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Вузы России разрабатывают глоссарий традиционных ценностей

Российская Дрифт Серия опубликовала календарь сезона 2025 года. Зрителей ждут 16 соревнований в восьми городах страны

Донорская акция пройдет в Лобне 20 декабря

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Новости от TheMoneytizer

‘Pretty impressive value’ – expert reveals best EV discounts out there with incredibly popular model £8k cheaper

CLIMATE conscious Brits can now snag an EV motor for a fraction of the price – as one popular model has dropped in price by £8,000.

The collection of cars are on offer to help stunting sales on the modern motors after a fall in demand could see manufacturers hit with fines. 

The list could help cash-strapped Brits decide which EV is worth shelling out for[/caption]

Motor companies are struggling to hit quotas penned in the zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate.

The new laws require firms to ensure that a certain amount of the cars they shot off in Britain are electric – and can face costly penalties if they don’t meet those targets.

In total, manufacturers have to ensure that over a fifth (22 per cent) of new cars sold this year are pure electric, almost a third (29 per cent) by 2025, extending to over half (52 per cent) in 2028, and emission free by 2035.

And, as brands can face fines of up to £15,000 per car if they don’t hit the required target – they’re now dropping the price of EV’s to entice Brits into switching to an electric car.

New data released by What Car? magazine has revealed the mammoth discounts that Brits can look out for – including one that has been chopped by £8,379.

As reported by the Telegraph, Steve Huntingford, the editor of What Car?, said: “Electric vehicle sales grew last year, but this was due to tax rules favouring company and fleet drivers. By contrast, the extensive discounts that we’re now seeing target private buyers.

“It will be interesting to see if these incentives can tempt more private buyers to go electric in 2024, particularly in light of the new ZEV mandate. With some brands offering up to a fifth off the price of an EV, the importance of shopping around has never been clearer.”


1. Tesla Model Y: 251,604 sales

2. Dacia Sandero: 234,715 sales

3. Volkswagen T-Roc: 204,610 sales

4. Renault Clio: 201,604 sales

5. Peugeot 208: 193,679 sales

6. Opel/Vauxhall Corsa: 188,154 sales

7. Volkswagen Golf: 183,716 sales

8. Toyota Yaris Cross: 176,285 sales

9. Fiat 500: 173,187 sales

10. Skoda Octavia: 160,662 sales


Renault Megane

Exact model: Megane EV60 160kW Equilibre 60kWh

The electric Megane is a five-door five-seater that has a 0-60mph time of 7.5 seconds.

It has a charge range of 280 miles and usually retails at a giant £34,495, but can currently be picked up for a cool £32,133.

Total saving: £2,362.

The electric Megane is a five-door five-seater[/caption]

Citroën ë-C4

Exact model: ë-C4 100kW Max 50kWh.

The roomy SUV-style motor is a five-door five-seater that has a 0-60mph time of 8.7 seconds.

It has a charge range of 217 miles and usually retails for £35,135, but can currently be picked up for £32,505.

Total saving: £2,630.

The roomy SUV style motor is a five-door five-seater[/caption]

Fiat 600e

Exact model: 600e 115kW Red 54kWh.

This five-door climate-friendly motor has a 0-60mph time of 8.7 seconds – and comes with ample customisation options on purchase.

It has a charge range of 254 miles, and will normally cost car collectors £32,995 but can be copped for £29,995 right now.

Total saving: £3,000.

The Fiat 600e looks a lot different to the famous Fiat 500[/caption]

Nissan Ariya

Exact model: Ariya 178kW Engage 87kWh.

Nissan’s Ariya was released in 2022, it has a 0-60mph time of 7.7 seconds and an 87.0kWh usable battery.

It has a charge range of 330 miles, and will normally cost £44,645, but can be bought for £40,466 at the moment.

Total saving: £4,179.

Nissan’s Ariya was released in 2022, it has a 0-60mph time of 7.7 seconds

Ford Mustang Mach-E

Exact model: Mach-E 198kW Select 72kWh RWD [Tech+]. 

Ford’s electric Mustang was released in 2019 and has a 0-60mph time of 6.9 seconds with a 265bhp motor.

It has a charge range of 273 miles, and will set a new customer back £53,830, but can currently be snagged for almost £10,000 cheaper at £46,830.

Total saving: £7,000.

Fans of the motor can snag it for almost £10,000 less than normal[/caption]

Peugeot e-2008

Exact model: e-2008 115kW Active 54kWh.

The e-2008 hit the road in 2019 for the first time, and was given a facelift for their 2023 model and has a 0-60mph time of 8.7 seconds.

The motor has a charge range of 232 miles and usually costs around £36,500 but is currently selling for £31,434.

Total saving: £5,066.

The motor has a charge range of 232 miles[/caption]

Fiat 500e

Exact model: e-2008 115kW Active 54kWh.

Fiat’s 500e is one of the oldest of the bunch – released in 2014 – and was penned to build on the success of its fuel-powered twin the Fiat 500, it has a 0-60-mph time of 8.5 seconds.

The tiny motor has a charge range of 199 miles, and usually costs £28,195 – but can be picked up for £24,212 currently.

Total saving: £3,983.

Fiat’s 500e is one of the oldest of the bunch after being released in 2014[/caption]

Peugeot e-208

Exact model: e-208 115kW Active 51kWh.

The e-108 was released in 208 as a smaller counterpart to it’s SUV counterpart the e-2008, and has a 0-60mph of 7.5 seconds.

The electric motor has a charge range of 211 miles, and comes at a cost of £32,400, but can be bought today for £27,299.

Total saving: £5,101.

Peugeot Ireland
Driver’s hoping to own the Peugeot e-208 can save over £5,000 on it at the moment[/caption]

Vauxhall Corsa Electric

Exact model: Corsa Electric 100kW GS 50kWh.

Released in 2023, this EV is one of the best savings that was found and has a 0-60mph time of 7.6 seconds.

It has a charge range of 175 miles and can be bought for £28,035, down from £34,080.

Total saving: £6,045.

The car usually retails at a huge £34,000[/caption]

Vauxhall Mokka Electric

Exact model: Mokka Electric 100kW Design 50kWh.

The Vauxhall Mokka is one of Blighty’s most popular electric whips and was released in 2021 and has a 0-60 time of just over nine seconds.

The motor has a charge range of 252 miles, and is the most discounted car out of the lot, with an RRP of £36,610 but currently discounted to £28,231.

Total saving: £8,379.

The Vauxhall Mokka Electric is one of the UK’s favourite electric cars[/caption]

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