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Beware the Wounded Animal in 2024

There are some good signs out there if you’re a conservative — or even if you’re simply an opponent of the Obamunist hard Left’s ongoing “fundamental transformation” of America — as 2024 sets up shop. We should appreciate good signs....

The post Beware the Wounded Animal in 2024 appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

There are some good signs out there if you’re a conservative — or even if you’re simply an opponent of the Obamunist hard Left’s ongoing “fundamental transformation” of America — as 2024 sets up shop.

We should appreciate good signs. After the last three years, there have been far too few of those, and what good signs we’ve seen have generally been mirages. See November 2022 for a good example.

Accordingly, cautious optimism is the wise approach when one sees green shoots emerging from the wasteland that our politics, culture, and economy have become thanks to the ministrations of our ruling elite.

What green shoots am I talking about? Well, the approval numbers for one Joseph Robinette Biden, Murderer of the U.S. Dollar, would indicate some level of public accountability for failure. It seems paradoxical that a president’s approval rating in the 30s would be a hopeful sign for a nation, but, in this case, we are talking about a positive:

President Joe Biden heads into the election year showing alarming weakness among stalwarts of the Democratic base, with Donald Trump leading among Hispanic voters and young people. One in 5 Black voters now say they’ll support a third-party candidate in November.

In a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, Biden’s failure to consolidate support in key parts of the coalition that elected him in 2020 has left him narrowly trailing Trump, the likely Republican nominee, 39%-37%; 17% support an unnamed third-party candidate.

When seven candidates are specified by name, Trump’s lead inches up to 3 percentage points, 37%-34%, with independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the top of the third-party candidates at 10%.

The findings underscore the formidable political task the president faces this year to win a second term.

That USA TODAY/Suffolk poll has Biden at 39 up, 58 down on approval. In a test ballot with Trump and third-party candidates, he tops out at 37 percent — which is an impossible number for an incumbent seeking another four years in office. Joe Biden, as things stand, cannot be elected president.

Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, is even less electable…

Harris’ job approval rating is 33% approve, 57% disapprove. Of those, 40% “strongly” disapprove and 7% “strongly” approve.

…and yet, as of right now, Harris is the only plausible alternative to Biden unless Michelle Obama can be induced to run.

And by “run,” I mean “be parachuted into the Democrat Party nomination at the convention after Biden is somehow convinced to drop out and Harris is bought off or otherwise dispatched.” It’s too late for anyone to make a serious run at Biden, and what’s worse is that there are now four states in which the local Democrat apparatchiks have foreclosed any other candidates from the ballot:

Four states—Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts—have decided to force voters with a single option for the Democratic primaries: Joe Biden.

The decision, which effectively crowns Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee in those states without primary contestation, has incited allegations of disenfranchisement and questions about the democratic process within the party.

The true threat to the demise of our democracy lies with the Democrats, not Donald Trump. The communist party will now decide the Democratic Party’s nominee and who they install into the White House.

The Florida Democratic Executive Committee announced that in the upcoming primary elections, the ballot will only feature the name of Joe Biden, effectively excluding any potential challengers within the party.

It isn’t as though Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips are real alternatives to Biden with any chance at the nomination, but here’s the thing: No healthy political party would deny them ballot access.

You’re going to need candidates in 2028, you know. Letting a few people test the waters, meet some donors, gain some name ID, and so forth isn’t all that bad an idea, even if you’re committed to Biden.

Instead, they force them off the ballot. After they forced Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of the Democrat Party.

As I note in Racism, Revenge and Ruin: It’s All Obama, this is just another example of how much influence Barack Obama and his minions have on that party and this administration. Obama’s electoral history is all about rigging things and preventing free and fair elections. All the way back to 1996, when his people challenged the ballot petitions of all the major candidates in an Illinois state Senate race, including the incumbent, to pave the way for his entry into elective politics, Team Obama has emptied the bag of dirty tricks to deny voters the chance to choose somebody else.

Because they often do. In 2000, when Barack Obama thought he’d done enough in four years as a state senator to run for Congress, he was torched nearly two-to-one by Bobby Rush. Four years later, Obama and his people learned their lesson; when he ran for the U.S. Senate, his people found a way to release the divorce records first of Blair Hull, the leading Democrat candidate, and then Jack Ryan, the Republican nominee, and spilled out enough compromising information from those to first gut Hull’s campaign and then drive Ryan from the race.

Then it was, suspiciously, Democrat crossover voters and corporate media promotion making John McCain, the most unliked Republican contender, somehow the 2008 GOP nominee, with something somewhat similar happening four years later after the weaponized IRS had strangled the Tea Party movement to death by killing key organizations driving that movement. Team Obama knew that a populist conservative movement was kryptonite to its aims of “fundamental transformation,” and so, suspiciously enough, America’s alternatives in 2008 and 2012 were a pair of Bushie Republicans who the GOP’s own voters disliked.

When the populist conservative did come along in 2016, they attempted to paint him as a Russian puppet. The public didn’t buy it, but that didn’t stop Team Obama from continuing that lie all the way beyond the 2018 midterm elections as a means of making a slow-motion coup d’etat against a duly-elected president. And then there was 2020, the most suspicious presidential election in American history.

And now no one is allowed to run against Obama’s puppet Joe Biden, whose own numbers show is unelectable. Biden is scuppering the Democrats’ voting base as we speak. It’s impossible for a Democrat to win an election with less than 70 percent of the black vote in hand; the entire electoral strategy of the national Democrat Party is to harvest ballots and run a massive get-out-the-vote operation among urban blacks in major elections, but if black support for that party is only two in three or even less, the inefficiency of GOTV operations and the negative ROI of actually turning out votes for third parties or even the opposition turns all those plans to mush.

The numbers indicate that the wheels are screeching, and the machine is throwing off smoke. Political operations at the national level usually don’t last more than three or four cycles, based on history — when we’ve had major sea changes in our politics, like we had after Jefferson’s Revolution of 1800, the post-Civil War era, or the New Deal, it’s been less a function of great political machinery and more a function of moving the Overton window by capturing the public’s sentiment and actually succeeding in governing.

But for all the changes to American society that I write about in Racism, Revenge and Ruin, almost none of them truly reflect public sentiment. Nobody voted for woke corporations, nobody goes to see girl-boss action heroes who beat up all the men, and nobody thinks Bidenomics is worth spit. The country is deeply unhappy and viscerally rejects the Obama-style America we’ve been force fed, which tells you that if the political machine isn’t capable of running in high gear, the country won’t carry Biden — or whoever else is parachuted in to replace him — to victory this fall.

Which means that while this could be a very, very bitter year for the American people who might have to endure growing and substantial signs of our rapid decline as a global superpower (China invading Taiwan, the loss of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, loss of influence in Latin America and elsewhere, renewed inflationary pressure and a potential recession, etc.), perhaps at some point we’ll hit rock bottom and choose to reject national decline.

But here’s the problem: This ruling class, this Obamunist faction, does not admit defeat. They don’t reexamine their ideas. And they never back off.

Instead, they escalate.

Those 91 indictments of Trump in Miami, Atlanta, New York, and Washington are many things, but most of all, they’re an escalation. They’re a message — if you try to put us out of power, we will go to the mattresses against you. Remember, the Miami case grew out of the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, an unprecedented and shocking abuse of power aimed at intimidating the leading political dissident to the Obama/Biden regime.

The continuing bleating that Trump is a “dictator,” a “Nazi,” and “Hitler” is a similar escalation. Those screeching accusations aren’t just left-wing hysteria; they’re calculated. They’re aimed at so whipping up the Left’s crazies that one or more of them might follow Trump around with a loaded pistol or rifle and complete the ultimate escalation against his candidacy.

Don’t dismiss this as hyperbole. RFK Jr., whose candidacy is an even greater threat than Trump’s given the votes he’s likely to take away from Biden, still can’t get Secret Service protection, after all. Why do you think he’d be denied?

If they can’t win the election freely and fairly, they’ve demonstrated that they won’t go away quietly. They don’t go away at all. Instead, they escalate. They seek to make the public so miserable for the crime of resistance that everything is on the table.

Blocking interstate highways? Check. Airports? Check. Rioting in the nation’s capital? Been there, done that — and you saw what happens if it’s done to them. Burning down cities in an effort to make the country ungovernable? Sure, multiple times.

All of it, they’ve already done. You should be under no delusion they won’t do it again.

The year 2024 will be a very, very interesting one. It might be too interesting for anyone’s tastes but Team Obama’s.

The post Beware the Wounded Animal in 2024 appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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