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U.S. voters: Biden's border 'crisis' now a full-blown 'invasion'


Joe Biden, in his scramble to reverse everything that President Donald Trump had accomplished on issues like illegal immigration, abandoned literally all of Trump's southern border security plans on taking office. That resulted in what has routinely been described in the years since as a "crisis," as literally millions of illegals have entered the U.S.…

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Thousands of immigrants gather near the U.S. southern border in September 2021. (Photo courtesy FOXLA via Twitter)

Thousands of immigrants gather near the U.S. southern border in September 2021. (Courtesy FOXLA via Twitter)

Joe Biden, in his scramble to reverse everything that President Donald Trump had accomplished on issues like illegal immigration, abandoned literally all of Trump's southern border security plans on taking office.

That resulted in what has routinely been described in the years since as a "crisis," as literally millions of illegals have entered the U.S. and its world-class system of helps and benefits for people.

But now it's gone beyond that. It's now an "invasion."

A report at the Washington Examiner cited the verdict from a Rasmussen Reports survey that found 65% of respondents called Biden's border situation an "invasion" from Mexico.

And 43% said calling it an invasion is "very accurate."

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The Examiner reported, "The results echo several other recent surveys as the immigration crisis moves up the list of what voters are most concerned about. In some of those, illegal immigration is second only to the economy."

The economy, and the more than 17% inflation Biden has allowed during his tenure so far, has had massive impact on America families, who now are paying thousands of dollars a year more for exactly the same lifestyle as before Biden took office.

Mortgage rates have exploded, forcing millions out of the housing market as monthly payments surged.

That's a big obstacle facing Biden in his attempt to get re-elected this year.

But the Examiner noted the "border fiasco" is quickly becoming a threat to Biden's plans, too.

"Especially as his team continues to claim that it has it under control and that the situation isn’t even a crisis," the report said.

In the survey, 72% called the border a "crisis," including 60% of Democrats, and  70% confirmed getting the border secured is "vital" to national security.

Biden had assigned Kamala Harris to track down the root causes of the immigration catastrophe, but, the report said, she "did little with it." Further, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas now is facing House impeachment because of his mishandling.

Texas and other states have moved to declare Biden's problem an invasion in order to assign National Guard assets to fight the invasion as Biden's government has left the states at risk.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: America – long the freest, most prosperous, powerful, altruistic and Christian nation on earth – is on the brink of destruction. Every decent and aware American adult knows this. The evidence is everywhere.

Democrat politicians today overwhelmingly favor late-term abortion up to the very moment of birth – formerly known as "infanticide." They encourage children too young to drive or vote to have their breasts and/or sex organs amputated in pursuit of a "gender transition" that is both delusional and impossible, and which leads to staggering rates of depression and suicide. They have not just allowed, but ENGINEERED, a full-scale foreign invasion of America across her southern border.

Their standard bearer, President Joe Biden – a senile, pathologically dishonest and epically corrupt career political hack – is destroying America's economy, energy sector, military, law enforcement, election integrity, national security, Constitution and overall national wellbeing as rapidly as possible. At the same time, Team Biden demonizes and, increasingly, IMPRISONS critics as "violent extremists," "domestic terrorists," "white supremacists" and "insurrectionists." Indeed, they're currently engaged in an obviously corrupt multi-front legal war against Biden's chief political rival, Donald J. Trump, in an attempt to send the 45th president of the United States to prison for the rest of his life.

None of this constitutes "politics" in any conventional or traditional American sense. Rather, it is all darkly spiritual. The greatest nation on earth is in the throes of a full-blown spiritual war between good and evil.

The big question, then, is WHAT CAN BE DONE TO SAVE AMERICA? Fortunately, real answers and uncommon wisdom are showcased in the December issue of WND's critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, "CAN AMERICA BE SAVED? The world's freest, most Christian nation is on the brink of destruction."

In this very special issue, readers will experience the best and deepest thoughts and strategies on how to restore America to her former goodness and greatness, from some of the nation's most respected analysts – everyone from Tucker Carlson to Dennis Prager to Victor Davis Hanson to Newt Gingrich and many more.

WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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The post U.S. voters: Biden's border 'crisis' now a full-blown 'invasion' appeared first on WND.

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