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You can save hundreds on your heating bills – just don’t follow these seven useless money-wasting myths

BRITS can save hundreds on their heating bills by avoiding these seven useless money-saving myths.

Temperatures plummeted this week across the UK, with a -11C chill forcing homeowners to turn up the heating.

Brits have been told how they can still save money on heating bills this winter despite seven ridiculous myths[/caption]

People waking up to frost, ice and snow across different parts of the country have been desperate to find new ways to stay warm as a result.

And there are plenty of different ways to ensure you stay nice and toasty without racking up extra heating costs.

But many money saving heating tips can actually leave you wasting more money.

Expert Llewellyn Kinch, from MakeMyHouseGreen, can reveal the common myths to avoid.

Cranking up the thermostat heats the home faster

It doesn’t.

Thermostats work at a constant rate and cannot be made to go any faster, meaning you will just set the final temperature higher and risk overheating your home.

It’s cheaper to leave the heating on low all day than to turn it on and off

According to Llewellyn, leaving your heating on low all day is not cheaper than turning it on and off.

“Modern heating systems reach the desired temperature quickly, so there’s no need to leave your heating on all day,” the expert said.

“In fact, doing this can lead to excess energy usage and overheating your home.”

Programmable thermostats and smart home systems, however, can optimise heating usage and reduce your overall energy consumption.

Electric heaters are more efficient than central heating

The third myth to avoid claims electric heaters are more efficient than central heating.

Llewellyn states that electric heaters actually cost more if used as the primary heat source, with well-maintained modern central heating systems designed to heat entire spaces more evenly and efficiently.

“Utilising your heating system effectively with a programmable thermostat or smart home system will often be the most cost-effective option for heating your home,” he said.

Heat is lost through windows and doors

While heat can be lost through windows and doors, it’s not the only culprit in the house.

Poor insulation, unsealed gaps, and insufficient weather stripping are three other main factors what contribute to cold homes.

Ceiling fans are only useful in the summer

The fifth myth that Brits should avoid complying with involves ceiling fans.

According to some, they are only useful in the summer – but Llewllyn has shut down these claims.

“During the winter, set the fan to rotate clockwise at a low speed,” he said.

“This will push the warm air that has risen to the ceiling gently down into the room, making sure none of that warmth is wasted.”

Bill-saving solar energy doesn’t work in winter

The expert states that bill-saving solar energy does, in fact, work in the winter, despite the common misconception that it only works in the summer.

Mr Kinch said: “Solar panels are still a great source of energy in the winter that can help to off-set the energy intensive demands of heating a home.

“While there is less sun during the shorter winter days, the cold weather helps panels operate more efficiently.”

“One way to counter any dip in performance is by adding optimisers to your solar system. These devices help in maintaining a more consistent energy output, even when the skies are overcast.”

Upgrading your heating system is too expensive

The seventh and final myth to avoid listening to involves upgrading your heating system.

According to many, this is too expensive.

However, Llewellyn claims that initial high costs will often be justified by long-term savings.

“Newer systems operate more efficiently and use less energy, greatly reducing utility bills,” he said.

“Many newer systems also feature programmable thermostats and better air filtration, both of which increase the efficiency of your central heating system.”

Now these misapprehensions have been debunked, you’ll be able to enjoy a cosy home without worrying over your heating bill.

Elsewhere, thousands of households have received cold weather payments to help cover the cost of heating over the winter months.

These are paid when the temperature in an area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees or below over seven consecutive days.

And bargain hunters have saluted a savvy mum’s hack which saves £100 a year on energy bills using an everyday kitchen item.

Claire Douglas, 40, from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, came up with a simple way of maximising heat in her house to help cut costs throughout the colder months.

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