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Exact date to visit car boot sales to bag the best bargains – and it’s just weeks away

CAR boot sales are a haven for bargains – but you might not know that some days are better for picking up deals than others.

Motoring expert Rob Walker at Vantage Leasing said knowing when to head to your local car boot sale could help to bag items for less.

Some days are better for bagging a bargain at a car boot sale than others

If you’re keen to give it a go, check with local car boot sales operating in your area by searching online or on social media.

It may not come as a surprise that Rob thinks that weekends are the best time to bag a bargain at a car boot sale.

He said: “There’s more competition between sellers when foot traffic is higher, so sellers are often more used to, and open to, haggling and accepting lower offers.”

But to get the very best prices, Rob said visiting at a specific time can also be the difference between getting a bargain haul and leaving empty handed.

He said: “Hang around until the end of the day when sellers are more likely to reduce prices to get rid of things.

“Just be careful to keep an eye on specific items you’re interested in, so they’re not snapped up by someone else.”

But if you’re really serious about getting the best bargains, Rob said the best time to visit a sale is over the Easter weekend.

He told The Sun: “The Easter bank holiday would be a good time to get a bargain, as there may be sellers you’d usually miss if they are normally just there on weekdays.

“The weekend after Easter is also likely to be a good time to visit, as many people will spend the bank holiday having a spring clean clear out.

“This means car boot sales will be busy with new sellers and fresh items.”

Of course, it’s important not to get swept up in the excitement of finding a bargain.

Remember, it’s only a good deal if you wanted to buy the item for yourself in the first place and do some research on prices before you arrive.

And if you’re hoping to buy something you can sell on, it’s a good idea to do some research on where you can sell the items and what sort of price to expect.

You can get an idea of what sells well – for a good price quickly – on selling platforms like eBay and Depop.

But some platforms may charge a fee or commission on any sales you make, so make sure you check the terms and conditions first.

Top tips to bag the best bargains at a car boot sale

  • Save and sell – It’s best to walk into a car boot not just thinking about the now, but also what could be worth money in the future. Use platforms like Depop and eBay to see what prices you can expect.
  • Game on – Video games sell well on marketplaces so keep an eye out for these. Good-quality, unmodified collectable action figures and memorabilia, such as Star Wars treasures, are also a good bet.
  • Labels to love – Designer items can net a pretty profit on resale. A simple pair of jeans could be a wise buy. Grab a pair for yourself for peanuts or resell a label such as Levi’s.
  • Paint job – Boot sales are also brilliant for picking up furniture such as chairs and coffee tables.

What’s the best day to sell at a car boot sale?

Rob says there is definitely a knack to maximising profits, starting with when you choose to sell at a car boot sale.

He said: “Weekends have higher foot traffic so more chance of selling, however you will have more competition and may have to lower your prices to sell your items.

“Weekdays will have fewer shoppers, without people who work a 9-5, but you might find they’re more serious buyers looking for specific items, rather than weekenders just having a browse without much intention to buy.”

Easter weekend is also a great time to sell your items and monopolise on the bank holiday crowds.

“Bank holidays have all the pros of both weekend and weekday car boot sales – so Easter bank holiday is likely to be the best date to make the most money,” Rob said.

Rob also said that Spring is a better time to sell than Summer.

This is because hot weather can put off potential bargain hunters who don’t want to spend a sunny day in a large crowd.

If you’re thinking of getting involved with your local car boot, The Sun has revealed four tricks to help you find the biggest bargains and save cash.

Plus a car boot expert has revealed the five items to always buy at a car boot sale, and four to avoid.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money@the-sun.co.uk.

Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and stories.

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