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Высокотехнологичные работы. Щербаков сообщил о ремонте двух домов в ЦАО

Ко Дню города художественная выставка о военной Москве открылась в Музее Победы

По передовым технологиям. Щербаков сообщил о капремонте двух домов в ЮЗАО

Захарова рассказала, что ее дед участвовал в битве на Халхин-Голе

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Letters: Protect creek | Senate District 3 | Foster kids | Show of gratitude | Vote for Haley

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Contra Costa board
should protect creek

The California Density Bonus Law has been disastrous for local communities. Developers only need to claim that a single “moderate” income home in a large development qualifies them for an exemption from local laws designed to protect the environment, public safety and the character of our communities.

Few local politicians have had the willpower to stand up to the developers who want to trod over the protections in our local communities. But the Oceanside City Council did the right thing in a landmark January decision for the future of California communities.

In Contra Costa, we have a similar proposal along Grayson Creek near Briones Park. This sensitive riparian habitat is home to 100 bird species, mammals like red fox, coyote, bats, and recently salmon.

On Feb. 27, the county’s Board of Supervisors can vote this project down once and for all. We encourage them to do the brave thing.

Patrick King
Pleasant Hill

Cabaldon would make
good state senator

What do we want for our cities and towns? Christopher Cabaldon, with a combination of intelligence and unparalleled experience, has clear priorities putting the needs of the community first. While mayor of West Sacramento he instituted innovative programs that turned that city around. He has worked on the state and federal levels.

Cabaldon would hit the ground running. He would make community-based recommendations understanding legislation and administrative processes, an extensive background in education and running a city with the associated myriad of problems.

The choice is ours to make.

Belinda Seidemann

AB 1675 offers
foster kids support

In 2023, the U.S. foster care system supported approximately 391,000 children, many of whom bore the scars of prior abuse or neglect and continued to grapple with trauma upon separation from their caregivers, homes and communities. Consequently, foster youth face daunting odds compared to their peers, experiencing higher rates of mental health issues, academic struggles, behavioral challenges and delinquency.

Research underscores the transformative impact of extracurricular activities on foster youth outcomes, with participants showing a 2.54-fold increase in high school graduation rates. Assembly Bill 1675 aims to fortify foster youth access to extracurricular activities by mandating regular discussions between social workers and their charges and empowering judges to ensure extracurricular activities provisions as necessary.

AB 1675 represents a vital stride toward equity and well-being for foster youth within the foster care system, recognizing the intrinsic value of extracurricular activities in nurturing holistic development and affirming the rights and dignity of every foster youth.

Nicole Koprek
El Sobrante

Gratitude for saving
stricken father

On Feb. 3, while attending ABBA at Lesher Theater in Walnut Creek, my 86-year-old father experienced a potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmia. He was not breathing and his heart was only beating erratically. The performance was stopped while audience members performed CPR. They utilized an automatic defibrillator in an attempt to convert his heart to a normal rhythm until the emergency medical personnel arrived.

He spent a week at John Muir Hospital and survived without any negative sequela, except an extremely sore chest from the life-saving compressions he was given.

As a health care professional, I am aware of the slim chance of surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac event. His survival is simply phenomenal.

To the fast-acting, skilled and compassionate audience members, everyone at Lesher Theater and the EMTs, thank you for saving my dad’s life.

Susan Dastic
Santa Rosa

Bay Area voters
should support Haley

I encourage all Bay Area voters to vote for Nikki Haley in the California primary on March 5.

Nikki is unlike other politicians in that she is genuine and relatable. She takes unscripted questions at her town halls and stays to talk to people personally. She is also a smart, tough and resilient leader who will always have America’s best interests at heart. She is a former governor of South Carolina who took down the Confederate flag, and she went toe to toe with dictators and international thugs as America’s top diplomat at the United Nations.

Remember, to vote for Nikki, you must be a registered Republican. You can check your party registration online at voterstatus.sos.ca.gov. There is still time to switch your registration. It is time for a new generation of leaders. Elect Nikki Haley on March 5.

Benjamin Longlet

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Топ новостей на этот час


Захарова рассказала, что ее дед участвовал в битве на Халхин-Голе

Высокотехнологичные работы. Щербаков сообщил о ремонте двух домов в ЦАО

Ко Дню города художественная выставка о военной Москве открылась в Музее Победы

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