On January 29, 2024, NBC aired Episode 5 of “America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League.” The new spin-off series marks the return of former judge Mel B as she joins Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel in a head-to-head competition to mentor an all-star “AGT” act through the season to victory. Terry Crews is back once again for hosting duties.
Over eight weeks of shows, the judges’ Dream Teams of 10 will be narrowed down until only one stands as the newest “AGT” champion and takes home the $250,000 cash prize. That act will also give their mentor the first coach’s win in “AGT” history. Now that that the semi-finals are upon us, the remaining acts are one step closer to the finale. Per NBC, “During each episode, we’ll see 10 Acts compete, but just three will earn a spot in the Final via one Superfan Vote and two Golden Buzzers.” But who were the best acts from this episode? And did any move forward that shouldn’t have? Below we rank the 10 acts, including those that failed to advance to the next round of competition, from worst to best.
SEE Which eliminated act was most robbed in ‘AGT Fantasy League’ Semi-finals 1? [POLL]
Season 1 Episode 5 Rankings:
10. Ghetto Kids (Team Mel B): On a night where everyone upped their game, this act felt like it was on the same par as its last performance, which I felt was on par with its original run on “BGT.” This is not to say that these kids are not exciting or memorable, but more a note from someone that has seen their career in the iconic worldwide franchise. On the positive side, they are a ray of sunshine and positivity. The song choice was top notch as well. I was not surprised when they did not advance.
9. Kristy Sellars (Team Howie): Kristy Sellars is a genius in terms of creativity and the performance itself was incredible. Howie loved that the routine was dedicated to her son and viewers could just tell that he gave her the extra energy this go-around. The utilization of the umbrella was inspired, and it all felt very “Harry Potter”-ish. The judges loved it but fans loved it even more as she quickly became the talk of social media. I was a bit surprised to see her not in the top three.
8. Pack Drumline (Team Simon): Simon’s admiration for this act can warm the hearts of the grinchiest of humans. It also does not hurt that they always knock it out of the park with amazing creativity. Could I have lived without the garbage cans? Yes. There was a reason why am I am not a Recycled Percussion fan and that is it. The rest of the performance was incredible though. I could watch them all day minus the trash receptacles. I was very surprised to see them advance to the finals instead of the act next to them.
7. Enkh-Erdene (Team Heidi): The choice of “You Were Always on My Mind” on paper was a strange one, but in a weird way it really allowed him to stand out. This was easily the best I have ever heard him. The crowd was blown away, but I was more concerned with what Simon would have to say and he wished the track was more memorable. Howie agreed with him and compared him to a cruise singer and Mel wished that he stuck to country music. Not quite sure what they were missing, but he sounded great on TV. Was I surprised that he did not make the finals? Very much so!
6. Loren Allred (Team Simon): Lauren’s last performance set the bar high to the extent that many doubted that she could top it. She proved that she had more to show with an interesting take on “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” that was just perfection. Was it as memorable as her last performance though? Many were iffy on that but noted she sounded better vocally on this classic. Mel B was less impressed by the song choice though, which was surprising.
5. Vardanyan Brothers (Team Mel B): This act scared me out if my mind, which normally is a bad thing, but turned out to be a great thing. In no way would I recommend anyone trying this at home. Leave it to these guys, they have this market cornered on craziness that nobody would dare attempt. The act even had the judges on the edge of their seats…. especially Howie. Not normally the type of act I support, but they have the magic touch with danger.
4. Preacher Lawson (Team Howie): After a performance that I was not a huge fan of, Preacher Lawson had a stellar set in his second performance this season. It was also the best that he has ever done on the show in his competitive history. The audience loved it and the judges, especially Mel B, had “proper belly laughs”.
3. Kodi Lee (Team Simon): Kodi will forever in my eyes be the act that will never fail to wow me as he can sing the phonebook and make it sound amazing. The audience, both in the building and at home, are just drawn to his voice and incredible stage presence. Unfortunately, I was less impressed by this original song than the previous one. This one was not as quite radio ready but was more impressive vocally. Honestly, there was no doubt in my mind that he would advance to the finals. Fingers crossed that we get a cover in the finals, though, as Howie used his Golden buzzer sending Kodi there.
2. Anna DeGuzman (Team Howie): The pairing of this magician with Howie Mandel has paid off major dividends. She has not only improved since we last saw her, but has developed a sense of confidence that was the missing piece from her last go-around. This illusion blew my mind and I cannot figure out how she pulled that off. Was it a major risk to scale it back to just cards and cash? No, and Howie really seemed convinced that it was for some reason. I especially enjoyed Simon’s reaction to Mel’s involvement, which was gif worthy. Her comedy towards Mel reminded me of Simon, but the crowd was left more shocked by the mean streak.
1. Aidan Bryant (Team Heidi): By this point, I am convinced that Aidan Bryant is impossible of giving a performance that leaves my jaw off the floor. Arguably the best aerial artist to grace the “AGT” stage, his partnership with Heidi is the most impressive out of all the remaining contestants in my eyes. They seem to really get one another. The judges were blown away by this performance, with Mel B left speechless. She also hit the Golden Buzzer, stealing him from Heidi and sending Aidan straight to the finale. Heidi was less than pleased by this theft but was happy to see him with safety.
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