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Inside boozy Idiotarod event where competitors race carts in gas masks & whips but the real winners aren’t the fastest

COMPETITORS in wild outfits took to the streets of New York over the weekend to race shopping carts through the city in a very elaborate way.

Idiotarod is an annual event that puts a satirical spin on the famous Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in Anchorage, Alaska.

Members of the Hot Cucumber team gleefully rode their shopping cart to the second checkpoint of the race
Alex Kent for The US Sun
The Traitor Joe’s conquered the streets of New York City in a shopping cart
Alex Kent for The US Sun
Some participants donned gimp masks as they led chariots through the streets
Alex Kent for The US Sun
All costumes are welcomed at Idiotarod
Alex Kent for The US Sun
One participant donned a gas mask to hit the streets
Alex Kent for The US Sun

The key difference between the two races – instead of hopping on dogsleds, Idiotarod racers climb into shopping carts.

Participants race in teams and are tasked with creating unique themes and costumes for their group.

The event promotes “showmanship over speed” and urges racers to get as creative as possible with their looks.

Idiot Labs organizes the event and local bars support the participants by providing checkpoints throughout the race for them to stop and hydrate.

Shopping carts were decorated elaborately as teams raced inside them across New York City
Alex Kent for The US Sun
Members of the group Gimp My Ride graced the streets in full black latex suits, which earned them the grand prize of $250
Alex Kent for The US Sun
The race got wild at some points with shopping carts piling up
Alex Kent for The US Sun
New Yorkers hauled their costumes to and from Prospect Park to participate in the Idiotarod
Alex Kent for The US Sun

Idiot Labs prides itself on being a completely fictional scientific organization under the “Department of Homeland Absurdity.”

Sherry Smith, a member of the group and organizer of the event, joked that the group gives vaccines in the form of Jell-O Shots.

She said that the event is a “renegade affair” but that participants respect the city and it has calmed down over the years.

The intention is to give the community something to look forward to after the holidays.

“January and February are the worst parts of the year. This gives people something to look forward to after Christmas,” Smith said.

She added that even though January can be a difficult time to host an event, participants power through the elements to race and show off their costumes.

She participated in the first Idiotarod and has been helping organize the event ever since. Smith recalled that the early years of Idiotarod were messy, loud, and “not necessarily police’s favorite thing.”

New Yorkers lined the streets of Brooklyn to show off their costumes and race shopping carts
Alex Kent for The US Sun
Members of the Northside Bakers suited up for the annual Idiotarod race
Alex Kent for The US Sun
Showmanship over speed is the name of the game at the Idiotarod
Alex Kent for The US Sun
Idiotarod is a satirical take on the famous Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in Alaska
Alex Kent for The US Sun

Even though the event stays true to its renegade origin, the community has started to embrace Idiotarod, and organizers haven’t endured any roadblocks from the city.

The route is released the day of and teams must stop at each checkpoint along the way.

This year, the race started at Prospect Park and ended at a local bar for the after-party.

The race route is different every year but always includes a starting line, three checkpoints, and a finish line.

Head judge Anney Fresh said the race is “for style not speed.” She joked that the distance seems “to get shorter as we get older!”

The checkpoints are indoors so racers can warm up and grab a cold one at local bars, which welcomed the event and even advocated to become checkpoints.

“We spend a lot of money in two hours and then we’re gone,” Smith said.

Participants enjoy an after-party after racing through the streets of New York City
Alex Kent for The US Sun
Costumes are encouraged at the annual Idiotarod race
Alex Kent for The US Sun

This year, participants met up at noon and raced until about 6 pm. The finish line is just the beginning for Idiotarod participants as they gather for an after-party to celebrate and receive awards.

If the elaborate costumes and friendly competition aren’t enough to draw you in, participants also win cash prizes for Best in Show, Best Bribes, and Best Sabotage.

The winner walks away with $250 and a trophy made by local artist Kim Couchot.

Idiotarod also debuted the Lifetime Achievement Award this year which was given to head judge and Emmy Award-winning puppeteer Anney.

She is a self-described “maker, a performer, and an idiot so uniquely qualified for the job.”

“It’s truly an honor to be recognized with the Lifetime Achievement Award for just showing up year after year, even when they said not to come. Creativity flows out of these Idiots and I’m proud to swim in it,” Anney told The U.S Sun.

Idiotarod participants took the streets of New York over the weekend in elaborate costumes
Alex Kent for The US Sun
Idiotarod has been storming the streets for 20 years, excluding 2021 when the pandemic prevented it
Alex Kent for The US Sun
There was a wide variety of costumes including inflatables at this year’s Idiotarod
Alex Kent for The US Sun

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