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Monday Tip-Off: MyCAREER Story Awards (The Grindies)

In this week's Monday Tip-Off, Andrew hands out The Grindies: awards for the best and worst in the story-driven approach to MyCAREER.

The post Monday Tip-Off: MyCAREER Story Awards (The Grindies) appeared first on NLSC.

We’re at midcourt, and the ball is about to go up…it’s Monday Tip-Off! Join me as I begin the week here at the NLSC with my opinions and commentary on basketball gaming topics, as well as tales of the fun I’ve been having on the virtual hardwood. This week, I’m tipping things off with a presentation of some MyCAREER story awards, which I’m calling The Grindies.

Believe it or not, we now have ten years’ worth of NBA 2K games that have featured a story in MyCAREER! The approach has been divisive, receiving plenty of praise and scorn alike. Generally speaking, the production values are held in high regard, particularly beginning with “Livin’ Da Dream” in NBA 2K16. Conversely, the way in which some stories have intruded on the gameplay experience has made the story-driven approach unpopular with other MyCAREER gamers. Nevertheless, it remains one of the most popular modes in NBA 2K, if only for the connected online scene.

As someone who has been a devoted MyCAREER gamer since NBA 2K13, I have mixed feelings about the mode featuring a linear story. In some ways it’s enhanced the experience, but it’s absolutely detracted from it as well. I’ve been critical of many of the stories, yet I also find them fascinating. It’s an interesting concept to evaluate, and given the debate about whether or not video games are art and a medium capable of in-depth storytelling, there’s a lot to sink our teeth into. And so, I’m going to hand out The Grindies: awards spotlighting the best and worst aspects of the MyCAREER stories to date. Why “The Grindies”? Well, if you play MyCAREER, you’ll know!

Best Overall MyCAREER Story: NBA 2K21 (“The Long Shadow”)

College Championship in the NBA 2K21 MyCAREER Story

I’m referring mostly to the Next Gen version here, where you have the option of playing a full four year college career, or using the G League as a springboard to the NBA. Although it employs some familiar story elements – a father who has passed away, a rival, a friend you’re encouraged to cut ties with, and even some returning characters – they’re all handled very well. There’s a great antagonist, the acting and production values are commendable, and the back story of being the son of a local legend was a great idea for a MyCAREER protagonist. I really liked playing through NBA 2K21’s MyCAREER story, even though I’d grown weary of the grind by then.

Worst Overall MyCAREER Story: NBA 2K23 (Feud with Shep Owens)

MP & Shep Owens in NBA 2K23

For many years, this was NBA 2K18’s award to lose. DJ trading in the turntables for the NBA following a streetball tournament was silly, and that’s not even getting into B-Fresh’s nonsense! However, that was at least a creative idea that had some fun with being over the top. The concept of a bitter feud between the 18th and 19th pick of the Draft is more grounded, but actually kind of sillier because of it. It has an obnoxious villain who’s bewildering beloved, just because he’s from The City (whichever one it’s meant to represent in your game). Somehow, some way, it manages to be even more ridiculous and frustrating than the Saga of DJ, with way more unlikeable characters.

Most Intrusive MyCAREER Story: NBA 2K16 (“Livin’ Da Dream”)

Ending of Livin' Da Dream (NBA 2K16)

NBA 2K16 featured the first truly cinematic MyCAREER story, helmed by Academy Award winner Spike Lee. To that end, it was kind of a PG retread of He Got Game, the bit about covering up manslaughter aside. While I’d rank it in the middle as far as the quality of the story, the bigger issue is the effect it had on the overall MyCAREER experience. “Livin’ Da Dream” reduced your rookie season to just eight regular season games (and possibly one Playoff game), and was very heavy on cutscenes. Spike also had a specific protagonist in mind, which didn’t gel with the idea of putting yourself in Freq’s shoes. The idea had merit, but story and cutscenes overshadowed gameplay.

Best Story/Gameplay Balance: NBA 2K17 (“Orange Juice”)

Pres & Justice Young Win a Championship (NBA 2K17 MyCAREER Story)

Conversely, the best balance of story and gameplay, in my view, would have to be the tale of Orange Juice in NBA 2K17. Like “Livin’ Da Dream”, it was a detailed story with a journey that began before the NBA. Unlike “Livin’ Da Dream” however, it did a better job of giving Pres a one-size-fits-all back story, went back to allowing us to play a full season as a rookie, and presented us with all of the off day activities from the very beginning. For me, the cutscenes never dragged, serving as enjoyable flavour content between games. NBA 2K14 is a close second here, but NBA 2K17’s “Orange Juice” gets the nod for being a deeper and better written and acted MyCAREER story.

Best Gimmick or Gameplay Mechanic: Orange Juice Dual Controls (NBA 2K17)

Orange Juice Activated in NBA 2K17

Once again, I have to give the nod to NBA 2K17 here. It’s admittedly not much of a contest as its main competition is the Takeover mechanic, but the dual player controls were an innovative idea. Not only did it change up the gameplay by allowing you to get Pres or Justice Young into position, and even switch control between the two, but it underscored the concept of a dynamic duo that plays with such great chemistry that it seems like they share a mind. The Takeover mechanic feels far more generic and unexciting in comparison. It has its use and the ability to control the entire team with Team Takeover is something different, but Orange Juice was a very creative concept.

Worst Gimmick or Gameplay Mechanic: Mandatory Quests

Mandatory Quests in NBA 2K23 MyCAREER

“Hey, you know what this basketball game needs? Quests that have nothing to do with basketball, and also, they can’t be skipped!” Someone must’ve said that at some point, but I guarantee it wasn’t anyone outside Visual Concepts! MyCAREER hit a new low in NBA 2K23 as it further integrated its story into the open world of The City, with quests that had to be completed before you could play your next NBA game. Some of them were basketball adjacent, but others saw MP looking to become a fashion icon or recording artist. There were even games that you’d have to repeat if you fell short of an objective, like a Showcase mode in WWE 2K. Just a spectacularly awful idea!

Best Unintentional Comedy: Mentors in NBA 2K15

Mentor Al Jefferson in NBA 2K15

Since fleshing out the cinematic aspects of the MyCAREER story with “Livin’ Da Dream” in NBA 2K16, the tales have generally been better written. This has meant that the dramatic and comedic moments are respectably well done. They’re by no means brilliant, but it’s a more than competent effort. If it’s unintentional comedy that you want though, then look no further than the mentors in NBA 2K15’s story! From mumbling lines to reading them like Armin Tamzarian Principal Skinner, they’ll leave you wondering if the MyCAREER story producers even bothered with a second take. It’s actually great if they didn’t though, because the results are downright hilarious!

Best MyPLAYER Protagonist: Junior (NBA 2K21)

Junior in High School (NBA 2K21)

This is a tough call because all of the MyCAREER story protagonists are kind of the same, but for a few specifics in their back stories. They’re all promising prospects who have a dream of making the NBA. They’re young and have some growing up to do; a couple of them more than others. Junior is hardly the most unique protagonist, but he has an interesting and well-told story of living up to his late father’s name. He’s likeable, level-headed and mature for his age, and he has the most logical nickname out of all of the MyPLAYERs. Pres is a close second as far as being a likeable avatar, but the silliness of his full nickname – The President of Basketball – can’t be pardoned.

Worst MyPLAYER Protagonist: NBA 2K15’s MyPLAYER

NBA 2K15's Jerk of a MyPLAYER

The MyPLAYER protagonist in NBA 2K15 doesn’t have a designated nickname, and any monikers that I could come up with for him aren’t complimentary. Simply put, the guy is mostly portrayed as a whiny, egotistical jerk. It’s unfortunate as NBA 2K15 had an interesting idea with your avatar failing to get drafted and trying to make it to the NBA on a 10 day contract, but it’s hard to cheer for the guy when he’s snarling at his agent and acting like he’s entitled to live out his dream. He has his likeable moments and he’s obviously frustrated at his dream being derailed, but he’s not a character you really want to step into the shoes of. He also lacks the depth of future protagonists.

Best Recurring Character: Jackson Ellis

Jackson Ellis Debuts in the NBA 2K14 MyCAREER Story

As the first MyCAREER story antagonist, Jackson Ellis set the bar high. Sure, he’s a stock character in many respects: the obnoxious and egotistical but nevertheless still talented rival, who ends up with egg on their face when the more likeable protagonist ultimately triumphs. Will Blagrove plays the part perfectly though, and as a result, Jackson Ellis was a fun and memorable character. He’s also the glue that holds the MyCAREER Cinematic Universe together with his appearances in subsequent stories, and is now a recurring NPC in The City. Between his starring role in NBA 2K14 and his cameos since then, he’s undoubtedly the face of the MyCAREER story concept.

Best Supporting Character: Justice Young (NBA 2K17)

Pres & Justice Young in NBA 2K17

Michael B. Jordan turned in a fine performance as Justice Young in NBA 2K17, and he even contributed the Orange Juice nickname and special handshake to the story. On top of that, he was a well-written and admirable character that Pres genuinely bonded with, on and off the court. It also helps that the Orange Juice mechanic was creative, and emphasised the story in NBA 2K17’s MyCAREER. Some characters just feel like filler, doing little more than unnecessarily taking a roster spot from a real player. I enjoyed having Justice Young as a teammate though, not only because of the dual player controls, but also the personality that he brought to the virtual hardwood.

Worst Supporting Character: B-Fresh (NBA 2K18)

B-Fresh in NBA 2K18

I know, a really shocking pick, right? Look, I realise that dumping on B-Fresh is low-hanging fruit, and I have no doubt that comedian and actress Sherry Cola did her best with what she was given. Unfortunately, the idea behind the character was clearly “so annoying and over the top, she’s funny”, and that kind of comedy has a razor thin margin for error. Shammy Wells was more successful in that regard, but once again, NBA 2K18 just had a strange vibe all around, especially in its MyCAREER story. On the other hand, B-Fresh has proven to be a unifying running joke among MyCAREER gamers, so while she may be an annoying character, she’s brought joy in her own way.

Best Antagonist: Alex Williams (NBA 2K21)

On-Court Interview with Alex Williams in NBA 2K21

I’m sticking with my pick of Alex Williams as the best antagonist in a MyCAREER story to date. Her petty vendetta against Junior after Archie puts his foot in his mouth is wonderfully infuriating. Sure, NBA 2K19’s Marcus Young and Zack Coleman are slimy, ranking up there among the all-time best MyCAREER villains. Alex is just such an accurate portrayal of the talking heads and influencers that pollute basketball discourse though, displaying an ego that is simultaneously massive and fragile. The writing and acting absolutely nailed those personalities, and their ridiculous biases. She’s everything that’s wrong with basketball coverage, and I love/hate her for that!

Worst Antagonist: Shep Owens (NBA 2K23)

Shep Owens in the NBA 2K23 MyCAREER Story

I’ll give Shep Owens this: a villain should be unlikeable in general, and Shep does tick that box! At the same time, he’s incredibly immature and bratty, coming across as more of a wannabe TikTok influencer than a star basketball player. I’d say there’s no way he’d be so beloved if he were a real person, but then again, Stan culture is toxic. It doesn’t help that he’s part of a ridiculous story that makes NBA 2K18’s tale look good. Sure, he’s unlikeable, but he made a compelling argument for MyCAREER stories not needing an antagonist. He’s the anti-Jackson Ellis, and that easily makes him the absolute worst antagonist that we’ve had in any MyCAREER story so far.

Funniest MyCAREER Story Moment: Any potshot at Ronnie 2K

Ronnie on a Plane (NBA 2K20 MyCAREER Story)

Way back in Episode #358 of the NLSC Podcast, Dee and I discussed the need for a proper community manager for NBA 2K, and some of the controversies that Ronnie 2K has found himself in as a digital marketer for the series. We noted that negative perception ultimately isn’t a problem because Ronnie serves as a punching bag for the community, and a lightning rod for criticism of the games. Although he’s portrayed as a celebrity in MyCAREER stories, he’s also been the butt of more than a few jokes over the years. I’d say my favourite potshot is from NBA 2K20 when he sits down next to you on a plane, and you can just put on your headphones and ignore him.

Biggest Plot Hole: AI is still a Rookie (NBA 2K19, “The Way Back”)

Phantom Rookie Game in NBA 2K19 MyCAREER

A MyCAREER story isn’t something to be taken too seriously. At the end of the day, it’s a vehicle to add some flavour to the MyCAREER experience, breaking up the monotony of grinding to level up. A lot of effort does go into the stories however, and there’s obviously an intention to have a good narrative. That’s why it’s bizarre that AI remains a rookie after debuting the previous season, albeit playing only one game. It’s even acknowledged in commentary during your “rookie year”, which is odd because it would’ve been just as easy to tweak the story and have him play a Summer League or preseason game in 2018 instead, thereby avoiding that glaring plot hole altogether.

Most Ridiculous Moment: Scolded by a PR Rep (NBA 2K22)

Getting Scolded by a PR Rep (NBA 2K22)

While the grind and pushy recurrent revenue mechanics are still the worst part of MyCAREER, the stories in recent years have been marred by unlikeable characters doing unlikely things. This includes an infamous scene in NBA 2K22’s story where a PR rep chews out your player for being outspoken, which they just meekly accept. The idea that someone in PR would handle this directly instead of the coach or GM is simply absurd. In real life, a star player would be walking out mid-rant, and that rep would be cleaning out their desk by the end of the day, with very little chance of ever working for an NBA team again. Frustrating, ridiculous, and just terribly-written!

Corniest Moment: Ending of “When The Lights Are Brightest” (NBA 2K20)

LeBron James in the NBA 2K20 MyCAREER Story

Look, I’m not one to deny athletes and celebrities the right to speak out on various social issues, or demand that works of fiction – video games included – abstain from touching on those matters. In the NBA, LeBron James has obviously been one of the most outspoken figures when it comes to causes that he champions. Again, that’s all well and good, but it’s a bit much when the ending of NBA 2K20’s MyCAREER story is basically your player sitting in awe while LeBron delivers a lecture. Given that his production company developed the MyCAREER story, it’s no surprise that our tale became a bigger LeBron vehicle than the second Space Jam, but it’s still on the nose.

Best Nickname: Junior

Junior with his father in the NBA 2K21 MyCAREER Story

Granted, this is another category without many impressive candidates to choose from, but there is one that stands out: Junior. As mentioned above, it’s the one that makes the most sense, being a common nickname that fits the back story of the character. I mean, would an aspiring DJ just be nicknamed “DJ”? Would a mother affectionately refer to their child as Frequency Vibrations? In lieu of more impressive titles, are we to assume that The President of Basketball was democratically elected? So yes, there are a lot of low cards in that hand, which means that Junior is the best nickname by virtue of sounding normal and not being ill-fitting. It’s a low bar, but it cleared it!

Worst Nickname: Frequency Vibrations

FOF: Friend of Freq!

Like B-Fresh being the worst supporting character, this one’s a no-brainer. I know that there’s a cutscene that explains how Frequency Vibrations got his nickname, and I see the logic behind it. It’s still a monumentally stupid nickname, though! I’ll take any of the boring initials or a mundane moniker like Junior over Frequency Vibrations, or even Freq. The initials are at least generic, and Junior is logical. Special mention does go to AI because it’s never explained; though, given how he trusts an obvious villain, perhaps it stands for “An Idiot”. The repeated use of MP (for “My Player”) is also laughably uncreative, but a bland name is arguably preferable to a really silly one.

Most Frustrating Moment: Freq keeps defending Vic

Team Owner in NBA 2K16 MyCAREER

The downside of a MyCAREER story essentially being on rails is that there are no meaningful decisions or role-playing moments. It’s a missed opportunity that NBA 2K16’s story didn’t feature alternate endings or any kind of story branching, where Freq is actually given the choice to cut Vic Van Lier out of his life, or defy the wishes of the team owner. On one hand, it’s an important plot point that underscores Freq’s immaturity, and the dangers of blind loyalty. On the other hand, it railroads us into being a dumb kid! We’re meant to side against the owner for being uncaring, but he’s understandably tired of all the Vic drama, so I ended up empathising with him instead.

Most Cathartic Moment: Defeating Marcus Young

Marcus Young in NBA 2K19

Although I named Alex Williams as the best antagonist out of all the MyCAREER stories, I’d rank Marcus Young up there as well, probably at number two. Indeed, Marcus is quite a big number two, given how selfish, nasty, and vindictive he is! The only reason I don’t give him the nod as the best antagonist is that he’s a bit cartoonish and unrealistic. The idea that Gregg Popovich would suffer a personality like his on the Spurs is also highly improbable! Nevertheless, his actions during the NBA 2K19 MyCAREER story will raise your ire, which only makes it that much sweeter if you can pick up the victory in your NBA debut…and in any future clashes with him.

Most Heartbreaking Moment: Firing Archie Baldwin

Firing Archie Baldwin in the NBA 2K21 MyCAREER Story

Whenever the question of whether or not video games can be considered art comes up, those who agree that they are will point to the games whose stories were able to achieve a similar emotional impact to feature films. I’ll be honest: there haven’t been too many genuinely heart-wrenching moments in MyCAREER stories, but firing old friend Archie Baldwin at the request of your new agent in “The Long Shadow” is one of them. For me, it was the “Fans: -1” pop-up that did it. I mean, it’s also kind of unreasonable on Archie’s part, but you can feel his heartbreak as well. It sounds a bit corny when you say it, but experiencing it definitely felt like a punch to the gut.

Best Quality of Life Feature: Skip Cutscenes/The Whole MyCAREER Story

Skip Story in NBA 2K19 MyCAREER

Given the amount of effort that goes into creating a cinematic MyCAREER story, one can understand why 2K was reluctant to let gamers skip cutscenes, or indeed the tale in its entirety. That didn’t make it any less frustrating for gamers who don’t enjoy the stories, were creating a second build, or just wanted to hurry things along every now and again. Thankfully, the developers listened to those complaints, at least on the last generation. It wasn’t perfect as there were some introductory scenes that couldn’t be skipped, and skipping stories often penalised us more than playing them rewarded us. It was still useful to skip what we could however, especially for any second builds.

Most Pointless Subplots: Love Interests

Love Interest in NBA 2K21

If a MyCAREER story didn’t involve some kind of love interest, do you think that gamers would question why a popular NBA star doesn’t have a girlfriend? I suppose some might, and they’re a logical choice for a supporting character. They add some diversity to the cast and a semblance of world building beyond the virtual hardwood, but they’re easily the most underdeveloped subplots, often making them feel inorganic and ultimately unnecessary. Or perhaps I just find it difficult to appreciate a heart-warming romantic subplot when I’m trying to grind for as much VC and Badge XP as I possibly can. After all, who has time for dating when you’re trying to “get good”?

That wraps up The Grindies! As the new generation of NBA 2K games move away from the linear style of MyCAREER story into more of an open world experience, it remains to be seen how future tales play out. Although the story-driven approach has its problems, it’s been fascinating to see what NBA 2K has done throughout the past generation, in terms of story quality and its impact on gameplay. Needless to say, some stories have been better than others, and there have been moments that were entertaining for the wrong reasons. Love them or hate them, they’ve certainly been memorable, and given me something to analyse, joke about, and yes, even enjoy.

The post Monday Tip-Off: MyCAREER Story Awards (The Grindies) appeared first on NLSC.

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