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Measles cases surged 249% in a month as outbreak grips UK – map reveals infections in your area

THE number of measles cases in England rose 249 per cent in a month, official new data shows.

There were 45 confirmed infections in November 2023 and 157 in December, UK Health Security figures (UKHSA) reveal.

A further 127 have been reported so far this month. This compares to 53 in the whole of 2022.

Most (75 per cent) of the new patients are in the West Midlands, followed by London (13 per cent) and Yorkshire and the Humber (seven per cent).

More than two thirds are in children under the age of 10.

Case numbers are based on doctor notifications, which have been established through lab testing.

The true number is likely to be much higher.

Officials blame the “concerning” surge on falling vaccination rates and more people going on holiday after Covid, spreading the disease across borders.

There is no treatment or cure, but the MMR jab remains the best way to protect against measles, which spreads through coughs and sneezes.

Despite this, official figures show uptake of the vaccine is at its lowest point in more than a decade.

In 2022/23, some 84.5 per cent of youngsters in England had received both doses of the jab by the time they were five years old – the lowest level since 2010/11.

Some 92.5 per cent had received one dose.

Dr Vanessa Saliba, UKHSA consultant epidemiologist, said: “The ongoing measles outbreak in the West Midlands remains a concern.

“MMR vaccine coverage has been falling for the last decade with one out of 10 children starting school in England not protected and so there is a real risk that this outbreak could spread to other towns and cities.”

Measles, which is described as one of the world’s most contagious diseases, usually starts with unpleasant flu-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing and coughing, before a nasty rash appears.

While many recover quickly, it can lead to lifelong disabilities and even death.

When it spreads, it can affect the lungs and brain and cause pneumoniameningitis, blindness, seizures and encephalitis.

‘Nasty illness’

Dr Saliba said: “Measles is a nasty illness for most children and for some can be serious, but it is completely preventable.

“Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your children.”

Kids are offered their first dose aged one and their second at three years at four months, just before they start school.

However, if they, or any one else, has missed any shots, they can catch up at any time through their GP surgery.

Unvaccinated children who come into contact with the disease are currently being advised to stay at home for 21 days.

People should also avoid shopping and public transport if they fall ill, experts say.

This is because measles is highly contagious, with a patient typically passing the infection on to 20 others.

Mike Tildesley, professor of infectious disease modelling at the University of Warwick and an expert in disease spread, said the R number for measles – the number of people that one infected person will spread the illness to – is much higher than for Covid.

“This means we need over 90 per cent of the population to be immune or you’re going to start seeing cases growing,” he said.

“We have childhood vaccinations for measles which for many years have helped us to get rid of the disease.

“Unfortunately, if those vaccination levels drop then we will start to see cases going up and that’s what we are seeing at the moment.”

The UK was declared measles-free in 2017 after vaccination rates hit the 95 per cent threshold, but the status was lost again in 2018 after a fall.

Today, a staggering 3.4million under-16s in Britain are at risk of catching the virus as they have only had one or neither MMR jab.

UKHSA data shows there were 358 laboratory confirmed measles cases in England from January to December last year, and there have been 347 since October 1.

The highest number (160) are in the West Midlands, followed by London (122) and Yorkshire and the Humber (30).

The South East stands at 14, South West at 13, and the North West at 10. All other regions have seen fewer than nine.

Separate figures show there were 1,603 suspected infections across England and Wales in 2023 – up from 735 in 2022 and 360 the year before.

Some 42,200 cases were reported across 41 of the 53 European member states in 2023, compared with 941 cases in 2022, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates.

Nine children have died in the latest outbreak – one in Armenia, one in Azerbaijan and seven in Kyrgyzstan – and almost 21,000 have been hospitalised.

The main symptoms of measles

MEASLES is highly contagious and can cause serious problems in some people.

The infection usually starts with cold-like symptoms, followed by a rash a few days later. Some people may also get small spots in their mouth.

The first signs include:

  • A high temperature
  • A runny or blocked nose
  • Sneezing
  • A cough
  • Red, sore, watery eyes

Small white spots may then appear inside the cheeks and on the back of the lips a few days later.

A rash tends to come next. This usually starts on the face and behind the ears before spreading to the rest of the body.

The spots are sometimes raised and join together to form blotchy patches. They are not normally itchy.

The rash looks brown or red or white skin. It may be harder to see on darker skin.

Complications are rare, but measles can lead to pneumonia, meningitis, blindness, seizures, and sometimes death.

Source: NHS

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