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Top 5 tech tips younger people have taught boomers – and tricks they’ve learnt in return

THE top five tech tips younger people taught boomers have been revealed, and the tricks they’ve learnt in return.

The top things young adults are teaching older generations are how to use WhatsApp, how to scan a QR code, how to set up a zoom call, which apps are good to download and how to use a tablet.

Melanie says she will ask friends and family for help with tech issues[/caption]
Melanie Blatt speaks to her mum Helene on zoom[/caption]
The former All Saints star said we can all learn from each other[/caption]

The research was commissioned by Smart Energy GB, which has teamed up with former All Saints singer Melanie Blatt and her mum, Helene, who recently appeared on the hit TV show Race Across the World, helping each other to navigate their way across land and sea.

The pair are now helping people to see how the transfer of knowledge between generations can be useful to both parties.

A study of 2,000 adults found 89 per cent of 18 – 24-year-olds have shared tips with people who are older.

Other handy hints given when needed are how to use an air fryer, the best ways to stay energy efficient and how to use mobile banking.

But the transfer of knowledge works both ways, with 42 per cent of 18 – 24-year-olds claiming they also learn tips and tricks from older people.

The over 65s have shared advice including how to be respectful, bleed a radiator and use correct grammar.

Identifying plants and flowers, how to make a family recipe and money saving tips are also among the advice shared by the older generation.

Melanie said: “It’s one of the most important things to progress and grow as a person, learning from the older generation.

“You’re supposed to learn from the past and their wisdom.
“Especially with mothers and daughters, there’s always going to be that thing of like, you know best.

“But then when you do become a mother and suddenly everything your mother ever told you that probably ticked you off when you were young starts to make sense.

“If I have a tech issue I’ll ask literally anyone who’s around me – my mum, my daughter.

“She’s my number one for tech support, because anyone knows more than me – but even I think a smart meter’s display is simple and easy to use.”

Top 20 tech tips passed on

The top 20 tech tips passed on to over 65s by younger people

  1. How to use WhatsApp
  2. How to scan a QR code
  3. How to set up a zoom call
  4. Which apps are good to download
  5. How to use a tablet
  6. What tech-related words or acronyms mean
  7. How to play a video game
  8. How to use certain emojis properly
  9. What latest gadgets/devices to get
  10. What computer games are popular
  11. How to use modern slang
  12. How to use mobile banking
  13. How to use an air fryer
  14. The best way to stream movies
  15. What the latest fashion trends are
  16. Which celebrities are popular
  17. How to keep up with the latest TV shows
  18. Where to go on holiday
  19. What trainers are popular and which are out of style
  20. How to track energy use on a smart meter display

The research went on to find 42 per cent struggle to keep up with new technology as they get older.

One in 10 of the older generation do not feel confident about using new tech – with smart watches and video games the things they are most unsure about.

But 42 per cent say they’re more likely to keep up with modern technology if it means they can participate in conversations with younger friends or relatives.

And 94 per cent of the over 65s agree that you are never too old to learn something new.

With 55 per cent feeling confident using smartphones and three in 10 (29 per cent) having mastered using a smart meter and in-home display in the last five years.

On the flip side, 53 per cent believe spending time with older relatives or friends makes them feel wiser, according to the stats by OnePoll.

Victoria Bacon, director at Smart Energy GB, said: “Being able to give and take advice from friends and family is a really important way to learn – especially when it helps to make life easier day-to-day.

“Requesting and using a smart meter is a great example of this and really simple, even if you’re not confident using more modern technology.

“Smart meters are installed at no extra cost by your energy supplier and only measure how much energy you’ve used. They work just like a traditional meter, but take away the hassle of taking and sending meter readings yourself.”

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