young will set you up to be healthier when you get old,” and added that it taught her to make health a priority.

After completing the 75-day challenge, she continued practicing the habits she adopted, though not as intensely: she exercises regularly, eats healthy and high-protein foods, enjoys reading, and limits drinking.

Midway through the 75-day stretch, she said things got tough and it was hard to buckle down, despite the progress she had made
Bailey Anderson

She and her partner now have a rule where they don’t drink alcohol in the house, and she said she thinks twice about ordering a sugary cocktail when out at a restaurant.

The same goes for food.

Because the diet she chose to stick to involved eating a whopping 160 grams of protein a day and sticking to a calorie deficit, now when she allows herself a cheat meal or sugary snack every once in a while, she offsets it by eating extra healthy the rest of the day.

“I found a better way to balance my diet rather than just being all or nothing.”

I thought, ‘If I tell people I’m doing it, I can’t give up.’

Bailey Anderson

While it felt good to complete the challenge, and she said she’d do it again this year, it wasn’t a pain-free process.

“I would say the first 30 days were the easiest. That’s when you feel the biggest high of it and you get that extra energy boost.

“And then probably from then to day 50, that’s the hardest.

“I was like, ‘Oh my gosh. This is never-ending. I can’t believe there’s still so much time left.’ And it’s hard to push through and buckle down.

“But once you hit the 50-day mark, you think, ‘Ok I can see the end.’”

Upon finishing 75 Hard, she lost 20 pounds and feels more confident than ever before
Bailey Anderson

She would begin each day with half a protein bar before doing her first exercise: an outdoor walk from her house that would lead her to workout number two, weightlifting at the gym.

Bailey carried around a half-gallon water bottle and would fill it up twice a day to ensure she got her proper fluids.

“After my workouts, I would go home and make breakfast, usually oatmeal or turkey bacon and eggs.”

She would then start her work day, interrupting midway through for a hearty lunch of rice, veggies, and chicken or fish.

And at night, she’d go for a lighter dinner, usually made of a cauliflower rice bowl or salad with protein, before snuggling up in bed with a book.

As for how she got through it on the tougher days, Bailey relied on a support system.

“The first thing I did was tell my clients, who I see regularly at the salon, that I was doing it. Because I thought, ‘If I tell people I’m doing it, I can’t give up.’”

She also began posting her progress to TikTok (@badb****baii), as this would give her accountability.

“But my biggest advice is to build a community of people who are doing it as well. Find people on social media or have your friends do it too, because that really helps.

“It can help balance out your whole life.”

She continues to implement the habits she adopted during the challenge and hopes to do it again
Bailey Anderson

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