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Met police officer who tied woman up, bundled her into car & threatened to ‘slit’ her throat is guilty of multiple rapes

A MET cop who tied a woman up, bundled her into his car and threatened to “slit” her throat has been convicted of multiple rapes.

Cliff Mitchell told the victim: “I don’t care about my life any more, you’ve met the devil”.

Cliff Mitchell has been found guilty of a string of rapes

The 24-year-old also made a string of threats when she said she was feeling sick in his car.

He said: “If you throw up in the car, I’m gonna slit your belly for every second you throw up.”

The woman, whose hands were bound by cable ties, managed to escape and ran through traffic screaming.

Mitchell has now been found guilty of 13 counts of rape against two victims – including three against a child aged under 13.

He was also convicted of one count of kidnap and breach of a non-molestation order following a harrowing trial.

It can now be revealed the cop was previously been subject to a rape investigation in 2017, which had resulted in no further action.

After his arrest, the case was re-investigated and he was charged with an additional three counts of rape of a child under 13 and three counts of rape relating to a second victim.

Croydon Crown Court heard Mitchell was a serving police officer during the time some of the offences took place.

His evil crimes were exposed in September last year following the “harrowing” events on the busy London road.

A woman, who looked “distraught and scared”, ran between cars screaming: “He held a knife up to me, I’m so scared.”

Jurors were told a female driver spotted the cable ties and let her hide in his car.

Prosecutor Catherine Farrelly told the court: “They were so tight that the surrounding skin had turned very red and they looked as though they were digging in.”

Another passerby, who came over to both women as they waited for the police to arrive, said he heard the victim “crying”.

'Truly shocking' - the Met reacts to Mitchell's conviction

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy said: “This is a truly shocking case and I am sickened by Mitchell’s abhorrent behaviour and the pain he has caused the victims, who have shown enormous bravery by coming forward and giving evidence in court.

“It is down to their courage that he has been convicted and faces a significant custodial sentence. I would also like to recognise the brave member of the public who came to the aid of one of the victims as she ran from Mitchell’s car.

“Mitchell not only carried out a sustained campaign of abuse against both of his victims, but he told one of them she would never be believed due to the fact he was a police officer. This brazen abuse of power makes Mitchell’s actions all the more deplorable.

“I know this is another case which will impact the confidence people have in us. We are doing more than we have done in decades to rid the Met of those who corrupt our integrity, including investing millions of pounds into our professional standards team and bringing in additional officers and staff with specialist skills and experience to investigate criminality and misconduct.

“Part of that is dismissing officers who should not be here at the earliest opportunity. Mitchell was dismissed from the Met in December 2023 – we did not wait for his conviction today.”

Police searched Mitchell’s home and found a bag containing cable ties that were similar to those the victim had described as being used around her wrists.

He was immediately dismissed from the Met in December 2023 following an accelerated misconduct hearing.

This related to a breach of a non-molestation order which had been in place since July 20, 2023.

Mitchell will be sentenced at a later date.

The disgraced cop kidnapped his victim

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