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National Pro-Life Group Endorses Donald Trump: “He Delivered Historic Results” for Unborn Children

A major pro-life group has issued an endorsement for Donald Trump as he seeks to win the Republican presidential nomination and defeat Joe Biden.

National Right to Life, a venerable pro-life group with 50 chapters and millions of pro-life members, has endorsed Trump’s campaign to return to the White House.

“National Right to Life is pleased to endorse Donald J. Trump for President. In his first term, President Trump demonstrated extraordinary leadership and delivered historic results on behalf of vulnerable unborn children and their mothers,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Thanks to President Trump, the American people and their elected representatives on the state and federal levels now have greater authority to determine abortion policy and pass meaningful protections for unborn children and their mothers.”

NRLC issued a long dossier outlining some of the top pro-life accomplishments during Trump’s term as president:

Throughout his time in office, President Trump championed policies designed to safeguard the lives of both unborn children and their mothers from unlimited abortions.

Along with a consistent majority of Americans, President Trump opposes using tax dollars to pay for abortions. In 2017, Trump issued a statement of support for the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, a bill that would bar taxpayer funding for abortions on a government-wide basis with exceptions for when the life of the mother is at risk or in cases of rape, incest, or medical emergency.

As one of his first actions as president in 2017, President Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy to halt the flow of American tax dollars to organizations that perform or promote abortions overseas. He later expanded this policy as the “Protecting Life in Global Health Policy” to prevent $9 billion in foreign aid from being used to fund the global abortion industry.

President Trump supports the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would ensure that an infant born alive during an abortion attempt is afforded the same degree of medical care as any other infant born at the same gestational age.

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President Trump opposes the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act, also referred to as the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act,” an extreme bill pushed by Democrats that would enshrine unlimited abortion in federal law and policies and tear down virtually all protections for unborn children and their mothers on the state level including laws requiring parental involvement before an abortion is performed on a minor.

President Trump is committed to filling judicial vacancies with qualified individuals who will interpret the Constitution based on its text and history, and otherwise leave policy questions in the hands of elected legislators.

In contrast, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have employed a relentless, whole-of-government approach in their efforts to bring unlimited abortion to every state. In a second term, Biden and Harris have made it no secret that they plan to institute a radical, nationwide policy that will allow unlimited abortions for any reason until birth and use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions, even as a means of birth control.

“For years, President Trump has given a voice to many Americans who felt their concerns were not heard and their needs not met, including millions of Americans who want to see greater protections for unborn children and greater help for women and families facing unexpected pregnancies,” said Tobias. “We look forward to defeating the pro-abortion Biden-Harris ticket and working with President Trump to build an America that truly respects life at every stage.”

Earlier today, the pro-life group Operation Rescue also issued an endorsement for Trump.

“We recognize that during President Trump’s first administration, he accomplished more to protect innocent babies from abortion than any other president in American history,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “His administration was committed to policies that reflected the sanctity of life. President Trump is a promise keeper. In fact, he went beyond his promises to protect babies from the heinous practice of abortion, and he will do so again if elected.”

Newman told LifeNews that he is calling on other pro-life groups to follow his lead.

“President Trump has earned our support. His strong pro-life record speaks for itself. We must now work together in unity to halt the radical abortion expansion agenda of the corrupt Biden/Harris regime, which threatens to encode abortion on demand throughout all nine months of pregnancy and force it upon every state as the supreme law of the land,” said Newman. “As our forty-seventh president, Trump will collaborate with us to end the inhumane and barbaric practice of abortion.”

If the race winds up as Trump versus Joe Biden, it will be a stark contrast on abortion.

In recent comments, Trump said Democrats are the real radicals on abortion because they support abortions up to birth.

“And remember this, they are the radicals. We are not the radicals. Because they will kill a baby,” Trump said.

“But, in the debate with Hilary Clinton, I said, you know, she is willing to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month. And you know, I never heard this — it happened to me. It just came to me during that debate. I didn’t go up there thinking I was going to say that. And she even winced. Nobody wants to see that happening after a certain period of time, nobody. They are the radicals because they are willing to kill the baby in eight months, nine months, or even after birth,” he explained.

“If you remember, the former governor of Virginia where he said, you kill the baby after the ninth month or even after you’ve set the baby aside and you have a conversation with the mother. And if the conversation, can you image — but these are the radicals. We are not the radicals. We are not the radicals. But we are living in a time when there has to be a little bit of a concession, one way or another,” he added.

What is Joe Biden’s priority if he is re-elected to a second term as president?

It’s not improving the beleaguered economy, putting a clamp on runaway inflation, improving education or securing the border. No, Biden’s main priority is making sure more babies are killed in abortions.

“First of all: Roe,” Biden’s deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks said Sunday during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Roe means desperately attempting to codify the infamous Supreme Court decision that resulted in killing more than 64 million babies killed in abortions before the Supreme Court finally overturned the poorly-reasoned case in June 2022.

“The president has been adamant that we need to restore Roe. It is unfathomable that women today wake up in a country with less rights than their ancestors had years ago,” Fulks said.

The statement is absurd on its face, because Roe and abortion themselves deprive women of their rights by erasing the right to life. And girls (and boys) killed in abortions lose that fundamental right under abortion and subsequently can’t enjoy any other right or freedom throughout their entire lives because their very lives have been erased.

However, Biden compares abortion to health care.

“No woman should be forced to go to court or flee her home state just to receive the health care she needs,” Biden said of the case. “But that is exactly what happened in Texas thanks to Republican elected officials, and it is simply outrageous. This should never happen in America, period.”

Yet courts have made it clear that abortion is not legitimate health care and that Biden can’t force emergency rooms and ER doctors to kill babies in abortions when they are  focused on providing legitimate emergency medical care for pregnant women.

As LifeNews reported, the Supreme Court has ruled that Joe Biden can’t force Idaho to turn its emergency rooms into abortion centers – for now while the case continues. The decision follows on a federal appeals court ruling this week stopping Biden from doing the same thing in Texas.

A summary of President Trump’s record on the life issues is available here.

A summary of President Biden’s record on the life issues is available here.

The post National Pro-Life Group Endorses Donald Trump: “He Delivered Historic Results” for Unborn Children appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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